SMITE is a free to play MOBA close to the hearts of many players due to the many options and strategies available to players. With over 120 champions and even more items to build on them, the combinations are truly endless. However, with all of these options comes the nearly impossible challenge of keeping things balanced. As a result, like most MOBAs, each patch quickly results in a META forming.

Instead of trying to figure out that meta themselves, many players save time by reading the thoughts of more experienced players. Keep reading to find out the current SMITE Tier list, with an explanation of the top God in each of the game's five roles.

How to Earn Smite Gems

Gems in Smite are a secondary currency that can enable players to unlock new skins, cosmetics, and other additions in the game.

SMITE God Tier List

Smite Isis Celestial Cropped

It is worth noting that the God tier list changes slightly depending on the game mode played. That being said, the most competitive of the game's modes - Conquest - will be the focus of this tier list rather than ranking Gods for the game's Arena Mode.




  • Awilix
  • Thoth
  • Cthulhu
  • Anhur
  • Achilles
  • Athena


  • Ao Kuang
  • Kali
  • Nemesis
  • Ravana
  • Tiamat
  • Maui
  • Geb
  • Yemoja
  • Nike
  • Baba Yaga
  • Tyr
  • Ratatoskr
  • Hachiman
  • Bellona
  • Hun Batz


  • Odin
  • Vamana
  • Ares
  • Eset
  • Mercury
  • Ullr
  • Thanatos
  • Ah Muzen Cab
  • Agni
  • Sobek
  • Bacchus
  • Scylla
  • Janus
  • Osiris
  • Rama
  • Sun Wukong
  • Xing Tian
  • Raijin
  • Charon
  • Susano
  • Terra
  • Kuzenbo
  • Ganesha
  • Cu Chulainn
  • Cerberus
  • Chernobog
  • Merlin
  • Heimdallr
  • Lancelot
  • Ishtar
  • Surtr
  • Maman Brigitte
  • Martichoras


  • Bastet
  • Ra
  • Loki
  • Kukulkan
  • Hercules
  • Ix Chel
  • Xbalanque
  • Vulcan
  • Neith
  • Poseidon
  • Apollo
  • Ne Zha
  • Zhong Kui
  • Chaac
  • Chiron
  • Horus
  • Medusa
  • Sol
  • Khepri
  • Amaterasu
  • Jing Wei
  • Fafnir
  • Erlang Shen
  • Camazotz
  • Yu Huang
  • Shiva
  • Pele
  • The Morrigan
  • Da Ji
  • Discordia
  • King Arthur
  • Persephone
  • Tsukuyomi
  • Danzaburou
  • Morgan Le Fay
  • Gilgamesh
  • Charybdis
  • Cliodhna
  • Nut


  • Ymir
  • Zeus
  • He Bo
  • Freya
  • Chang'e
  • Nu Wa
  • Cabrakan
  • Sylvanus
  • Knox
  • Hou Yi
  • Skadi
  • Izanami
  • Cernunnos
  • Artio
  • Baron Samedi
  • Hera
  • Jormungan
  • Olorun
  • Mulan
  • Atlas
  • Bake Kujira


  • Hades
  • Hell
  • Artemis
  • Guan Yu
  • Fenrir
  • Aphrodite
  • Chronos
  • Ah Puch
  • Serqet
  • Set
  • Kumbhakarna


  • Arachne
  • Banasura
  • Cupid
  • Anubis

Best Gods In SMITE

Video Games Play As God Smite Marketing Bellona

While the meta in SMITE is very competitive, with several high-tier gods in each Conquest role as well as different ones in each God Class, there are standout picks that should be picked or banned in nearly every match. Here are the Gods in each role that you should be on the lookout for.

The Best Hunter: Anhur

Anhur is a powerhouse currently, having the strongest kit in the Hunter category by a landslide. Their two most important abilities, Shifting Sands and Enfeeble, give them the damage boost that every carry wants. Shifting Sands and Impale also slow down enemy pursuit for self peel - key for a squishy carry in any level of play. Because Anhur has so much self-peel and dueling potential in their kit, they are not dependent on specific team synergies or compositions and are extremely flexible.

The Best Assassin: Awilix

Awilix tends to hang out in the top levels of each season's assassin tier list due to her fast Jungle clear with Suku and high skill ceiling. However, she is perhaps one of the strongest in the current meta due to her CC Immunity during Gravity Surge, which makes her one of Anhur's best counters. It also serves her well against many of the other top Gods right now, many of which rely on cc skills rather than raw damage to dominate.

The Best Guardian: Cthulhu

Cthulhu remains a solid solo lane but really shines as a support pick with his high health and potent harassment. While these features are common in the Guardian Class, his outclass most other Guardians. This is because most high-tier champions in the current meta are short-range, and his CD reduction build is very cost-effective. As a result, Cthulhu players can play with most carries, are difficult to burst, and fare well in common matchups by poking down the enemy laner(s) so that they cannot commit to fights.

The Best Mage: Thoth

While Thoth is always a great mage pick due to his crazy range, it is especially useful in a meta where poke and engage are dominant. Thoth is one of the few carrying Gods that can easily avoid harassment while farming, eventually turning into an insane damage threat. As a result, Thoth is often the response to Cthulhu picks and late-game insurance.

The Best Warrior: Achilles

Achilles, as with most high-tier Warriors, is a flexible pick that can either go into a solo lane or fall in the support role. He fares well into Cthullu due to his sustain, which is one of the reasons he is currently high in the meta. The other reason players are fighting over this pick is the large execute on Achilles' ultimate, which can unexpectedly delete enemies before they press their panic buttons and snowball the ally carries.


PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
March 25, 2014
Hi-Rez Studios , Titan Forge Games