The most recent installment of the Super Smash Bros. series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has the largest roster in the franchise to date, currently possessing over seventy playable characters, with even more on the way in the form of DLC.

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While Nintendo has done a solid job making each character viable in their own right, possessing their own strengths and weaknesses, with such a mammoth selection of characters, a lack of balance is inevitable to a degree. As much as we love powerful top-tier characters, today we're going to examine to bottom of the barrel, and look at the ten least viable characters in Smash Ultimate's roster.

10 Corrin

Fire Emblem characters such as Lucina and Roy are notably strong in Smash Ultimate due to their blend of speed, combo potential, and sword-based range. While Corrin is a character who may appear to share these traits, they lack in a major area that relegates them towards the bottom of Smash Ultimate's tier list: kill potential.

While Corrin may be able to hold their own when it comes to combos, once an opponent's percentage reaches traditionally dangerous territory, Corrin can still have huge problems finishing off a foe.

9 Incineroar

Inceineroar is a member of this list that shares many common traits with many of the least viable characters in Ultimate, being slow, immobile, and lacking in the range department.

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Possessing one of the worst recoveries in the entire game, any character capable of creating distance with Incineroar won't see him as much of an obstacle.One of Incineroar's biggest strengths comes in the form of "Revenge," but due to his low mobility, his ability to utilize it effectively is often negated.

8 Bowser Jr.

With a varied arsenal and numerous unique tools such a useful side-B, Bowser junior is simply outclassed by other members of the roster, and has terrible matchups with noteworthy members of the cast.

Though Bowser Jr. may appear flexible at first glance, he is capable of getting KO'd at quite low percents, and his most notable strength is likely matchup inexperience for opponents.

7 Isabelle

Sharing numerous moveset similarities to Villager, Isabelle seems like a toned down version of her Animal Crossing contemporary in nearly every way.

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Much frailer and easier for opponents to deal with, many of Isabelle's attacks are not as useful as that of Villager, such as her down-B. While Isabelle may be able to pull off some trickery with her fishing rod, she's far from worth the heavy amount of effort required to get even subpar results.

6 Jigglypuff

Though Jigglypuff may be an incredibly potent character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, the Ultimate iteration is far from impressive. A slow-paced aerial focused character, Jigglypuff relies heavily on poking foes in the air, drifting away, and repeating the cycle. Unfortunately, Jigglypuff is one of the most frail and easy to KO characters in the game, requiring a great deal of effort to keep Jigglypuff alive.

5 Kirby

Though Kirby and Super Smash Bros. are each the respective brainchildren of Masahiro Sakurai, Kirby's track record in the Smash series has been spotty to say the least.

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A floaty member of the cast with numerous jumps, Kirby's speed when airborn is a major hinderance that allows numerous characters to easily outmaneuver him. While one may not expecy Kirby to be as slow as he is, but when juxtaposed with countless members of the cast, this weakness becomes painfully apparent.

4 Doctor Mario

While Mario has been a solid all-around style character in the majority of the Super Smash Bros. series, his counterpart, Doctor Mario has not been as lucky. Possessing a similar moveset to the original Mario, on paper, Doctor Mario is a slower yet stronger alternative to Nintendo's poster boy. In reality however, Doctor Mario is effectively a toned down variation of Mario, having worse mobility, less flexible combos, and fewer kill confirms.

3 Ganondorf

Though Ganondorf is a powerhouse in the damage department, his status as a slower member of the roster with little to no means of dealing with projectiles puts a damper on his usefulness. C

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ountless strong members of the Smash Ultimate roster possess projectiles and other spacing tools that Ganondorf simply fails to contend with.

2 King Dedede

While Dedede may have access to Gordos, he struggles in nearly every category. Smash is a game that prioritizes movement and mobility, and while Dedede may possess numerous jumps, his movement is quite slow, limited, and predictable.

Though Dedede possesses some highly damaging moves, many more useful members of the roster can easily prevent these moves from connecting.

1 Little Mac

Oh, Little Mac.  No matter how much tweaking and adjustments Little Mac seems to get, nothing is able to elevate him from his status of "worst character in the game."

The Super Smash Bros. series is one of the more aerially focused fighting games on the market, with a significant amount of fighting taking place in the air and even off the stage itself. Little Mac is a character who is designed around being particularly useful on the ground, while struggling while airborne. While this design may sound interesting on paper, when paired with the mechanics of Smash Ultimate, the results are quite disastrous, resulting in a character with numerous offensive and defensive shortcomings.

NEXT: 10 Undeniable Ways Super Smash Bros. Changed Fighting Games Forever