When Bethesda Softworks' Skyrim was released in 2011, it boasted one of the most impressive open worlds, and a fan has created an impressive map out of wood inspired by this region of The Elder Scrolls world. The universe of Skyrim is often revisited by woodworkers who use their art to reflect in-game weapons, armor, and now the large map itself.

Reddit user IDontLikeCarrotsBweh recently shared their wood carving of Skyrim which spares no attention to detail by including references to the bordering states of Tamriel and the ocean to the north of the region. When Skyrim was first released in 2011, most copies of the game included a similar map of the area, with some swapping a heftier parchment paper for more easily folded paper. Skyrim players that have such maps of the region will be able to see the basis of IDontLikeCarrotsBweh's wooden creation, but eagle-eyed fans will be able to see where the artist highlighted specific things to make it stand out even more.

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IDontLikeCarrotsBweh's Skyrim is fittingly surrounded by Tamriel zones like High Rock, Hammerfell, Cyrodil, Morrowind, and the Sea of Ghosts in a counter-clockwise direction, with a dark black borderline as visible as the lines used to divide areas of Skyrim. The cities of Skyrim are reflected on the in-game map by unique icons that make them distinguishable from each other, and that's no different with IDontLikeCarrotsBweh's wood carving. The Skyrim cities Dawnstar, Falkreath, Markarth, Morthal, Riften, Solitude, Windhelm, and Winterhold are all represented across the pale portion of the wooden creation with mountain ranges, rivers, and locks dotting the map in between.

Some smaller locations that are named on IDontLikeCarrotsBweh's map are the beginning Skyrim tutorial area Helgen, one of the first villages players reach Riverwood, and the home of the Greybeards, the Throat of the World. Like the holes in the central portion of the wooden slab reflect the various lakes of Skyrim, there are chunks of wood taken out of the Sea of Ghosts which may be a reflection of the chunks of ice that float along the northern coast. Black marker has seemingly been used to highlight certain things like text, rivers, and borderlines, but otherwise, IDontLikeCarrotsBweh's wooden map has been carved using a few different types of wood.

One Skyrim aficionado recommended adding sub-borders like between bordering areas such as Hammerfall and Cyrodiln, while another suggested using epoxy for watery areas of the map instead of carving the wood out and leaving it. Because it has garnered over 2,000 upvotes, IDontLikeCarrotsBweh has revealed that fans of the Skyrim map can purchase it through their Etsy account alongside other maps that they have carved.

Skyrim is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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