The land of Skyrim is filled with interesting characters no matter where players may go. Each NPC has a story behind them, regardless of how mundane their role may be in the grand scheme of things. In Skyrim Special Edition, players meet numerous characters throughout their journey. Some characters are benevolent and helpful while other characters possess malicious intentions.RELATED: Skyrim: The Creepiest NPCs, RankedPlayers may be able to spot some of the game's evil characters easily, but some may require an in-depth investigation to uncover their true disposition. These characters may appear like regular folk on the outside. However, they hide some truly heinous secrets that may bring harm to those around them.Updated March 15, 2022 by Talha Bin Rizwan: Skyrim is home to a plethora of different characters ranging from mundane NPCs to interesting individuals that players will spend most of their time around. Players will meet all kinds of characters during their journey, some of which will aid the Dragonborn while others will seek to bring them harm.While most of the characters are easy to distinguish based on their intention, some need a closer look to determine their disposition. Due to them staying away from the limelight, many NPCs get away with being evil inside but appearing to be normal people outwards. It is up to the Dragonborn to investigate and learn the truth regarding these characters.

Mallus Maccius Is Maven Black-Briar's Pawn

Skyrim's Mallus Maccius Enjoys A Drink In The Tavern

Players meet Mallus Maccius at the Honningbrew Meadery outside Whiterun city. On the surface, he appears to be a regular hard-working meadery employee that cleans the establishment, helps guests and patrons, along with his other mead-making duties. However, Mallus has been conspiring with Honningbrew Meadery's biggest competitor, Maven Black-Briar, to take his employer Sabjorn out of the picture and take over the business. Once Sabjorn is gone, Maven buys the Meadery and renames it "Black-Briar West" putting Mallus in charge.

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When players talk to him, he boasts how happy he is and how miserable he was working under his old boss. Talking to the other employees at the establishment, players will also learn that they seem to be happy working under Mallus but they do not particularly like working for Maven Black-Briar and remark how Sabjorn was the better boss of the two.

Nivenor Is Unfaithful To Her Husband

Nivenor Going About Her Business In Riften In Skyrim

Players meet Nivenor, a Bosmer woman, in Riften. She is married to her husband Bolli, who owns and runs the Riften fishery. Right off the bat as players talk to Nivenor, they will understand that she is less than kind. The game heavily implies that she married her husband solely for his money and is not satisfied with him. If players hang around and eavesdrop on the conversations between Nivenor and other characters, they will hear certain characters hint at the Bosmer's bad intentions for marrying Bolli.

Furthermore, if players break into Bolli's house, they will find a note seemingly from a private investigator who Bolli had hired to investigate Nivenor. In it, the investigator expresses his strong feelings regards to Nivenor's infidelity and asks Bolli to wait a while before confronting her, so he can gather some proof. Even her dialogue implies that she has been unfaithful to her husband, will continue to do so in the future, and is only with him for his money.

Olfrid Battle-Born Has A Big Secret

Olfrid Climbing The Stairs In Whiterun In Skyrim

Players are first introduced to the Nord clan, Battle-Born, in Whiterun. They are one of the hold's most influential families along with the Greymanes. Both families used to live together in harmony and peace but due to the civil war, the families had a disagreement as they support opposing sides in the war. If players hang around the Whiterun marketplace, they will witness a scene play out between Fralia, a member of the Greymane family, and two members of the Battle-Born family.

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Players can then talk to Fralia, who reveals that her son, Thorald has been missing after leaving to fight alongside the Stormcloaks. She suspects that the Battle-Borns know something about it. If players talk to Olfrid Battle-Born, the patron of the clan, he will deny that he has any knowledge of disappearance. However, Olfrid is lying and most certainly knows of Thorald's disappearance. When players break into the Battle-Born home, they can find a note from General Tullius who speaks of Thorald's capture by the Thalmor and demands Olfrid's silence. Players can then take this information to Fralia who will task players to rescue Thorald.

Lemkil Is A Terrible Father

Skyrim Lemkil Working On The Farm

The town of Rorikstead is considered to be a peculiar one. It is believed among the fan community that the town engages in Daedric worship in exchange for fertile soil, and players can find some evidence supporting that theory. Among the residents of the town are a family consisting of a father named Lemkil, who works at his farm, alongside his two daughters named Sissel and Britte. When players talk to Lemkil, he comes off as an angry, slightly rude man who seems to dislike his daughters.

If players talk to Sissel and Britte and follow them around the village, they will learn that Lemkil has been beating his daughters. Sissel also asks Joaune, an elder Breton Mage, to teach her magic. She has a dialogue with Joaune where she asks him to teach her some fire magic. It is implied the Mage took pity on her and began teaching her some spells so she could defend herself when her father attacks her.

Addvar Planned An Assassination

Skyrim's Addvar Behind His Stall In Solitude

Addvar is a merchant that can be found selling fish at his stall in Solitude. On the surface, he seems like a regular merchant with nothing odd about him and is not directly involved in any of the main or side quests. However, the man harbors a serious grudge against Jala, a food vendor who has a stall set up next to Addvar in the marketplace. If players have the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch disabled and kill Jala, they will get the quest objective to report success to Addvar.

Players will be unable to do so, most likely due to the objective being a left-over from some cut content. However, the objective is similar to those received during the Dark Brotherhood quests. But, players will receive a letter from Addvar thanking players for getting rid of Jala along with some gold for their efforts implying he did plan on having her killed and was saving up to hire someone to take her out.

Ysolda Is A Drug Dealer

Skyrim Ysolda NPC

When players first meet Ysolda, she comes off as an unassuming young woman who aspires to become a merchant. She speaks about taking over the local inn and also about her trade with the Khajiit caravans. However, the woman runs a secret drug operation supplying narcotics across Skyrim, even to some vampire dens. Players can learn her secret when they visit Sleeping Tree Camp where they will find the body of an Orc named Ulag, Ysolda’s supplier. Upon looting his body, the Dragonborn will find a note from Ysolda instructing Ulag to bring the drug shipment from the tree to her stall in Whiterun.

A few samples of the drug, Sleeping Tree Sap, are also found on his body and players can acquire more by activating the spigot on the tree, in the middle of the pond. The drug enhances the Dragonborn’s health while reducing their movement speed. Moreover, players will also find their characters’ vision becomes distorted after taking the Sap. If players take the samples to Ysolda, she rewards players with some gold that had originally been intended for Ulag as payment for the shipment.

Anuriel Influences Riften’s Jarl On Maven Black-Briar's Behalf

Anuriel Skyrim In Conversation With The Dragonborn

Anuriel is a Bosmer steward in service of the Jarl of Riften, Laila Law-Giver. She appears to be similar to other stewards who are serving their respective Jarls, helping Laila in her day-to-day responsibilities. However, a closer look into the elven woman reveals that she is a puppet for the hold’s most powerful crime boss, Maven Black-Briar. If the Dragonborn sides with the Empire in the Civil War quest, they will gain access to Anuriel’s quarters, where they come across a letter written by Maven.

She promises to reward the Bosmer if she works for her and her family’s interests. Another letter by Maven can be found in the same location that tells Anuriel to treat Sibi Black-Briar, Maven’s son who got himself landed in jail, lavishly while he is behind bars. Anuriel also lies on behalf of Maven numerous times during her conversations with Laila, covering for the crime boss on numerous occasions.

Skyrim is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch.

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