The Silent is the rogue-like class of the game Slay The Spire and comes with an interesting deck of cards that you can build. She’s unique in that her cards do not heal her HP, ever. Instead, she must focus on avoiding damage through blocks, quickly killing her opponents through poisons, and utilizing lots of energy gains to accomplish both.


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She makes for fast-paced gameplay and players that understand this core characteristic of her deck will become pros that can swiftly decimate opponents. To improve your deck, consider using what many consider to be the best slay the spire cards for Silent.

Updated on August 31, 2021 by Ben Baker:Given the complex nature of how Silent plays in Slay The Spire it seemed appropriate to cover a few more of the cards she uses in battle. A deck isn’t built on ten cards alone and having options to provide additional block, group damage, and enhanced poison is always important. The crafty Silent is all about avoiding damage at all costs and punishing the enemy through brutal attacks and poison over time. These five additional cards should give better insight into how she should be played and help round out the ideal deck when playing as this deadly rogue.

15 Dash

Slay The Spire Dash

Dash is a brutal defensive and offensive card. For two energy it can be played to gain 10 Block and deal 10 damage to a single enemy. Ten damage to a single enemy isn’t too shabby and can quickly take down problems.

The 10 Block is also very handy and can help the player survive counterattacks or damage dealt by the fallen foe’s teammates. It’s a great foundational card to remove threats and come out stronger in one move.

14 Backflip

Slay The Spire Backflip

Backflip is a handy defensive and utility card. In one move players can obtain five block and draw two new cards for the cost of one energy. Five block is enough to take a solid blow which acts as a great layer of defense.


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The two cards draw could also yield something useful to further improve defense or give the player options. Backflip isn’t exactly a game changer on its own, but it gives the player options and access to better cards that could be.

13 Die Die Die

Slay The Spire Die Die Die

Die Die Die is a powerful attack card that inflicts 13 damage to all enemies. This is great for taking down a group of weakened characters or lowering defenses across the board. The card will Exhausts itself afterward.

Admittedly it’s better used against more than one opponent otherwise it’s only slightly better than Dash or Backstab. But if there are three enemies this card deals a whopping 39 points of damage in one move. This card should be a staple going into any possible group fights.

12 Catalyst

Slay The Spire Catalyst

When played Catalyst causes an enemy’s Poison to be doubled. To really exploit this card the player needs to quickly stack poison on the enemy and then double it to absurd heights. The card Corpse Explosion is a really good synergy as it inflicts six poison that can be doubled to 12.

The Catalyst card will Exhaust afterward so players need to ensure that it’s used and it’s used to the greatest effect. But when done correctly it can cause major problems for the enemy.

11 Wraith Form

Slay The Spire Wraith Form

Wraith Form gives the player two Intangible at the cost of one Dexterity. The loss of Dexterity is why this card doesn’t rank higher as it is a pain. Dexterity is tied to Block and a lower Dexterity means less resistance to attacks.


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Fortunately for Silent, there are a lot of Dexterity boosting cards in the deck and two Intangible is very valuable. Intangible causes damage received and HP loss to be minimized. Temporarily this is a more effective form of Block and when stacked can make the player nearly impossible to kill.

10 Caltrops

Slay The Spire Caltrops

One of many power cards you’ll see on this list, Caltrops causes the enemy to receive three damage whenever you are attacked. This simple card can improve overall DPS as you are passively damaging the enemy each time you take a hit.

It ranks lower because you should ideally be avoiding as many hits as possible, but with a high block you’re getting free damage against your opponents without any downside. It’s also fun watching your foes take damage for daring to strike your character.

9 Corpse Explosion

Slay The Spire Corpse Explosion

A gory concept to be sure, Corpse Explosion applies six poison to enemies for damage over time. When that foe’s health pool finally runs out they ‘explode’ dealing damage to the opponent’s that’s equal to their max HP.

