The Dragonborn doesn't lack choices when it comes to equipment in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Many builds players will likely use for their characters involve suits of armor and a variety of weaponry. Equipment is composed of a diverse collection of crafting materials. One of the best components, by far, is the legendary Stalhrim.

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Stalhrim is essentially enchanted ice forged with unmatched expertise by the Skaal of Solstheim. The Dragonborn can, of course, learn the secrets of crafting Stalhrim equipment themselves. It takes a little effort, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Once ready, prepare to make the voyage to Solstheim and get cracking on that enchanted ice!

Acquire The Ebony Smithing Perk

Skyrim Forge

Before setting sail for Solstheim, players will need the requisite perk in Smithing first. To craft Stalhrim equipment, the player must acquire the Ebony Smithing perk. This will take a bit of patience, considering Ebony Smithing can't be taken until the Smithing Skill has reached at least Level 80.

Even though Stalhrim armor can be crafted in both Heavy and Light versions, the Ebony Smithing perk Heavy Armor branch of the skill tree. Keep that in mind while working one's way up the Smithing skill's perk tree. Once the player is close to becoming a master blacksmith, take Ebony Smithing at one's earliest convenience.

Complete "A New Source Of Stalhrim"

A New Source Of Stalhrim Quest From Skyrim

Next, players should head to Solstheim and begin the main questline there as part of the Dragonborn DLC. Once the main quest "The Fate of the Skaal" has been completed, players can overhear a conversation between Fanari and Deor in Skaal Village. Speak to Deor once the conversation is finished to begin "A New Source of Stalhrim." Follow these steps to their conclusion:

  • Per Deor's instructions, follow the map marker to the Abandoned Lodge. Defeat the Thalmor laying in wait there
  • Once the area is clear of enemies, speak to the kidnapped Baldor Iron-Shaper. He will task the player with retrieving a Stalhrim Source Map from a Thalmor officer, Ancarion
  • Head to Northshore Landing where the Thalmor have established a base. Players now have two ways of resolving the situation: violently or peacefully

The Violent Approach

This method is brutally simple. Clear the inhabitants of Northshore Landing by slaughtering them to a man. This, of course, includes Ancarion. Loot the Stalhrim Source Map from his body and return to Skaal Village. Speak to Baldor Iron-Shaper, who is grateful for the Dragonborn's help. He will agree to share his knowledge of Stalhrim with the player, thus ending the quest.

The Peaceful Approach

When approached by the Thalmor guards at Northshore Landing, stay your weapons. Speak to Ancarion civilly, which will provide the player with three dialogue options. Ancarion can be Persuaded or Intimidated, in which case he will give up the map. Or, a deal can be struck, whereby the player agrees to sell the Thalmor Stalhrim weapons.

If any of those three options are successful, Ancarion gives the player the map. Once again, return to Skaal Village and speak to Baldor Iron-Shaper. He will agree to share his expertise of Stalhrim with the player, thus ending the quest. If a deal was struck with Ancarion, players can make good on their promise and sell him Stalhrim weapons and armor in exchange for gold.

Crafting Stalhrim Heavy Armor

Male & Female Stalhrim Heavy Armor From Skyrim

Once players have the technical know-how regarding Stalhrim, they may start to craft it themselves. Stalhrim Heavy Armor is excellent. It's just as effective as Dragonplate, but actually 2 Carry Weight points lighter. Here's the breakdown of crafting ingredients necessary to make Stalhrim Heavy Armor:

  • Stalhrim Heavy Armor Cuirass: 6 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 3 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Helmet: 4 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Heavy Gauntlets: 3 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Heavy Boots: 4 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 2 Leather Strips

RELATED: Skyrim: A Complete Guide To Smithing

Crafting Stalhrim Light Armor

Stalhrim Light Armor - Skyrim Best Common Armor

Stalhrim also offers a Light Armor alternative for those who specialize in that particular skill. Stalhrim Light Armor, however, is a bit less protective than Dragonscale, a difference of 2 Armor Rating points. Conversely, Stalhrim is lighter than Dragonscale by 3 Carry Weight points. Here's the breakdown of crafting ingredients necessary to make Stalhrim Light Armor:

  • Stalhrim Light Armor Cuirass: 5 Stalhrim, 1 Steel Ingot, 3 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Light Helmet: 3 Stalhrim, 1 Steel Ingot, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Light Bracers: 2 Stalhrim, 1 Steel Ingot, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Light Boots: 3 Stalhrim, 1 Steel Ingot, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Shield: 4 Stalhrim, 1 Steel Ingot, 1 Leather Strip

Crafting Stalhrim Fur Armor

Stalhrim Fur Armor From Skyrim

Players who possess the Alternative Armors-Stalhrim Fur piece of Creation Club content can craft this variety as well. It offers a potential alternative to the standard Heavy or Light options typically available. Here's the breakdown of crafting ingredients necessary to make Stalhrim Fur Armor:

  • Stalhrim Fur Armor Cuirass: 6 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 3 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Fur Helmet: 4 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Fur Gauntlets: 3 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Fur Boots: 4 Stalhrim, 1 Quicksilver Ingot, 2 Leather Strips

Crafting Stalhrim Weapons

Stalhrim Weapon - Skyrim Best Common Weapons

Weapons crafted from Stalhrim are highly prized as well. They inflict comparable damage as their Ebony counterparts. However, like the armor, Stalhrim weapons weigh less. Here's the breakdown of crafting ingredients necessary to make Stalhrim Weapons:

  • Stalhrim Greatsword: 5 Stalhrim, 3 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Battleaxe: 5 Stalhrim, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Warhammer: 5 Stalhrim, 3 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Dagger: 1 Stalhrim, 1 Leather Strip
  • Stalhrim Sword: 2 Stalhrim, 1 Leather Strip
  • Stalhrim War Axe: 2 Stalhrim, 2 Leather Strips
  • Stalhrim Mace: 3 Stalhrim, 1 Leather Strip
  • Stalhrim Bow: 3 Stalhrim
  • 24 Stalhrim Arrows: 1 Stalhrim, 1 Firewood

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Where To Find Stalhrim Deposits

Mining A Stalhrim Deposit From Skyrim

It does the player no good to craft something if they lack the required materials. Stalhrim deposits can be found in several locations across Solstheim. Pieces of Stalhrim can also sometimes be purchased from Baldor Iron-Shaper after completing "A New Source of Stalhrim." Here's where the player can find Stalhrim deposits:

  • Raven Rock Mine
  • Kolbjorn Barrow
  • Benkongerike
  • Stalhrim Source
  • Bloodskal Barrow
  • Gyldenhul Barrow
  • Unmarked Island northeast of Northshore Landing. Horkers populate this area

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