Although Skyrim offers players a ton of different combat spells, Transmute Spell exists to make you wealthy. As the spell name suggests, the Transmute Mineral Ore can convert cheap iron ore into silver ore and silver ore into gold ore, thereby increasing its value many times over. And although this uses up a lot of Magicka, the enormous profits are well worth the effort.

Using this spell can not only bring you profit but can also help you improve some skills. And although you have to fight some bandits, you can get this spell relatively early in the story.

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How to Get Transmute Spell in Skyrim

Halted Stream Camp in Skyrim

To find the Transmute Spell in Skyrim, players must head north of Dragonsreach Castle and find the Halted Stream Camp. A long-abandoned mine turned bandit and camp can offer you a lot of valuables, but the spell you're interested in hides on the leader's desk. Getting past guards and getting to your reward isn't easy, so here's how you can do it:

  • Once you reach Halted Stream Camp, you will only see part of the bandit camp as it goes underground. So first, climb up the high ground and use a bow and arrow to kill multiple enemies without fear of being detected.
  • Go to the camp, kill the remaining enemies, and enter the mine.
  • After walking a little forward, you will notice a locked metal door and a guard you should kill.
  • Open the door using master keys or take the key from the guard's corpse.
  • Going deeper, you will find yourself in the room of the bandit leader. Note that there is a bandit-wizard in the room with the leader, so you should kill it first.
  • Once you defeat both, take the book with Transmute Spell from the table.

By the way, while you are still in this mine, do not forget to collect abundant iron deposits. This place invites you to mine generous deposits of minerals that will soon come in handy.

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How to Use Transmute Spell in Skyrim

Transmute Spell in Skyrim

Learning the Transmute Spell doesn't require much effort since you only need to interact with the book in your inventory. Next, you must equip this spell, accumulate more iron ore, and find a secluded place. To make it easier for you to use this spell, here's everything you need to know:

  • Using this spell, the ores in your inventory will automatically transform.
  • Foremost, the Transmute Spell turns silver ore into gold. Iron ore turns into silver ore only if you don't have silver in your inventory. But the cost of use is the same for both ores.
  • Each use of the Transmute Spell costs as much as 88 Magicka, and you can use it with both hands. Therefore, we advise you to speed up Magicka's regeneration, for example, by using items enchanted by Fortify Magicka (Archmage's Robes or Mage's Circlet).
  • Alternatively, you can use the spell near the bed, sleep to skip the time and use the spell again. It will take a little more time, but you will earn tons of gold easily and for free.
  • Also, the transmutation will remove the stolen tag. It allows you to sell stolen ore and makes iron and silver ore more attractive for stealing than gold. You cannot transform the gold, so the stolen tag will remain on it.
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November 11, 2011
RPG , Action , Adventure