
  • Skyrim Special Edition offers extensive mod support, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience with various weapon mods.
  • Mods like Monster Hunter for Skyrim and The Witcher Silver Sword add iconic weapons from popular series into the game, providing a fresh and exciting element.
  • Players can use mod managers like Nexus Mod Manager to easily install and manage their mods, ensuring a smooth modding experience without overwhelming the game.

Skyrim is one of the most beloved open-world RPGs of all time. Its late 2011 release has gone down in history as one of the most legendary events in gaming, with millions of players all over the world losing themselves in a magical fantasy landscape as they took down waves of foes, toppled legendary dragons, and brought peace to the land of Skyrim.

17 Mods That Turn Skyrim Into A Survival Game

While Skyrim is one of the best open-world games ever, its survival aspects can be too easy. These cool mods make things like disease more realistic.

As a result, Skyrim has become one of Bethesda's most famous releases, especially following The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition. This upgraded version of Skyrim features extensive mod support of its own — something that was certainly expected. Many mods that have become quite prominent today are the many amazing weapon mods. Some of the best and coolest-looking weapon mods that players can use in Skyrim Special Edition can be downloaded with ease, adding another reason why many people consider the PC to be essential to enjoying Skyrim.

Updated on January 6, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Skyrim is a game full to the brim with some amazing content that will keep fans engaged for hundreds of hours. The base game and the DLCs are already jam-packed with things to do, but players who want to take it a step further can do so by downloading a wealth of mods that augment the game and then some. Players can download so many mods that Skyrim becomes a fresh title where players will have to re-learn some game mechanics while enjoying just how modern and visually engaging the title looks despite being so many years old. The weapons in the game can be overhauled to be completely over-the-top in the best way possible, too.

How To Mod Skyrim Special Edition

Strange Runes Mod For Skyrim
  • There are no specific guidelines that players need to follow to mod Skyrim Special Edition. For the most part, most mods have installation instructions within them that detail exactly what steps players need to follow to install their mods.
  • However, players can opt for a mod manager instead. Nexus Mod Manager is the most notable and reliable one of the lot and a must-have for any modder who wants to experience little to no headaches while modding.
  • Keep this in mind — don't download too many mods at once. Always install a few and boot up Skyrim Special Edition to see whether it's working as intended.

20 Monster Hunter For Skyrim SE

Downloads: 11,957

Monster Hunter For Skyrim SE

The weapons in Monster Hunter are massive and look extremely powerful. Wielding these weapons in Skyrim would be quite a tantalizing prospect indeed.

This is where the Monster Hunter for Skyrim mod comes into the picture. It adds a bunch of iconic weapons from the Monster Hunter series into Bethesda's iconic title, which is bound to be quite alluring for fans of this popular Capcom series.

19 The Witcher Silver Sword

Downloads: 15,637

The Witcher Silver Sword mod for Skyrim

The silver sword present in The Witcher series is easily one of the most iconic swords in pop culture. So, it was only a matter of time before modders would incorporate this sword into Skyrim as well.

This simple mod gives players access to Geralt's patented silver blade. It might not do much from a practical standpoint, but using this amazing sword in battle is a ton of fun regardless.

18 Warglaive Of Azzinoth -The Twin Blades Of Azzinoth-

Downloads: 42,002

Warglaive Of Azzinoth mod for Skyrim

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular MMOs ever made. The weapon designs present in this MMORPG are particularly notable, with the Warglaive of Azzinoth being one of the most iconic weapons in the entire game.

Skyrim: 18 Best Follower Mods You Need To Install

By now, most players have traveled with every follower in Skyrim. These mods offer up some fresh faces to fight at the Dragonborn's side.

Fans of World of Warcraft can download a weapon mod for Skyrim Special Edition that adds this blade to the game. It's a great way to get the best of both worlds as players slice and dice their way through enemies while using this weapon.

17 Daedric Dagger From Morrowind

Downloads: 60,804

Daedric Dagger from Morrowind mod for Skyrim

Morrowind is one of the greatest and most important Bethesda games ever made. The open world of this game was massive and revolutionary for its time, allowing players to genuinely live out an amazing life in a complex RPG that made for an incredible and immersive time. While the game's visuals may not have aged all that well, the same can't be said for its presentation and art style, which is still instantly recognizable to this day.

The Daedric Dagger in this game looks different from the modern designs in Skyrim, which are also pretty iconic in their own right. However, there are fans of Morrowind who want the old design to come back with a fresh coat of paint, and this is precisely what this mod brings to the table. It's a simple mod, but long-time fans of The Elder Scrolls series will certainly get giddy as they wield this classic weapon.

