In a medieval fantasy RPG like The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, players don't need to look too far or deep to find characters that are genuinely honorable, kind, and noble individuals. There are plenty of NPCs with elaborate backstories and personalities, reflected by their respective dialogues.

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When it comes to honor and nobility, however, a few of Skyrim's characters stand out among the rest. In this context, a noble character is a character aware of their faults, steadfast in their just beliefs and principles, and who tries to avoid harming others as much as possible while protecting their own. With this in mind, these are the most noble characters found in Skyrim, ranked roughly by how good they are.

9 Balimund

Balimund Working The Forge From The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim

Nothing says honest and good as much as being a blacksmith. Military forces, city defenses, and warriors like the Dragonborn depend on people like Balimund to do their jobs and to do them properly, which is why someone as dedicated and kind as him deserves a spot on this list.

Balimund is aware of the fact that he has one of the best forges in Skyrim, as illustrated by his line "come to see Balimund perform miracles with steel, eh?". However, he's always kind and calm towards the Dragonborn and makes sure to mention that they're always welcome to return to the forge whenever they need anything. It's no wonder why he's also among the best husbands in Skyrim. He simply seems reliable.

8 Lydia

skyrim lydia face feature

"I am sworn to carry your burdens", Lydia says as the Dragonborn first meets her. It's a noble path that could be argued works for just about all the other housecarls the player has access to. However, Lydia being the first puts her into a special position above the rest, as she comes into the player's service shortly after they defeat their first dragon at the Western Watchtower.

Lydia is the one NPC all players have counted on at some point, either to help them in battle or to carry tons upon tons of junk from their latest haul into a Nordic ruin. Either way, Lydia never seems to complain and is genuinely happy to be helping the Dragonborn at any point, even if that means certain death.

7 Maramal

Skyrim Maramal At The Bee And Barb

Life in Skyrim is often described as short and brutal, which is why marriage is fast and easy. There simply isn't time to get to know someone else in-depth, but Maramal at the Riften Temple of Mara ensures that marriage is still a pleasant and happy event that will brighten everyone's day.

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Not only is Maramal helpful when it comes to answering the Dragonborn's questions, but he also believes everyone to be equally deserving of Mara's blessings. Mara being the deity of love in the Elder Scrolls universe, it's easy to see how noble of a man he is having dedicated his life to her service, and sharing that love and dedication with others around him. Sometimes, though, he can be a bit pushy, as shown by his introduction when players first walk into Riften.

6 Kodlak Whitemane


Kodlak represents the nobility most warriors have: the dedication to principles that go above and beyond simply surviving. Kodlak is considered the leader of the Companions and is among the oldest, but he still rejects the idea of being a leader to the rest, considering himself only to be an advisor.

The fact that after years of fighting Kodlak can be so humble and not at all tempted or corrupted by power is admirable. In that sense, he totally deserves his proper afterlife in Sovngarde, rather than being confined to Hircine's hunting grounds.

5 Hadvar

When the Dragonborn is first introduced, they are a prisoner of the Imperial Legion, carted off towards their certain execution. However, as a dragon intervenes, they're given a choice to escape with either Ralof or Hadvar. Between the two, Hadvar is the more honorable one.

The reasoning is simple: despite the Dragonborn being considered a prisoner of the Empire, Hadvar doesn't care. He's ready to help them immediately and trusts them to fight at their side, even escorting them all the way to Riverwood where he introduces the Dragonborn to his family. Hadvar's noble personality has him put aside all hostilities because he understands the value of another life is more important than petty politics and rivalries.

4 Tolfdir

Tolfdir From Skyrim

Most of the mages found at the College of Winterhold are quite arrogant and quirky, with the exception of Tolfdir. This old and wise mage is the first teacher the Dragonborn will have as they begin their journey as a mage, and it's clear that Tolfdir is incredibly dedicated and passionate about teaching his students.

Tolfdir has a refreshing kindness to him as well, and rather than being afraid when joining the Dragonborn in their adventure through Saarthal, Tolfdir faces setbacks and enemies with curiosity and wisdom. There's no mage more noble and honorable than Tolfdir in Skyrim.

3 Mjoll The Lioness

Skyrim Mjoll Romance

Riften is infamous for being a depraved and corrupted city in which only political power and wealth matter. That's why it might be surprising and somewhat refreshing to find someone like Mjoll the Lioness wandering its streets, openly criticizing the influence of the Thieves Guild.

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Mjoll is a noble warrior, one that stands for fairness and righteousness. She would easily be one of the few to stand openly against the likes of Maven Black-Briar and Elenwen who control politics across the entire province. In Skyrim, her righteous and noble mind is like a rare gem, which is why she's among the best wives in Skyrim as well.

2 Jarl Balgruuf

Jarl Balgruuf with his hands on his hips in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Balgruuf is a bit of a controversial character, but when it comes to the most noble Skyrim characters, it's impossible not to include him for being easily the most consistent and disciplined Jarl in the province. When Balgruuf is asked to pick a side in the brewing civil war, he initially chooses neither, seeing that the interests of Whiterun and its people are the most important things he must protect.

Now, this could be seen as foolishness and stubbornness, which is fair. Sticking to his principles lands him in an awkward position in the civil war, which eventually does have him choose the Imperials over the Stormcloaks. That being said, it's hard not to admire the way he stands up for his neutrality as long as he does.

1 Paarthurnax

Paarthurnax On Top Of Skyrim's Throat Of The World Mountain

Paarthurnax's story is absolutely fascinating. He started off as an ally to Alduin, but then betrayed him and chose to help the humans of Tamriel against the dragons. He essentially redeemed himself and recognized the evil he harbored inside his heart.

For that reason alone, he's without a doubt the most noble character in Skyrim. Paarthurnax's timeless wisdom is something even the likes of Tolfdir can't match, and it's easy to see why so many Skyrim fans consider him their favorite.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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