Considering how The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has managed to maintain its popularity for over a decade, it's interesting to see new players try the game for the first time. In the years since its initial release, Skyrim has culled a massive following of loyal fans that have likely played through the game multiple times and are experienced with everything that it has to offer. Though, as evidenced by one user in particular, mistakes can often be made when playing Skyrim for the first time.

While Skyrim fans are still managing to find new details and facets to appreciate about the game well after its release, it's safe to say that the more experienced Skyrim players are generally more aware of events that can transpire during any given playthrough. For example, most fans usually know that giants in Skyrim launch people into the air just by hitting them with a club. However, not all new players will likely know about these specific bits of information, which can lead to some rather hilarious occurrences.

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Over on Reddit, a user named Doggsen09 posted a gameplay clip of their first Skyrim playthrough. In the clip, the player goes to unlock a cage containing a werewolf, but upon unlocking the cage door, the werewolf immediately attacks the player and is killed within two strikes. For someone who has never played Skyrim before, this would be quite unexpected, especially given the context of the questline that most heavily involves werewolves.

The Companions guild in Skyrim is made up of a group of warriors that are willfully contracted with lycanthropy, which allows them to turn into werewolves. There are multiple quests in the Companions storyline that involve the player rescuing captured members of the guild. However, if the guild members are in their werewolf form, they will attack the player on sight.

Obviously, if the player had never experienced Skyrim before, or hadn't encountered the Companions at that point in the game yet, it would be impossible for them to know that werewolves attack immediately, regardless of the players' affiliation with the Companions. Even if the player had gained the ability to become a werewolf, other werewolves will immediately attack the player.

In any case, it's amazing to see how much longevity Skyrim has had and how it continues to garner new players. While this is owed somewhat to the recent release of Skyrim: Anniversary Edition, the multitude of in-game content, along with the various memes, references, and other pieces of online content that have surfaced as a result of Skyrim's influence is more than enough to compel new players to experience the Bethesda title.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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