The poison is useful for whittling down foes with deep health pools and then turning that abundance of health against their allies when they die. Tagging the toughest fighter with this ability and then concentrating your efforts on bringing it down is a solid strategy for taking out durable groups in battle.

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8 Alchemize

Slay The Spire Alchemize

When playing this card your character will receive a random potion they can use. Getting any potion is bound to be helpful, but it can be a great way to get some needed health or other ability, assuming your lucky.

It can’t be relied upon to give you what you need so it’s hard to incorporate this card into any given strategy, but that randomized ability to get a potion is too strong to pass up. The small energy requirement of one makes this a great card to use to burn the last of your energy and hopefully get something useful.

7 Terror

Slay The Spire Terror

This skill card is incredibly valuable against a tough adversary. When played it applies 99 Vulnerability, this causes them to receive 50% increased damage from each attack for an astounding 99 turns.

This is absolutely invaluable in boss fights as you can practically increase your damage output by 50% for the duration of the fight. Outside of boss battles it’s great to couple this card with something like Corpse Explosion and go after the heavy hitters on the team with deep health pools.

6 Adrenaline

Slay The Spire Adrenaline

This simple card gives you one extra energy and allows you to draw two cards. It doesn’t sound like much when compared to more visceral cards like Corpse Explosion, but the Silent’s deck is full of cards that use only one energy and those two extra cards can often be game changers in a round.

That extra energy guarantees that you can play whatever you draw whether it be a much needed block card, a poison attack to use early in a tough battle, or a power card to boost your overall efforts sooner. There is very little reason not to play this card as soon as you get it.


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5 Envenom

Slay The Spire Envenom

This powerful power card applies one poison whenever one of your attacks deals damage that hasn’t been blocked. One poison may not seem like much, but it’ll stack every time you perform an attack which will happen often with a Silent deck.

The other thing to keep in mind is that you can combine the effects of this power with a multi-target strike like Die Die Die to poison everyone in one hit. At the very least it’s another method of chipping away at your opponent’s health that makes the battle that much faster.

4 Noxious Fumes

Slay The Spire Noxious Fumes

This power card is very similar to Envenom, but much more powerful and much more passive. At the start of your turn, every turn, you apply two poison to every enemy you face. It doesn’t matter if you attack them or not, they will be poisoned.

This is great when you’re not directly damaging the enemy every round as they will be taking damage every turn for the entire match regardless. In fact this card is key to many player’s more passive strategies to winning which often involve beefing themselves up with block and letting poison kill their enemies for them.

3 After Image

Slay The Spire After Image

A great reference to the Dragon Ball universe, the After Image is a power card that gives you one point of block whenever you play a card. It sounds weak at first, but the Silent deck specializes in having a lot of energy and cards that use very little energy, it’s not unheard of to play a lot of cards in one turn thanks to cards like Adrenaline.

You can get in a self-sustaining cycle of using cards that draw cards that can be used to draw even more cards. Every card that gets consumed in these cycles adds more and more block to your character. At the very least it guarantees you get at least two to three block every turn to minimize the sting of each attack.

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2 Glass Knife

Slay The Spire Glass Knife

The Glass Knife is by far the most powerful attack you can perform in the game. It performs two attacks dealing eight damage each and then decreases how much damage this card does the next turn by two.

That last part is a bit disappointing as you get further into battle and continue drawing this card, but the double hit is useful for many other cards and powers in Silent’s arsenal and that initial damage isn’t too shabby.

1 Well-Laid Plans

Slay The Spire Well-Laid Plans

Easily Silent's best card is Well-Laid Plans. It’s a power card that allows you to retain one of your cards. The ability to hang onto strong cards for later turns is immensely powerful as it minimizes the loss of goods cards each turn, lets you build for bigger strategies down the road, and gives you options.

The key to any Silent deck is to think ahead and create chains of blocks and attacks that cripple the enemy and bolster your block. A card like this improves your odds of accomplishing this by enabling you to save at least one strong card for when it’ll achieve the greatest use.

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