It goes without saying that, despite how beloved Skyrim is, fans are starting to get a little impatient about the whereabouts of the follow-up. Four years ago, The Elder Scrolls 6 was teased, and since then, there's been nothing. It feels as though Bethesda is never going to release it at this point. However, players are still getting the most out of the 2011 entry, and while some of that comes in the form of making and playing interesting mods, other times it's about showcasing some amusing ways things can go awry.

In a recent video uploaded to the Skyrim subReddit, user dillers10 shows that, even in one of the most defended fortresses in the world of Tamriel, no one is safe from a dragon's attack, even accidentally. In the clip, the player is seen stood on the outside platform of Dragonsreach, talking to a guard. During this moment, a dragon, specifically Odahviing, comes swooping down, immediately sending said guard flying into the air. This was all after the NPC uttered something about there being no mistake, which just makes the unintentional attack more mirthful.

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This incident occurred during the main quest in the city of Whiterun's Dragonsreach keep, in which the player is tasked with summoning down the winged beast using a shout, so the guards can trap it. What's obviously happened is Odahviing was summoned just as the player entered a piece of dialogue with the doomed guard, but the rest of the scene played out. Given that the NPC was in the wrong place at the wrong time, them being battered off the side of the keep was clearly just an unfortunate mishap, even if it is pretty funny to watch.

This is just one example of many bugs within Skyrim, although it's not much a glitch as it is just a case of poor, or fantastic, timing. There are so many instances like this which are keeping fans amused, even after all these years. It may be a buggy mess of a game, but many see the less damaging ones as almost charming, and part of the game's appeal.

It may be one of the best RPGs ever released, but a lot of its longevity seems to stem from aspects not really intended by the developer. The vanilla experience is still great, but it's the modding community, as well as the overall fan base demonstrating all the hilarious things that can go wrong, which is probably helping to keep Bethesda's decade-old epic in the limelight. That and the studio keeps re-releasing it.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: The Elder Scrolls 6 Has to Be More Than Just Skyrim in Hammerfell