16 Unique Magicka Sabers SSE

Downloads: 115,740

Unique Magicka Lightsabers mod for Skyrim

The impact of Star Wars on popular fandom is truly immense. So, it was only a matter of time before this series would be represented in Skyrim Special Edition as well.

This mod adds unique lightsabers in the game that use Magicka to stay alight. Using these lightsabers in battle is incredibly cool and makes combat encounters in Skyrim quite memorable.

15 Spear Of Skyrim

Downloads: 145,585

Spear Of Skyrim mod

Sometimes, it's the simple weapon mods that end up being the most memorable. Such is the case with the Spear of Skyrim mod, which does precisely what's stated in the title. It's a weapon with a decent reach and good damage, with the look of the weapon being perfect for players who want to preserve the vanilla experience.

Skyrim: 18 Most Helpful Glitches In The Game

Skyrim is notorious for having a lot of glitches and bugs for players to contend with, but some of them can actually be very helpful.

Given that there aren't many spears to mess about with in Skyrim, a mod that adds such a weapon in the game is much welcome. Most weapon mods go all-out in trying to create the most unique and awesome blade around, so a simpler spear that fits snugly with the game's vanilla weapons is much appreciated.

14 Twinblades Of Skyrim

Downloads: 173,590

Twinblades Of Skyrim mod

Twinblades are probably one of the most impractical weapons anyone can use, with the chances of the wielder slicing themself being quite high. Of course, anything in the fantasy media doesn't need to adhere to this sense of logic, which is what justifies the existence of this weapon. It's a cool-looking design, and it's easy to see why fans who want to fulfill their wildest fantasies would want to use this weapon.

These twinblades can be added in Skyrim with a mod, allowing players to use these ridiculous weapons in the game and completely slice through their enemies. The moveset is flashy, the weapons look great, and there's no reason for players to not download this fan-made blade if they're seeking out good weapon mods for Skyrim.

13 Fettered Fragments

Downloads: 204,810

Fettered Fragments mod for Skyrim

Given the magical setting of Skyrim, players would jump at the chance to wield a weapon that incorporates elements of the arcane. This is precisely what Fettered Fragments allows, letting players forge magical weaponry of all shapes and sorts that can change how combat flows in no time.

These weapons hit like a truck and are visually dazzling to boot. There's no reason why fans can't enjoy the most of this mod as long as they understand how fragments can be molded to make unique weaponry that makes Skyrim's vanilla weaponry look downright pedestrian in comparison.

12 Lunar Guard Arsenal - Battleaxe

Downloads: 227,573

Lunar Guard Arsenal - Battleaxe mod for Skyrim

While this weapon may be called a battleaxe, it's a polearm inspired by the design of a Chinese weapon called the guandao. The weapon was designed to have a greater reach, which is why the hitbox of this game is rather wonky... but most players wouldn't mind this, given how dubious the hitbox in Skyrim already is.

Skyrim: The 27 Best Merchants, Ranked

Spend that hard-earned gold with these Skyrim merchants to obtain valuables from across Tamriel, or simply use them to sell of general goods.

It helps that this polearm looks gorgeous, and slicing enemies to bits with this blade makes for a surprisingly entertaining time. Players who want to wield a weapon with a unique look and lengthy range should give this mod a shot. They're not going to be disappointed at all.

11 Weapons Of The Third Era SSE

Downloads: 582,901

Weapons Of The Third Era mod for Skyrim

For players who want more variety when it comes to the weapons in the game, the Weapons of the Third Era mod should be right up their alley. This mod is especially recommended for sword wielders who want more variety when it comes to their weaponry.

The amount of work put into this mod is genuinely staggering, and the result is spectacular. It's the perfect mod for players who want some of the coolest-looking weapons in the game.

10 CL's Weapon Replacers

Downloads: 643,088

CL Weapon Replacers in Skyrim

Several special weapons in Skyrim end up being wildly entertaining to use in their own right, such as the Wabbajack or the Ebony Blade. However, the look of even these weapons can get slightly boring over time.

Thankfully, CL's Weapon Replacers can alleviate pain in this regard. This mod replaces the textures for multiple Ebony and Daedric weapons, along with the Blade of Woe, Chillrend, and Dawnbreaker, creating more visual interest for players.

9 DX Faction Crossbows SE

Downloads: 953,106

The crossbow mod for Skyrim

Several excellent weapons in Skyrim cater to a wide range of individual player tastes. However, there's one popular medieval weapon that is notably absent — the crossbow. Though available with the Dawnguard DLC, the crossbows here feel lacking compared to the main game's weapons.

Skyrim: 29 Best Light Armor Sets, Ranked

Light armor in Skyrim may not provide equal protection to heavy, but it has its perks, particularly for players looking to be sneaky and stealthy.

