Well-known industry insider Shinobi602 reveals that a new remaster of Skyrim will apparently be revealed at E3, as well as what to expect from Microsoft and Rockstar's showcases.

With E3 2016 less than a week away, speculation is ramping up on what developers and publishers will unveil at the conference. While nothing has officially been confirmed, a proven industry insider has shed some light on what gamers can expect from Bethesda, Microsoft, and Rockstar's showcases, as well as the potential surprise return of the massively-popular Skyrim.

In a new podcast with MrMattyPlays, well-known industry insider Shinobi602 spoke about a number of topics regarding E3 2016. One of the more interesting tidbits that was revealed is that a new "remaster of sorts" will be unveiled at Bethesda's E3 Showcase. Though no confirmation or specific details were given by Shinobi602, there's a very good chance that the remaster is Skyrim. Given the continual popularity and enduring fan support for Skyrim, as well as Bethesda's recent launch of console mods for Fallout 4, it's easy to see why a remaster of Skyrim will be an easy choice for the studio.

In addition to a revisit to Tamriel, Shinobi602 also confirmed the existence of a Prey reboot, which is being developed by Arkane Studios and will be also be unveiled at Bethesda's showcase. The studio was initially rumored to be working on a Prey title some years ago, with quotes suggesting that the game would be a spiritual successor of sorts to System Shock 2.

Beyond the news regarding the surprise remaster of Skyrim, and the confirmation of a Prey reboot, Shinobi602 also talked about what Microsoft has in store for its E3 2016 showcase. Not only did he state that the rumored upgraded Xbox One will make an appearance, but a Capcom Xbox exclusive will also be revealed. Given all the recent rumors regarding the imminent reveal of Dead Rising 4, there's a good chance that this is the Capcom Xbox exclusive Shinobi602 was alluding to.


While Shinobi602 was pretty firm on the Skyrim and Microsoft news, he was less clear-cut regarding Rockstar's E3 showcase. He appears to have knowledge regarding the rumored Red Dead Redemption 2 and Sucker Punch's rumored Spider-Man game, but he neither confirmed nor denied the existence of both titles.

Until E3 rolls around or official confirmations start coming in, we should take Shinobi602's news regarding Skyrim, Microsoft, and Rockstar with a grain of salt. But given how accurate his predictions have been in the past - including this year's early reveal of Infinite Warfare's space setting - it'll be interesting to see whether Shinobi602 will be correct come E3 2016.

For now, Skyrim is currently available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Source: YouTube