A lucky Skyrim player somehow managed to survive after falling from a ridiculous height. As the name suggests, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is set in the province of Skyrim, which is located in the northern part of Tamriel.

The world of Skyrim is known for its harsh and cold environment, and players will travel across several mountains as they explore these lands. Some users will likely fall off these mountains over the course of their playthroughs, sometimes due to misjudging the terrain, and other times as a result of bugs. While many gamers may die as a result of the fall, one clip shows that it’s also possible to survive these incidents.

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A Reddit user named RedBee_ has shared a video from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim which begins with the player jumping on horseback to presumably climb up the mountain. However, it looks like the player misjudges the terrain before falling for a majority of the clip, as their body flips over repeatedly, bumping off the surface of the mountain on several occasions. As luck would have it, the player survives as they end up landing in a body of water, seemingly unscathed despite the dangerous nature of their fall.

One gamer uses this clip to question video game logic, as some games allow users to jump from ridiculous heights and take no damage as long as they land in a body of water. Another fan mentions that they should have died due to the number of times their body hit the cliff’s face while falling. Many users also state that they survived because they were playing as a Khajiit in Skyrim.

A Skyrim fan shares a useful piece of advice for gamers looking to explore the various mountains in the game, stating that players should be constantly making quick saves while exploring these areas in case they accidentally fall. On the other hand, gamers should be careful while making a save in Skyrim, as one player ended up getting stuck in a loop due to a poorly timed save, resulting in them constantly getting flung into the air every time they loaded up the game.

A similar incident has occurred before, as another Skyrim player survived a horrendous fall while exploring the world. This user landed in a body of water as well, so it looks like Skyrim fans can survive any type of fall as long as they don’t hit the ground.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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