The land of Skyrim is filled with interesting locations for players to find and explore. Each place has a unique story behind it, from ancient nordic crypts to bandit hideouts. Most of the places that players will visit while playing through Skyrim Special Edition will be what one might expect from a fantasy RPG setting; however, there are a few exceptions to the rule.RELATED: Skyrim: The Most Dangerous Location In Every Hold, RankedIn some cases, players will come across certain locations that may turn out to be a little more disturbing than they appeared at first glance. The Dragonborn will need to keep a sharp eye open to catch certain details which make these locations more freaky than others.

8 Mara's Eye Pond Is A Corpse Dump Site For Vampire Victims

Mara's Eye Pond Location On The Map Skyrim

Southwest of Windhelm, Mara's Eye Pond appears to be a regular clearing area. There are a few objects present, however, that may not be found in other similar locations. The Dragonborn will find a boat near the pond with some crates inside and a lamp hanging from the tree in the middle of the pond. A closer investigation will reveal a trap door leading underground, which opens up into a cave. As soon as players enter, they will be attacked by a pair of vampires.

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After dealing with them, players can look around and learn that this place was most likely a dumping ground for the vampires' victims. There will be bloody corpses on the tables, some skeletons in some open crates, and a slain smuggler who appears to be killed recently and was likely the person who disposed of the bodies.

7 Ivarstead Was Home To A Terrible Murder

Skyrim Narfi distraught over the loss of his sister

Murder and death are almost part of daily life in the harsh land of Skyrim. However, one instance stands out from the rest at the unsuspecting town of Ivarstead. Players can find this town in the southeastern region of Skyrim located in The Rift. The town itself is pretty mundane, and the only thing interesting is its location next to the Throat of the World mountain. But a closer look reveals that a terrible murder took place in Ivarstead.

If players talk to the beggar Narfi, he will speak of his missing sister. Upon further investigation, players will find her body in the river underneath the bridge. No information is given as to how she died, but many fans theorize that Narfi had a hand in her death and lost his mental stability after being overcome by guilt.

6 Prisoners In Winterhold Starve To Death In The Cold

Exterior Of The Chill In Skyrim

Breaking the law in Skyrim results in the criminal being arrested by the town guards and being sent off to jail. Usually, this jail is located in the Hold capital where criminals are sent off to serve their sentence. In Winterhold, though, the jail is located far away from the city. Players can find the Winterhold jail, named The Chill, in the northeastern corner of the map, due North of Winterhold.

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Inside they will find several cages containing remains of previous prisoners and a Frost Atronach who has been posted to guard the place. Players can conclude that anyone who gets sent off to jail in Winterhold dies of starvation and the cold, as the guards don't seem to check up on prisoners after they are jailed.

5 Anise's Cabin Is A Witch's Lair

Anise Outside Of Her Cabin In Skyrim

Players can encounter Anise's Cabin early on in the game. It appears to be an old, run-down cabin located near Falkreath Hold with its only inhabitant being Anise. Upon first meeting her, she comes off as a rather sweet old lady with no special dialogue.

However, players will find a trapdoor inside the cabin which reveals enchanting equipment, some human skulls, and a note about joining a coven. As soon as players exit, Anise will attack them. She will also speak about discovering her secret, which implies she either keeps up a front of being a frail old lady and is actually a witch, or was formerly a witch and chose to leave that behind,

4 A Daedric Summoning Went Wrong In The Midden

The Midden's Daedric Relic underneath the College of Winterhold

The Midden is found underneath the College of Winterhold, and is an all-around creepy place. The location is involved in the College questline and contains the Atronach Forge. Players can also find a strange room with a Daedric Gauntlet in the middle. Here, they will find a report investigating the disappearance of four students, and can pick up a key.

The key will open a chest inside the library area which will yield four rings, each belonging to a missing student. Upon placing the rings back on the Daedric Gauntlet, players will summon a Daedra named Velehk Sain who will reveal himself as the murderer of the students. Players will have the choice of letting him go or avenging the students by ending his life.

3 A Family Was Eaten Alive At Frostflow Lighthouse

Frostflow lighthouse location on skyrim's map

The Frostflow Lighthouse can be found in the Northern region of Skyrim, west of Solitude. It appears to be a regular lighthouse from the outside, but hides a horrific incident within. Players will find an abandoned home inside with journals scattered about, which all mention a scratching noise coming from below.

Upon investigation, players will find that the sound originated from Chauruses who had made a hive down below, and killed the family members when they came to investigate. Players will find multiple Chauruses, a hive's worth of eggs, and a Chaurus Queen. These bugs make for a tough fight, so players will do well to prepare before fighting them.

2 Forelhost Was A Site Of Ritual Suicide

Forelhost Exterior In Skyrim

Dungeons in Skyrim are pretty spooky to begin with, but Forelhost is even more so. When players arrive, they will find an Altmer character dressed in the armor of the faction they aligned with in the Civil War, telling them to find and retrieve the mask of the Dragon Priest Rahgot. As players venture inside, they will encounter a host of Draugr inside which they will have to dispatch.

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Along the way, the Dragonborn will discover journals and notes which reveal that Forelhost was one of the last strongholds of the Dragon Cult ruled over by the Dragon Priest Rahgot. He ordered inhabitants of Forelhost to prepare and consume poison in a mass suicide as the place came under siege.

1 Yngvild Is A Twisted Necromancer's Lair

Yngvild location on the map in Skyrim

Yngvild is a Nordic crypt that can be found east of Dawnstar. It is similar to most nordic crypts and dungeons except for one detail that it is the lair of a sick and twisted individual. Players will find journals throughout the dungeon written by a necromancer with a unique obsession with dead women. He details how he would rob graves, stealing the fresh corpses of women and taking them to the Yngvild to raise them as his servants.

This necromancer can be found deep into the dungeon surrounded by his victims which the players will have to fight. As these reanimated women die, they will thank players for freeing them from the necromancer's control.

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