Of the many character archetypes players build into in Skyrim, the Stealth Archer is perhaps the most popular. A Stealth Archer's primary weapon is the art of surprise, taking out unaware enemies with critical hits without ever being seen.

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There are lots of ways to build a Stealth Archer in Skyrim, all united by an emphasis on the Sneak and Archery skills. Whether you want to go Bow-only or mix some spells into the mix, it's hard to go wrong with such a popular and effective playstyle.

Stealth Archer Weapons And Armor

Skyrim How To Get Bow of Shadows Guide

The Stealth Archer's main weapon is the element of surprise – when metaphors are taken out of the mix, there are a variety of powerful Bows in Skyrim that suit the stealthy playstyle perfectly. Of the enchanted Bows in Skyrim the Bow of Shadows and the Nightingale Bow are the most powerful options for stealth assassinations from afar.

  • The Bow of Shadows: Creation Club Only, Reward for completing "In The Shadows", which can be started by talking to Proventus Avenicci in Whiterun.
  • Nightingale Bow: Reward for completing "Blindsighted", which is a part of the Thieves Guild questline.

Armor is not worn by Stealth Archers for protection so much as to enhance their other abilities. Light Armor is the best overall direction to go as the Skill Tree provides a number of stealth-based benefits. The Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood offer a variety of enchanted Armors for sneaky players, but these specific pieces are the best ones to hunt down.

  • Ancient Shrouded Armor: Found during the Dark Brotherhood questline. Cowl increases Bow Damage by 35%, Boots make the player Muffled at all times.
  • Gauntlets of the Old Gods: Earned for siding with the Forsworn King in "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine" in Markarth. Increases Bow damage by 20%.
  • Krosis: Earned for defeating the Dragon Priest at Shearpoint above Dawnstar. Improves Lockpicking, Alchemy, and Archery by 20%.

Standing Stones And Enchantments

Skyrim landscape and standing stones

The best standing stone for Stealth Archers depends on the playstyle, specifically whether spells are added to the mix or not. Generally, The Lover Stone is the best Standing Stone for most playstyles as it increases XP gain across all Skills by 15%. Stealth Archers can also make effective use of The Shadow, The Thief, and The Serpent stones.

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The Shadow allows players to turn invisible once a day for one minute, which is very useful for players with low Illusion. The Thief simply increases XP gain for all Thief-oriented Skills by 20%, which includes Archery and Sneak. The Serpent is a more niche choice that can come in handy in a pinch, as it grants the ability to Paralyze an enemy once a day.

Stealth Archer Skills And Perks

Skyrim's Skill Tree Background

As the name suggests, the Stealth Archer puts emphasis on the Sneak and Archery Skill Trees, and makes use of a number of Perks contained in the Light Armor Skill Tree too. It's a good idea to level up the Illusion Skill Trees as well, as it makes casting spells like Invisibility and Muffle cost less and work at higher levels.

Sneak, Archery, and Light Armor Perks

Sneak: "Stealth" Perks, "Deadly Aim", "Muffled Movement", "Silence", and "Shadow Warrior"

Archery: "Overdraw" Perks, "Critical Shot" Perks, "Eagle Eye" and "Steady Hand", and "Bullseye"

Light Armor: "Unhindered" and "Wind Walker"

Illusion Perks And Spells

Illusion Perks: All Magicka reduction perks, "Hypnotic Gaze", "Aspect of Terror", "Rage"

Illusion Spells: Muffle, Invisibility, Fear/Fury/Calm

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S

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