Players will encounter a wide variety of characters during their playthroughs of Skyrim Special Edition. Some of these characters will be benign and helpful while others will possess a malicious intent and aim to harm or kill the Dragonborn. Players will have little to no trouble getting along with a majority of these characters. However, some will test the players' patience and mental resolve.RELATED: Best Skyrim Mods That Improve NPCsBe it pure arrogance or just a general lack of respect for their fellow citizens, these NPCs will get on the players' nerves and must not be spared if players wish to make the land of Skyrim a slightly better place.

Mikael Is A Pretentious Womanizer

Mikael The Bard playing the lute

Mikael The Bard can be found at the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. He entertains patrons by singing and playing his lute and may appear to be just a regular bard. However, by talking to him, players will quickly realize that Mikael is an arrogant and pretentious individual who thinks players should know of him already. Moreover, he is somewhat of a womanizer and has had some complaints about his ways. Players will learn that Mikael is pursuing the merchants in the Whiterun market area by the name of Carlotta Valentia.

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She tells players that Mikael has made several attempts to court her but Carlotta is not interested and wants him to back off. He also has authored a book by the name of "A Gentleman's Guide To Whiterun", which is written as sort of a travel book but with Mikael's egotistical perspective. He goes on about the women that inhabit the city who can be claimed and courted. If players wish to not outright kill him, they can at least give him a good beating by selecting the appropriate dialogue choice as they talk to him on Carlotta's behalf.

Snorreid Sleeps All Day At His Job

Snorreid sleeping in the east empire warehouse

Beneath the main city of Solitude, lies the East Empire Warehouse where goods from all across Tamriel are stored for trade. When players enter the place, they will find a plethora of workers and guards going about their business, all except one individual named Snorreid. As his name implies, Sorreid spends all of his day and night sleeping on his bedroll. No matter what time of the day players approach, Snorreid will always be sleeping.

He may open his eyes for a few moments and might warn players that they are trespassing, but other than that he does nothing else. In a land where everyone is expected to pull their own weight, Snorreid appears to be shirking his duties and spends all his time resting and sleeping. Not only does he cost his employer time and money, his fellow workers now have to do more work to make up for Snorreid's share. Disposing of him will at least cut their losses and allow them to hire someone competent.

Anton Virane Is Racist And An Abusive Boss

Anton Virane inside the Understone Keep Kitchen

Players can find Anton Virane inside the Understone Keep in Markarth. He serves as the Jarl's personal chef alongside his two assistants. When players talk to him, he will immediately remark that he is a pureblood Breton from High Rock. He will then go on to insult the Bretons of the Reach and the Forsworn and equate them to savages.

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In other dialogue, he will boast about the wonders of his homeland and will remark how it is superior to Skyrim in every way. Moreover, if players hang around the area for a bit, they can observe interactions between Anton and his assistants where he verbally abuses them and threatens them with torture. Players can talk to the assistants to learn in more detail that Anton treats them quite poorly. If he becomes too much for the players to handle, they can dispose of him during the Dark Brotherhood quest "Recipe For Disaster".

Aia Arria Rejoices On Her Instructors' Death

Aia Arria Inside The Bards College

Aia Arria can be found at the Bards College in the city of Solitude where she learns how to be a bard. Unlike her peers, who come off as confident individuals who are proud of their talents, Aia comes off as extremely arrogant and boastful. In several of her dialogues, she remarks how she is even better than her instructors in talent and in looks. She often compares herself to Pantea Ateia and remarks her instructor is selling her short.

However, Pantea likes Aia as one of her more promising students and speaks highly of her. If the players kill Pantea or Inga Six-Fingers, they will receive a letter from Aia thanking them along with some gold for their services. Not only does Aia thinks of herself as superior to her peers, she even rejoices the deaths of her instructors who hold her in high regard. Aia is marked as non-essential in the game's files, however, which means players will have no trouble disposing of Aia in any manner they see fit.

Fultheim The Fearless Is A Dishonorable Coward

Fultheim The Fearless Kneeling Inside The Abandoned Shack

Players will find Fultheim during the initiation quest for the Dark Brotherhood when they are taken by Astrid to the abandoned shack and told to kill one of three prisoners present. He is one of the possible victims and despite his name, comes off as a cowardly sellsword. In his opening dialog, it is implied he has murdered someone important enough to keep a serious grudge.

As players keep talking to him, they will learn that he is down on his luck and has resorted to attacking people in their sleep in a very dishonorable way. To the people of Skyrim, he claims to be a heroic and fearless warrior but in fact is a dishonorable, murderous coward. He can easily be killed as part of the Dark Brotherhood initiation ceremony.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim was released on November 11, 2011, and is available on PC, Xbox, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia. As of November 2021, the game is also out for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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