Players who are missing this weapon in the game can go for the DX Faction Crossbows mod. This mod adds a craftable crossbow, four types of bolts, and a unique quiver for this weapon as well.

8 Scoped Bows SE

Downloads: 1,103,391

Scoped Bows mod for Skyrim

After all that talk of immersion, it's time to discuss a mod that is anything but lore-friendly. Scopes on bows may look cool, but one can't expect a medieval fantasy title to feature these scopes.

So for those who don't mind a slight hit to their immersion, go for the Scoped Bows mod instead. Shooting a bow with a scope on it feels pretty awesome — perhaps more so than it should, at times.

7 Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry

Downloads: 1,232,255

Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry mod

The Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry mod is easily one of the more lore-friendly mods on this list. Any gamer wishing for more weapons without breaking the immersion of the game's established look should go for this mod.

The creator of this mod has used the textures present in Skyrim to make these new axes, swords, and more. Hence, the 105 new weapons introduced in this mod feel cohesive with the design of the game, which is quite a bonus for RPG players.

6 Animated Armoury - DAR Version

Downloads: 1,498,322

Animated Armoury mod for Skyrim

Animated Armoury is a great mod for players who want new pieces of equipment in the game with unique movesets of their own. It's a great way to spice up the combat of Skyrim Special Edition.

Skyrim: Best Mods To Use On Xbox

Xbox users may only have access to a limited number of mods, but that doesn't stop them from transforming Skyrim with some of the best mods out there.

It helps that these new weapons also look incredible in their own right. All in all, Animated Armoury is one of the better weapons mods that players can download for Skyrim Special Edition.

5 Lore Weapon Expansion SE

Downloads: 1,592,490

Lore Weapon Expansion mod for Skyrim

Speaking of lore-friendly mods, one can't fail to mention the brilliant Lore Weapon Expansion mod as well. True to its name, this mod adds a bunch of weapons in the game that are carefully crafted to fit in with the established lore of The Elder Scrolls.

The creators of this mod used plenty of methods to make these weapons feel more well-integrated with the main game. They considered everything from the design of the previous games' weapons to the extensive texts containing relevant information in The Elder Scrolls universe. The result is an impressive and natural-feeling expansion of Skyrim's weapons.

4 Royal Armory - New Artifacts

Downloads: 1,689,841

Royal Armory mod for Skyrim

The basic weapons of Skyrim are quite commonplace and often seen in the hands of other NPCs. This includes important figures and royalty as well, which is certainly quite odd once players think about it. Why would a Jarl hold such a basic steel sword?

With the Royal Armory mod, the important NPCs of Skyrim receive special weapons that reflect their status. Watching characters like Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius wield these unique weapons improves immersion a great deal.

3 Unique Uniques SE

Downloads: 2,489,048

Unique Uniques mod for Skyrim

Another mod that works similarly to the one mentioned above is the Unique Uniques mod. This mod replaces the texture of specific weapons in the game to make their design even more striking and notable. Changes like this may be small, but they're still satisfying to see.

Skyrim: The 34 Best Armor Enchantments, Ranked

With over 30 apparel enchantments available, Skyrim players are spoiled for choice. Here are the best armor enchantments, ranked.

The weapons that are affected by this change include the following:

  • Aegisbane
  • Angi's Bow
  • Bloodthorn
  • Bolar's Oathblade
  • Dragonbane
  • Kahvozein's Fang
  • The Pale Blade
  • Red Eagle's Bane/Fury
  • The Longhammer
  • Valdr's Lucky Dagger
  • Windshear
  • The Shield of Solitude

2 Immersive Weapons

Downloads: 3,604,834

Immersive Weapons mod for Skyrim

The final weapon mod on this list that deals with immersion is the aptly titled Immersive Weapons mod. It should be no secret what this mod achieves in Skyrim.

The mod adds a total of 230 new weapons that fit perfectly in the world of Skyrim. If that wasn't enough, then this mod also adds dual-wielding opponents, adding more variety to the enemies of Skyrim and more thrill to the Dragonborn's adventure.

1 LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE

Downloads: 4,491,066

LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons mod for Skyrim

The weapons of Skyrim might have iconic designs, but even fans can't deny that some of them look ridiculous at times. Weapons either have weird proportions, seem wildly unwieldy to use, or simply lack anything that gives them a deadly edge.

Players who have this exact issue should try out LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons. With this mod, most weapons in the game are worked upon extensively to make them look more appropriate and better balanced. This can help add to a player's immersion substantially.

elder scrolls 5 skyrim cover

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November 11, 2011
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