The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim allows players to shape the protagonist into exactly what they want. If the player wishes for the Dragonborn to become a Vampire or a Werewolf, they can make it happen by completing specific quests.

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Becoming a Werewolf in Skyrim can be a pretty big help in certain situations; not only does the process increase the Dragonborn's Stamina and Health, but it also enhances the power of their melee attacks. Sadly, being a Werewolf also comes with a few downsides, so some players may wish to cure the Dragonborn of the disease the moment they contract it.

How To Become A Werewolf

The Dragonborn transforms into a Werewolf in Skyrim

Before players can find a way to cure Lycanthropy, they must first find a way to contract it. There are several ways to do this in Skyrim, and all of them require the Dragonborn to complete specific side quests. Those hoping to acquire the ability to transform into a Werewolf quickly can do so by pursuing the Companions questline in Whiterun, wherein they will be given the option to become a werewolf during The Silver Hand quest.

Otherwise, the next best way to contract Lycanthropy is to complete the Ill Met by Moonlight side quest, from which the Dragonborn can obtain the Cursed Ring of Hircine. When this item is equipped, the Dragonborn will randomly transform into a Werewolf.

If players have access to the Dawnguard DLC, they can contract Lycanthropy again by speaking to Aela the Huntress. This method, however, can only be used once.

How To Cure Lycanthropy & Stop Being A Werewolf

Glenmoril Witch Heads in Skyrim

Once the Dragonborn contracts Lycanthropy, players will be free to transform them into a Werewolf once per in-game day. Transforming into a Werewolf grants the Dragonborn some pretty powerful abilities, but it also comes with a few drawbacks, so players may not wish to remain in this form for too long.

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If the Dragonborn has contracted Lycanthropy and players wish to remove the disease entirely, there are ways for them to do so. Those who have yet to complete the Companions questline can cure the disease during Glory of the Dead, the final quest in the questline, so long as they have acquired a Glenmoril Witch Head. These heads can be obtained in the Glenmoril Coven by defeating the Glenmoril Witches that spawn there and looting their bodies.

Those who have already completed the Companions questline and chose for the Dragonborn to remain as a Werewolf can cure Lycanthropy by using the method described above, but only after the Purity quests given by Vilkas and Farkas have both been completed. These quests become available after completing a few Radiant quests for both brothers and Aela; when they have been completed, the Dragonborn can interact with the Flame of Harbinger in Ysgramor to purge their Werewolf blood.

The Dragonborn speaks to Serana in Skyrim

Another handy way to cure Lycanthropy is to ask Serana to turn the Dragonborn into a Vampire Lord. Becoming a Vampire Lord will remove the Dragonborn's ability to transform into a Werewolf. The only catch with this method is that players will then need to find a way to cure Vampirism. This method of curing Lycanthropy can only be used if players have access to the Dawnguard DLC.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available for PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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