Many player builds in Skyrim are going to require armor of some sort. The Dragonborn isn't invincible, after all! Sets of both light and heavy varieties of armor can be crafted, looted, stolen, or gifted that will aid players immensely throughout their travels. All of them possess a practical use, at least according to the game.

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However, based on some of their appearances, it can be difficult to see the practical use in particular types of armor. No matter what the in-game lore may say about them, these armor sets probably wouldn't be ideal choices to wear in any sort of realistic capacity.

6 Fur Armor

Wading into the thick of battle bedecked in fur is likely a surefire way to get killed. It's one of the lowest leveled armors in Skyrim, serving as a starter set of sorts for new players. Fans get ahold of Fur Armor in the very early stages of the game (where it will soon be discarded after gaining a few levels).

The protection afforded by fur must give warriors pause. Granted, certain regions of Skyrim are cold, but protection in battle has to come first! Light Armor is definitely a viable way to go in the game, but players would do well to shoot for something a bit more practical.

5 Glass Armor

Skyrim Glass Armor

Ever think of sporting glass armor when engaged in a medieval battle involving swords, arrows, axes, and warhammers? Probably not. However, as far as Skyrim is concerned, Glass Armor is one of the better forms of protection players can utilize. It's a type of armor popular with many of the Elven races, particularly the Altmer.

The armor rating afforded by Glass Armor isn't that far behind Dragonscale, one of the best Light forms of protection in the game. Elder Scrolls lore states that the Glass Armor present in the franchise is made from a rare, volcanic crystal called Malachite and is considered a separate entity from regular glass. It's certainly very striking aesthetically, but its use in a military capacity still makes you wonder!

4 Bonemold Armor

Skyrim bonemold armor

Yet another visually-striking piece of protection is Bonemold, representing a lighter alternative to Steel. Players can see Bonemold Armor in abundance throughout their travels on Solstheim. The material itself is actually bone, reinforced with other ingredients that allow it to be molded into various shapes. From a visual standpoint, there's certainly an intimidation factor at play with this armor.

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In a world where enemies often swing colossal warhammers and wield magic that can reduce people to ashes, armor made from bone may not be the most sensible choice. Bone's tendency to break quite easily doesn't make it an attractive candidate when looking to snoop around a den of bloodthirsty bandits.

3 Forsworn Armor

Skyrim Forsworn Woman And Hagraven

The term "armor" is being applied rather loosely here. The Forsworn are the native inhabitants of the Reach. Their way of life is primitive when compared to that of the Nords or Imperials. As such, their armor is archaic, representing nothing more than just simple clothes on their backs.

In a practical sense, there are plenty of places where a sword strike or blow would be fatal. Players themselves know this very well, as dispatching members of the Forsworn as a melee build isn't too difficult. Bare skin doesn't deflect pointy objects very well! Unless fans are trying to roleplay, leaving the Forsworn Armor where they found it is probably for the best.

2 Dark Seducer Armor (Male Version)

Dark Seducer Armor (Male Version) From Skyrim

Fans who look at the picture above should be able to spot the problem immediately. Dark Seducers are residents of Sheogorath's Shivering Isles. They, along with the Golden Saints, serve as the Daedric Lord's primarily-female bodyguard. That explains why the male version of this armor

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From a practical standpoint, the gaping lack of protection across the chest is a major concern. Any type of wound sustained in this general area is likely to be fatal. As a fashion statement, it also comes across as rather strange. Of course, someone as mighty as the Dragonborn can wear what they want!

1 Redoran Watchman's Helmet

Redoran Watchman's Helmet From Skyrim

In melee combat, being able to see tends to matter......quite a bit. Luckily, in Skyrim, players' views aren't obstructed by their helmets, assuming they wear one. That's great news for fans of the Redoran Watchman's Helmet, as being able to see out of this thing in any realistic sense would be impossible.

The shape of the helmet resembles the top of a mushroom. How a person is supposed to see out of it is anyone's guess. Sure, it's made out of Chitin, but that doesn't count for much when one considers the blindness that results from this helmet when worn. The Redoran Watchman's Helmet was introduced in the Ghosts of the Tribunal Creation Club content.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch.

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