
  • In Crisis On Infinite Earths, Smallville's Clark Kent no longer has Superman's powers, but it's unclear how or if this loss is permanent.
  • The most likely explanation for Clark's power loss is kryptonite, particularly the green kind that weakens and strips Kryptonians of their powers.
  • Other possibilities include prolonged exposure to a red sun or Clark voluntarily giving up his powers for a normal life with his family. Blue kryptonite suppresses Clark's powers temporarily, while gold kryptonite can permanently strip his abilities.

The Arrowverse’s Crisis On Infinite Earths revealed that Tom Welling’s Clark Kent from the Superman series Smallville no longer possessed the powers of Superman. Unfortunately, the cameo didn’t explain how Clark lost his powers or if the loss was permanent. There are a few scenarios in which Smallville’s Clark Kent could have lost his powers. The most likely explanations are probably kryptonite-related. The common green kryptonite is known to both weaken and strip Kryptonians of their powers. The latter consequence usually results in death as opposed to living a normal mortal life. Kryptonite, however, also comes in many variations with various effects.

There are other ways in which Clark could have lost his powers but they are less likely. For instance, prolonged exposure to a red sun, not often featured in Superman's main conflict with villains but capable of suppressing Superman's powers while exposed, could alter his Kryptonian genes. Thus, it could theoretically deactivate his powers permanently. Red sun exposure is rare unless artificially induced. It could also simply be that Clark found some harmless means to trade his god-like powers in exchange for a normal life with his family. As Clark states when Lex tries to weaken him with green kryptonite: “[It] has no effect on me ever since I gave up my powers.” This implies that Smallville’s Clark Kent chose his current human life and there are two established ways he could have made that happen and live to talk to about.

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Smallville's Blue Kryptonite

Smallville Blue Kryptonite

As one of many forms of kryptonite in DC Comics, blue kryptonite can temporarily suppress Clark’s powers without any harmful or fatal side effects. He merely becomes a vulnerable human as a result. It has been seen embedded in jewelry, such as his blue kryptonite ring, gifted to Clark to turn his powers off. Another way to use blue kryptonite to suppress Kryptonian powers is to irradiate their DNA with it. Without the need to wear blue kryptonite due to irradiation, Clark's powers can only be restored once the effects of radiation poisoning wear off, or he becomes exposed to a red sun. While the yellow sun grants Kryptonians their powers, the red sun strips them of that power. That said, blue kryptonite has a different effect depending on the sun as well. Blue kryptonite's effect on the Man of Steel under a red sun restores his powers.

In either scenario, the benefit of blue kryptonite is that Clark can regain his powers once the blue kryptonite is removed from his vicinity or his DNA, and he’s also temporarily immune to the effects of green kryptonite. Compared to gold kryptonite, blue kryptonite may be the smarter choice if Clark Kent ever decides to change his mind about retiring Superman. Wearing blue kryptonite is the more pragmatic solution than irradiating his Kryptonian DNA as this allows him to reverse the effects at will and immediately if desired. Fans of Smallville have speculated that there could have been blue kryptonite in Clark’s watch as opposed to his typical ring.

Smallville's Gold Kryptonite

Smallville Gold Kryptonite

In order to strip Smallville’s Superman of his Kryptonian abilities, Oliver Queen, under the influence of Darkseid, fashioned gold kryptonite into a wedding band for Lois Lane to give to Clark to wear at their wedding. Fortunately, the plan was upended by Chloe Sullivan. Gold kryptonite has a similar function to blue kryptonite except its power-suppressing effects are permanent after prolonged exposure. It can also permanently wound Kryptonians or possibly have a fatal effect like green kryptonite if exposed for too long. However, the timing of necessary exposure for gold kryptonite to be fatal is uncertain.

Gold kryptonite is among the rarest forms of kryptonite. It's unknown what happened to the gold kryptonite ring Oliver Queen made. But if Clark were aware of the side effects of gold kryptonite, then it's probably safe to assume he'd forgo this approach to removing his powers. That leaves the blue kryptonite option the more likely choice. Considering Clark's sense of responsibility to protect Earth, one of Superman's most important qualities, his decision to suppress his powers temporarily or permanently may have other implications. It's possible there are no villains that the other heroes are not strong enough to subdue. Therefore, there's no need for Earth's strongest hero to necessarily be active in the Smallville universe. It seems rather unlikely for Clark to willingly give up his powers for his family if there were still villains only he could defeat. Furthermore, the fact that he was not terribly concerned with the idea of President Lex Luthor visiting Smallville seems to indicate he doesn't find Lex to be a threat any longer. Another possibility is that there may just be another Superman, Supergirl, or his clone, Superboy, who has taken up his mantle and responsibility as Earth's protector.

Regardless of which method Clark used to give up his powers, the question remains as to why he chose to no longer be Superman. It also begs the question of whether that choice impacted the Kryptonian genes of his children, at least two daughters, unless they still possess Clark’s former superhuman powers. If the animated Smallville series is a true continuation of the live-action series, it’s possible these questions may be answered as the animated series is to be set while Clark is still Superman.

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