One of the hallmarks of a great RPG is choice, where a player gets a range of multiple paths and gets to choose which one to take. Some paths may lead to the same place thanks to the necessity and restrictions of game design, but that different options are available for the journey makes the payoff feel more rewarding, especially if those options are there because of previous efforts the player has made in the game. Skyrim has numerous examples of this, and none are more apparent than in the main quest Diplomatic Immunity, which is one that The Elder Scrolls 6 needs to pay attention to.

Diplomatic Immunity is a classic infiltration quest, and has several stages that involve some prep work, a party, infiltrating the Thalmor Embassy, retrieving information, and escaping. All stages of this quest involve choices in Skyrim that the player is required to make, depending on their class, race, and what quests they've already completed throughout the game.

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The Choices Available in Diplomatic Immunity

Skyrim Altmer High Elf Mage discovers hidden items in Skyrim

After the player gives all their weapons and armor to Delphine for Malborn, the contact on the inside, the Last Dragonborn attends a party at the Thalmor Embassy, who are hosting the most high-profile people in Skyrim. The game has a fallback for players who have sped through the main quest without completing any side quests, but this party section is significantly more entertaining in several ways if the main quest was put on hold for a while because completed side quests determine which party guests are present and which ones will be willing to help out in creating a distraction.

There are numerous options here, most of which involve Razelan as the unwitting victim. Jarl Igrod Ravencrone enthusiastically creates a disturbance big enough for the Dragonborn to slip away, as does the Thalmor Justicar Ondelmar, Vittoria Vici, and even Maven Black-Briar if the player is the leader of the Thieves Guild. All of these options work and all get the player to the same place, but they're all entertaining and add replay value as they prevent this quest from becoming monotonous or "samey".

Lessons The Elder Scrolls 6 Needs to Take From Diplomatic Immunity

Elder Scrolls Skyrim Diplomatic Immunity Maven Thalmor Embassy Party Elenwen

Once the Dragonborn has slipped away from the party, they have the option of killing a Thalmor wizard and stealing their robes. This is one of the few places in Skyrim where being an Altmer has an advantage, because they can walk through the embassy while wearing the robes without being attacked; other races need to keep a distance while disguised. Dealing with the prisoner in the dungeon also has a myriad of options, including torturing him for information, freeing him, or ignoring him entirely and just reading the notes in the chest.

Once the relevant information is acquired, Malborn is brought to the dungeons with his cover blown. The Dragonborn can rescue him, and free any other prisoners trapped by the Thalmor. Later, after escaping, they're found either at the Thieves Guild headquarters, or in the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm, looking for safe passage to Morrowind, meaning the repercussions of Diplomatic Immunity continue even after its technically completed.

Diplomatic Immunity is one of the best quests in the main quest line despite the fact it has minimal combat. The amount of choices makes it stand out, and it's a gem in Skyrim given that the world is often otherwise criticized for being unresponsive to the actions of the Dragonborn. While that is most certainly true across the rest of the game, as the Dragonborn can slay Alduin and no one acknowledges it, this quest goes out of its way to bring together characters the Dragonborn has close relationships with in one place, and even gives them the opportunity to make new friends. The impact of choice is a lesson The Elder Scrolls 6 should take to heart more than Skyrim did.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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