Ulfric Stormcloak is one of the earliest characters that the player meets in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. On the way to the Last Dragonborn’s supposed execution, the jarl is seated beside them, handcuffed but, unlike the other prisoners, with a gag over his mouth. This is the earliest indication that there’s much more to this character than meets the eye — and it’s true.

Ulfric has had a turbulent history, which began long before the events of Skyrim. These ultimately shaped his political beliefs, his alliances, and ultimately pushed him to start a rebellion against the Imperial Legion.

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Ulfric’s Early Life in Skyrim

Skyrim High Hrothgar Secret Effect

Little is known about Ulfric’s childhood. He was the son of Hoag Stormcloak, who was the Jarl of Windhelm and head of the Stormcloak clan. At some point, he trained under the Greybeards of Skyrim. This taught him how to use the Voice.

However, he later left, likely because he couldn’t commit to the ascetic lifestyle required of those who followed the Way of the Voice. Moreover, the Great War of Skyrim had begun, and Ulfric felt compelled to help in the war efforts. Despite his departure, he knew the shouts Unrelenting Force and Disarm.

War, Politics, and Talos Worship

Skyrim Talos Shrine Massacre

After Ulfric left High Hrothgar, he joined the Imperial Legion in Skyrim and fought alongside the likes of Galmar Stone-Fist and Legate Rikke. Together, they took up arms against the invading Aldmeri Dominion. However, during their siege to capture the White-Gold Tower in Cyrodiil, Ulfric was taken prisoner by enemy troops. The Thalmor agent Elenwen interrogated him, learning that he was the son of the Jarl of Windhelm and, thus, a potential asset. After being questioned, the Thalmor “allowed” his escape.

Meanwhile, the Reachmen living in the region of Markarth staged an uprising against the reigning jarl, taking advantage of the war to overpower the city’s dwindling security forces. Around the same time, the Great War was coming to a close, with the Imperial Legion signing the White-Gold Concordat. This agreement outlawed the worship of Talos across Skyrim — something Ulfric could never agree with. Jarl Hrolfdir of Markarth knew of this and asked for Ulfric’s help, promising the free worship of Talos in his city should they win against the Reachmen.

Ulfric agreed to Jarl Hrolfdir’s terms and led the troops to Markarth, retaking the city with both strategy and the power of the Voice. This battle would later be known as the Markarth Incident, which then led to the creation of the Forsworn in Skyrim. As the surviving Reachmen fled Markarth, Jarl Hrolfdir kept his word, allowing for the worship of Talos in his city — at least, for a time.

When the Imperial Legion returned to the Reach from the Great War, Ulfric refused to let them into the city until they agreed to retain the worship of Talos within its walls. The Imperial Legion agreed but were soon pressured by the Thalmor in Skyrim to go back on their word. This led to the arrest and imprisonment of Ulfric and his troops.

The betrayals that Ulfric faced following the Markarth Incident were key factors that led to his eventual rebellion. To make matters worse, his father, Jarl Hoag Stormcloak of Windhelm, passed away while he was incarcerated. However, Ulfric was not allowed to travel to Windhelm and had to smuggle out a letter containing his eulogy.

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The Birth of the Stormcloak Rebellion

Skyrim Stormcloaks Civil War Ulfric Stormcloak Symbol

Ulfric was released much later, and he returned to Windhelm in Skyrim to take his place as jarl. He found the entire city mourning, calling out for justice against the Aldmeri Dominion (mostly the Nords, and not the Dunmer or the Argonians). Thus, Ulfric began his campaign against the Imperial Legion and the Thalmor. At first, this only amounted to minor clashes against enemy troops. However, things took a turn for the worse after the crowning of the new High King.

After Torygg, former Jarl of Solitude in Skyrim, was named the new High King of Skyrim, Ulfric met him at his court and challenged the High King to a duel. This came after years of civil warring in Skyrim and Ulfric’s growing resentment for the Empire because of its betrayal. Thus, he wanted to take the throne for himself and detach Skyrim from the Empire’s influence altogether. Torygg, aware of traditional Nord customs, could not turn down Ulfric’s challenge, so the two did battle.

Skyrim Divided

Featured Skyrim Civil War Ending

Ultimately, Ulfric won the duel, but stories of what truly happened are mixed. Some believe that Ulfric rightfully deserved the High King position after Torygg’s defeat. His detractors, however, called it an act of murder as Ulfric’s ability to use the Voice made it impossible for Torygg to win. In the end, though, this only divided Skyrim further.

The jarls of the Rift, Winterhold, and the Pale opted to support Ulfric and the Stormcloak Rebellion. Meanwhile, the jarls ruling over the Reach, Falkreath, and Hjaalmarch sided with the Empire. They believed that Jarl Elisif the Fair of Haafingar, Torygg’s widow, rightfully deserved the throne. Thus, the civil war continued, with the newly formed divide among the holds of Skyrim contributing to the violence.

Eventually, Ulfric was captured again by an ambush led by General Tullius of the Imperial Legion. The jarl was bound, gagged, and sent to Skyrim’s hold of Helgen for execution. At the same time, however, the ancient dragon Alduin returned from his prolonged disappearance and attacked Helgen. The beast aimed to kill the Last Dragonborn, who happened to be sitting on the same caravan as Ulfric. In the chaos, Ulfric once again managed to escape from the clutches of the Empire and returned to Windhelm to continue with the rebellion.

This then leads to the events of Skyrim, wherein the player can choose to stand with or against Ulfric. If they agree that Talos rightfully belongs among the Divines and that the Empire has no business in Skyrim, then the Last Dragonborn would fit right in the Stormcloak Rebellion. Though regardless of what the player might think of Ulfric, there’s no doubt that he’s a courageous (albeit prejudiced) man who stands for what he believes in.

Skyrim is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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