
  • Skyrim continues to surprise players with hilarious and magical moments, showcasing the sandbox's endless possibilities.
  • A recent NPC dodge in Skyrim mimics a move straight out of The Matrix, adding to the game's charm and unpredictability.
  • Despite its age, Skyrim remains active in 2024, with players eagerly awaiting updates on The Elder Scrolls 6 from Bethesda.

A Skyrim player online has shared a hilarious clip, in which an NPC pulls off an insane dodge like something straight out of The Matrix. Gamers continue to experience amazing moments in Skyrim, even over 12 years after its initial launch.

Over the years, Skyrim's robust sandbox has produced many moments of madness and magic in equal measure. These moments are often very funny, and add to the feeling that anything can happen at any time. One recent hilarious Skyrim clip shows an archer hitting an unexpected target, showcasing another example of how this awesome sandbox sometimes can result in some interesting moments. This is a good reason why Skyrim remains such an active game in 2024 - even with every inch of the world discovered, it can still produce random moments like this at any time.

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Redditor chunchunmaru_7 shared the hilarious clip, which begins with them firing an arrow at a distant enemy. This then enters a Skyrim kill cam, which, in normal circumstances, would result in the death of the NPC. However, that's not what happens here. Instead, the NPC falls backward, out of the way of the arrow. The timing is impeccable and resembles a dodge straight out of The Matrix movies.

Skyrim NPC Pulls Off a Matrix Dodge

Although it seems strange at first glance, one player in the thread had a detailed explanation of how this issue occurred, and it actually makes total sense. The NPC in question is actually paralyzed, with the effect caused by the player. This effect is an invisible projectile that moves faster than the arrow itself, meaning the NPC begins to fall over much before the arrow actually hits its target. While at close range, this will mostly go unnoticed, for Skyrim archers who like to fight from a distance, this can actually cause the shot to miss due to the time the NPC has to fall over. So chunchunmaru_7 didn't actually miss their shot - they were simply too far away.

With Skyrim now approaching 13 years old later this year, the game has had an impressive lifespan up to this point. However, the demand for The Elder Scrolls 6 is growing, and Bethesda has high standards to live up to. While the studio remains coy on a potential release date of the game, the latest update suggests that The Elder Scrolls 6 is in a playable state, which is a huge step forward for the title, which was first announced in 2018. Gamers have been patient about a new Elder Scrolls title, and hopefully, this is soon rewarded with even more information about the game.