A new mod for Skyrim has been released which is not only an ambitious project with full voice acting, but takes cues from BioWare games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Known for being a very immersive open world title, the 2011 Bethesda Elder Scrolls epic has been engrossing players for more than 11 years at this point. The vanilla experience alone boasts dozens, if not hundreds, of hours of gameplay, and when taking into account all the custom modifications out there, fans can spend even longer in this slice of Tamriel.

Suffice it to say there are some incredibly ambitious mods for Skyrim, ones which go beyond tweaking the original formula or improving the graphics, but actually extend the shelf life of this already lengthy RPG. For many, modding TES5 is not just a neat little extra to be done after completing the main storyline, it's a vital part of the experience. After more than a decade, many people have seen pretty much everything the game has to offer, possibly multiple times. So the community comes to the rescue to offer up some new ways to play, and some of these projects even take inspiration from other popular titles.

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As spotted by PCGamer, a new mod for Skyrim has been uploaded to Nexus Mods called "Warden of the Coast." Created by TheBawb, this DLC-sized expansion imagines a world in which the Oblivion gates from The Elder Scrolls 4 have returned. Where the Mass Effect and Dragon Age influences come from is in some of the mechanics, specifically the nine "BioWare-style companions," with the mod featuring a three-companion exploration system, as well as seven romance options. Things don't end there, as the project also has over 9,000 lines of fully voiced dialog split between 27 actors. With five primary endings, two world spaces, and 19 interiors, "Warden of the Coast" contains 10-15 hours of gameplay per playthrough.

While Skyrim is undoubtedly the most successful entry in Bethesda's long-running franchise, Oblivion is deserving of attention too. It may have aged over the years, with the game originally releasing in 2006, but it's still being shown some love to this day. The fact that TheBawb's mod brings back elements from The Elder Scrolls 4 shows how it still has an impact on the gaming community.

While The Elder Scrolls 6 is a long way from launching, fans are continuing to put out some high-quality custom content for the previous installments in the fantasy RPG series. It's likely that the next game will support modding, but until it actually comes out, Skyrim remains a thriving honeypot of mods and fan tweaks.

The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: PCGamer, Nexus Mods