Sometimes 200-plus hours of adventure isn't quite enough. Case in point - The Elder Scrolls modding community. Home to some of the most ambitious and awe-inspiring add-on content in modern gaming, the scene remains as vibrant today as it was back when Skyrim first released in 2011, or when Oblivion debuted before that.

Having flogged a whopping 20 million copies, Bethesda's latest outing was always going to attract a major modding push, though the sheer variety and scope of content continues to surprise. There's been wacky dragon mods, franchise crossovers and even a 25 hour epic named Falskaar. However even this mammoth effort pales in comparison to today's monstrous project, an anthology mod connecting the lands of Tamriel within the Skyrim engine.

Titled BeyondSkyrim, the amateur development aims to release its first instalment sometime this Summer. Focusing on the Cyrodiil region of Tamriel, as seen in The Elder Scrolls IV, the pack will feature a rebuilt version of Oblivion's fortress of Bruma, alongside its surrounding country. The team behind the mod has promised a bevy of all-new quests, items and fully-voiced characters to go along with the township, which further explores the fourth era setting of Skyrim.

TES Oblivion Map

Of course, this isn't the first time a team of modders has attempted to do something like this. One group - TES Renewal actually specializes in recreating older series entries in later titles. Their most recent creation Skywind, returned players to the lands of Morrowind, an elven realm more fully explored in the franchise' third outing.

While this project is certainly appealing on any number of levels, it's may be the case that the team is being somewhat over-ambitious. Refitting old locales might not take as much hard graft as creating them all from scratch, but by promising to fill out these areas with fresh content the group risks burning itself out rather quickly. Indeed, even if the project is eventually completed, many fans will have already moved on to The Elder Scrolls Online, or to a prospective 6th adventure.

With the plethora of visual tweaks already available for Oblivion, the success or failure of this first mod will likely come down to the quality of its new content. Will you be downloading the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod? Which region of Tamriel would you most like to revisit? How does this project stack up against similarly ambitious efforts? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check in with all of the latest Elder Scrolls news, right here on Game ZXC.


Part 1 of the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod, - the region of Bruma, will be released this summer.

The Elder Scrolls Online - which features both regions - will debut April 4, 2014 for PC and Mac platforms. A next-generation console release is currently scheduled for June.

You can follow Sam on Twitter @GamingGoo.

Source: Kotaku, Beyond Skyrim (Facebook)