The Stormcloaks are the proud Nordic countrymen and women who follow Ulfric Stormcloak in his rebellion against the Empire. Following the White-Gold Concordat, and after his personal experiences with the Empire and the Dominion, Ulfric Stormcloak began rallying Nords to his cause: to liberate Skyrim from the Empire's control.

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While some believe that the Stormcloaks are ultimately misguided and stand no chance once the Empire is ousted, there are plenty of well-founded reasons why Skyrim's iconic Nordic rebels deserve to win the Civil War. From the point of view of Ulfric and his followers, Skyrim should not be part of the Empire if it is willing to bend to the Dominion and their anti-Man beliefs.

Banning Talos, The "God Of Man", Erases Integral Nordic History


Talos is not one of the traditional gods of the Nords. While many dispute what exactly makes up Talos in the time of Skyrim, none argue that the Ninth Divine represents the hopes, ideals, and virtues of Mankind on Nirn. Most agree that Tiber Septim, the great Cyrodiilic Emperor of the late 2nd Era, is one aspect of Talos. Two others are often mentioned when discussing the aspects of Talos: Zurin Arctus, Tiber Septim's Imperial Battlemage and the one who activated Numidium, and Ysmir Wulfharth, a multi-faceted hero revered in the Nordic Pantheon.

While the presence of Zurin Arctus is debated, it's no debate amongst Nords that Ysmir is integral to Talos. By banning Talos worship, then, the Empire has capitulated to the Aldmeri Dominion belief that worshipping this Ninth Divine, a God of Man, is blasphemous. Altmer believe they can trace their roots directly back to the Aedra, and allowing a Man to become a god later down the line just doesn't fit in with their worldview. Most Stormcloaks may not see this connection directly, but they fight for a cause more noble than they know.

Stormcloaks Have An Advantage Against The Dominion: Skyrim Itself

vast mountain range promotional art for Skyrim

Most fans of Skyrim agree that the Stormcloaks stand a far worse chance against an invasion of the Aldmeri Dominion than the Empire, which for the most part is accurate. The Empire boasts larger numbers, a unified front, and sheer geopolitical power, while the Stormcloaks will have to pick up their act quickly if they want to survive the Dominion's inevitable continuation of the war.

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There are two factors that work in the Stormcloaks' favor, though: the unforgiving climate and mountainous landscape of Skyrim itself. True sons and daughters of Skyrim know how to survive in the harsh province while High Elves from the comfortable Summerset Isles might not be so resilient. Additionally, for as large as the Dominion's armies may be, their numbers are no match for a guerilla warfare defense throughout Skyrim's dense forests, jagged mountains, and frozen tundra.

Reading About Ulfric's Torture By The Dominion Inspires Empathy For His Cause

The quest "Diplomatic Immunity" sees players go to the Thalmor Embassy to uncover clues on the Dragon attacks. Amongst other informational documents is the book "Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak" which details Ulfric's torture at the hands of Elenwen, now the Thalmor Ambassador to Skyrim, during the first Great War. During interrogation, he was completely broken mentally and spiritually as he was forced to reveal crucial information about the Imperial City.

Even though it had already been captured and Elenwen was just provoking him, Ulfric was made to feel responsible for thousands of innocent lives lost to the Dominion. When he was freed, he learned that all of his fighting in the first Great War was for naught as Talos worship was outlawed anyway. Seeing the world from his point of view paints the Empire in a pretty bad way – to say Ulfric felt betrayed by something he once held dear would be an understatement.

Stormcloaks Genuinely Want To Improve Skyrim, Tullius Barely Cares About It

Skyrim Opening Scene With Tullius And Ulfric

When the player interacts with General Tullius as part of the Imperial questline it's obvious just how little he cares for the northernmost province of Tamriel. He constantly bickers about the cold, inhospitable landscape, and sometimes thinks too loudly of his home in Cyrodiil. Once the Empire ousts the Stormcloaks, Tullius is on the first carriage back to the Heartland.

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The Stormcloaks, however, are made up of people who have called Skyrim home for generations. Their ranks are mostly made up of Nords, but a few members of other races make it in there too, so the argument that they are Nord supremacists isn't necessarily true. Whether they do it the right way or not, Stormcloaks genuinely want to see Skyrim succeed on its own, while the Empire just wants to maintain it as a territory.

The Empire Was About To Execute The Player Before Alduin Appeared

First impressions are important, and the first impression that players get of the Empire in Skyrim is pretty bad. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, the player is sent to the block along with a throng of Stormcloaks for the crime of... well, even the Imperials aren't sure of that one. Ironically, if it wasn't for Alduin's arrival, the Dragonborn might never have been discovered at all.

One thing the Stormcloaks have going for them at the very start of the game is Ralof. Ralof of Riverwood is the Nord who narrates the intro cart sequence to Helgen, and is in all ways a respectful and honorable man when facing death amongst the innocent. Ultimately, Hadvar is a bit of a soulless soldier who just does what he's ordered to, while Ralof comes across as someone who does everything he can to help others, even in the face of a nigh-immortal Dragon.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S

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