A fan of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim makes a helpful discovery about butterflies after playing it for 10 years. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim officially came out in 2011, and it recently celebrated its 11-year anniversary. Since its original release, developer Bethesda Game Studios has re-released Skyrim on various platforms, including the Switch.

Despite its age, Skyrim players are still finding out new things about the game after years of playtime. As a recent example, one fan saw that Skyrim keeps track of how many bunnies they have killed in the game. Users can find several similar instances online where gamers discovered interesting details about the world of Skyrim years later. Now, another fan realized a neat detail about butterflies after 10 years of playing.

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A Reddit user named Shaitan66 discovered that Skyrim players can attack butterflies with a weapon to drop their wings. This method seems far more convenient than haphazardly mashing the catch button in the hopes of hitting the target. Shaitan66 claims to have played Skyrim for 10 years without ever realizing this neat trick. This sentiment is shared by other fans, as some state that they too had no idea that they could hit butterflies with weapons. A few users also state that they cannot wait to use this method whenever they next play The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Players in the comments section offer more useful advice, as it’s possible to use arrows and Skyrim’s Unrelenting Force dragon shout for the same purpose. Some like to use magic, and one fan mentions utilizing the ice storm spell on water bodies to kill fish and dragonflies. Another user also wonders if they can use the telekinesis spell to grab butterflies.

Butterfly wings are used when performing Alchemy. In this case, Shaitan66 is after blue butterfly wings that can be mixed with other ingredients to gain several useful effects. Alchemy is one of many skills available in Skyrim, and its ability tree offers many perks, such as giving the player 50% resistance to all types of poisons.

Players can craft some extremely helpful potions by using Alchemy in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. These potions can have a big impact on the gameplay and how they approach an enemy encounter, as gamers can become invisible, breathe underwater, and increase their carry capacity among others. It also lets users inflict various status effects, such as slow or paralysis, on enemies.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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