Nairoby 'Nairo' Quezada has come under scrutiny once more following the release of a new documentary seeking to expose his sexual misconduct. This is the latest event in an ongoing saga involving YouTuber Technicals, the former Super Smash Bros Ultimate pro Nairo, and those who he allegedly abused and wronged.

Esports appeared to be going through a MeToo movement of its own in the summer of 2020, especially where the Super Smash Bros Ultimate pro scene was concerned. Gonzalo 'Zero' Barrios was accused of sending inappropriate pictures and making sexual advances towards minors, and was thusly cut from esports team Tempo Storm. Smash Pro Puppeh claimed prominent caster Cinnamon "Cinnpie" Dunson made advances towards him while the former was fourteen and the latter twenty-four.

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Nairo was accused of sexual misconduct by Zack 'CaptainZack' Lauth, when he was just fifteen and the accused was twenty. This led to Nairo being banned from Twitch in September of 2020, changing Nairo's legacy to one of a celebrated champion to something much darker. Nairo was also banned from multiple Smash tournaments and was dropped by his sponsor. Though the ban took place in September, Nairo had not streamed since June 2020 with a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate practice stream.


Nairo then made the move to YouTube following his Twitch ban. In October of 2020, Nairo sought to clear his name in a statement claiming that it was Zack who had molested him, and not the other way around. Nairo claimed he reluctantly allowed Zack to stay in his hotel room following a "booking error" made by the latter. Nairo then stated that during the night he awoke to Zack making sexual advances on him. A storm of blackmail and shame allegedly followed. This statement led to many believing Nairo had cleared his name, and his ban was lifted from Super Smash Bros. competitions, though his Twitch ban was not lifted.

YouTuber and self-titled "Smash Figurehead" Technicals was not about to let the Nairo situation die down though, as the YouTuber was instrumental in creating the Ban Nairo documentary, which seeks to bring new and forgotten information to light about those involved in sexual misconduct and abuse in the Super Smash Bros. community. The documentary suggests Nairo is not as innocent as he claimed following his Twitch ban. Technicals believes even if the Smash player's Twitch channel is restored that he should be banned from tournaments and competing. Following its airing, many of the Smash community have once again turned their heads to the Nairo situation, tweeting #BanNairo in agreement with Technicals' argument.

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