It has been nearly 10 years since the release of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, and in that time a lot has happened. Not many games can claim to still be relevant a full decade after their release, but Skyrim has managed to remain steadfast in terms of its presence within the gaming community. In fact, the modding scene for the game is as strong as ever.

There are a plethora of amazing Skyrim mods that players can download via the Steam workshop and sites like Nexus Mods. Most of these mods are texture based and are used to insert random creatures or objects from other properties, one of the most famous of which being the Thomas the Tank Engine dragon mod. However, Skyrim mods have a lot more practical uses outside of making the game look different.

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A lot of mods for the game can impact the gameplay and how players interact with the world of Skyrim. A new mod that was released earlier today by Nexus Mod user jayserpa allows players to pet the dogs found in the game. This has been a modern trend in video games, with even Ghost of Tsushima releasing a dog petting content update a few months after the game's release.

For active Skyrim players, this mod should add to the overall immersion and enjoyment of the game. However, it does seem odd that it took this long for users to add a dog petting mod. By this point, modders have already added Batman into Skyrim, as well as a ton of other mods that change the gameplay in interesting ways.

In any case, it is nice that those who wish to now have the option to pet the dogs in Skyrim. Players could previously only talk to the dogs, causing them to bark at the player. There's already a lot of kind things players can do to NPCs in Skyrim, but this should an extra dimension in terms of what can be done.

It will be interesting to see if Skyrim manages to retain its popularity in the coming years. The Elder Scrolls 6 will release sometime in the future and has quite a lot to live up to in terms of how much of an impact Skyrim had on the community. Only time will tell if Skyrim manages to hold a candle to what The Elder Scrolls 6 has in store.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available now on all major platforms.

MORE: Skyrim: Every Dragon Claw (& How To Find Them)

Source: Nexus Mods