It's entirely possible that a whole generation of much younger players won't have any recollection of a world without Skyrim. At more than ten years old, it's incredible that the game is still as popular as ever. And with the possible release date of The Elder Scrolls 6 still a mystery, fans are sticking with the 2011 epic RPG for now. Much of this continued success stems from the sheer number of mods that continue to see the light of day and, while many of them go to greath lengths to improve the overall experience, some are just plain bizarre.

YouTuber Call Me Kevin posted a video recently of them playing using a quite unique Skyrim mod that they created with the help of game designer and programmer Noah Boddie. Essentially, it allows players to hire children, similar to hiring a mercenary, to fight and defend them on their travels. However, what's quite weird, yet amusing, about this is that whenever a child defeats an enemy, they grow a little bit. Conversely, if they're defeated in battle but not killed, they shrink. By the end of the video, the YouTuber has a child mercenary at their disposal that almost towers over the game's actual giants.

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Add onto that the fact that Call Me Kevin has chosen to ad lib some of the voices for the children in the demonstration video, and this is one off-the-wall mod. As anyone knows, children in Skyrim can be adopted, either through the orphanage or by some other means. Hiring them as mercenaries or guards, however, is probably not something that Bethesda had in mind when the game was developed. Still, seeing a giant child laying waste to an entire town with ease is quite a sight to behold, for both the viewer and the YouTuber.

There are some pretty weird mods available for Skyrim, such as the one that turns the giant spiders into Spider-Man, or the one that converts guards into chickens. More often than not, these are played mainly for laughs or just to inject something a little different into the game. There are, of course, custom mods that add a ton of content, improve the visuals, or squash the bugs that the studio itself missed, but it's the more outlandish ones that tend to be the most memorable.

With its breathtaking and epic open world, Skyrim has gone down as one of the most successful role-playing games of all time. It may be more than a decade old at this point, and many are growing impatient waiting for the next installment, but the continued dedication of the modding community means that players will be slaying dragons, perhaps with giant children, for a good while longer.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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