
  • Skyrim's marriage system glitched as an NPC spouse discusses separation during a battle, creating a bizarre scenario.
  • The game's sandbox still provides endless comedic moments, keeping players engaged even years after its launch in 2011.

A Skyrim player online has shared a hilarious clip, in which their wife Ysolda appears to discuss separation at the worst possible moment. While the marriage system in Skyrim isn't perfect, there's no doubt that this particular instance is not the mechanic working as intended.

The Skyrim sandbox continues to produce a ton of hilarious moments, even almost 13 years after the game's original launch. It has seemingly endless possibilities, and the fact that gamers can always discover something new in this regard is a big reason that Skyrim is still as popular as it is in 2024. Just recently, one Skyrim clip showed an NPC performing a Matrix dodge, which is definitely not something that enemies should be able to do. Because of these kinds of things, players are still going to be playing Skyrim for many years to come yet.

Skyrim Mod Makes Big Improvements to The Dark Brotherhood Questline

A talented modder releases a large new mod for Skyrim, which makes significant improvements to the game's Dark Brotherhood questline.

Redditor Coregone2621 shared the hilarious clip, which takes place during Skyrim's Civil War questline. After siding with the Stormcloaks, Coregone2621 has begun the Battle for Whiterun, but there's a problem. They've caused issues with their wife, Ysolda, who also resides in the city. Rather than waiting for a better time, Ysolda waltzes onto the battlefield, and speaks to the Dragonborn about how they have hurt her. It's a bizarre scenario that simply makes no sense, and she even wanders off after the conversation as if nothing is happening.

Skyrim Player Talks Divorce During Combat

It isn't clear exactly what Coregone2621 did to earn such a frosty reception from Ysolda, although gamers in the thread had some suggestions. While the user believes they sold their wedding ring, others suggested that they may not have actually attended the wedding in the first place. This would certainly explain why Ysolda is so annoyed at the player, even if it's at the wrong time and place. Apparently, weddings in Skyrim work so that players get another chance at marriage if they simply apologize to their partner, which in this situation would make sense.

While gamers are still producing hilarious moments in Skyrim, it remains to be seen when Bethesda will release The Elder Scrolls 6. Fans of the series have certainly been patient in waiting for the next iteration of Bethesda's RPG series, but concrete news on the title has been pretty quiet for a while now. The good news at the moment is that The Elder Scrolls 6 is in a playable state, indicating that the wait might not be as painful as many are expecting after the release of Starfield.