Skyrim has proven to be one of the most popular modern Action RPG’s in recent memory. The game managed to captivate gamers with its massive world, rich lore and solid gameplay. It’s been ported so many times that it’d be hard to find someone who hasn’t gotten around to playing through it. In fact, Skyrim has become notorious for the amount of times it’s been ported to other consoles. But one thing that the game has become synonymous with is the various memes it has inspired.

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Over the years, there have been some pretty memorable Skyrim memes. In fact, some popular Skyrim meme templates are still prominent today - despite being nearly a decade old. They’re still getting put out there, and tons of them still manage to be funny. It’s a testament to the games staying power. Let’s take a look at 10 hilarious Skyrim memes only a true Dragonborn would understand.

10 Tough It Out

The world of Skyrim is huge and unforgiving to the unprepared traveller. There are all kinds of people, creatures and environments to interact with. While the environments will differ depending on the region and location, that isn’t usually reflected with the player’s attire.

Unlike more modern titles like Breath of the Wild, your environment doesn’t really dictate what you wear/equip all that much. Is that an oversight by the developers, or simply a testament to how metal the Dragonborn actually is? You decide.

9 Don't Get Me Started

Speaking of Zelda, here’s a funny little comparison of the two franchises. Both franchises are clearly aimed at two different demographics, though that doesn’t mean that there isn’t some overlap in regards to their fan bases. What makes this meme so great is how it highlights how the games are so similar yet so different at the same time.

While Link definitely doesn’t have it easy in his own adventures, the point being made here is clear. A myriad of angry chickens is nothing compared to a fully grown Dragon. It’s a funny little conversation to look in on nonetheless.

8 Please

While the main selling point of Skyrim might be its massive and epic dragon battles, that’s not all the game has to offer. Yes, there are tons to explore, see and learn. But in terms of fighting, there are so many different enemies to encounter.

In the end though, none of them are a match for the Dragonborn. With all the variety of enemies they’re able to take down, the Dragonborn is pretty unstoppable. That’s good news for the player – and bad news for just about everyone else.

7 I Have An Army

As we just said, the Dragonborn can get things done pretty easily. Be it in combat or through shouts, they’re a pretty tough opponent for anyone – dragons included. While fighting one may seem like a daunting task early in the game, by the time players get settled in, it’s all just another day at the office.

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Any Skyrim player will tell you that once you get deep enough into the game, you really do feel like an army of one with how you approach and come out of fights. Be it some dragons or a group of soldiers. Whatever the opponent they’re going down.

6 What If


Skyrim has been around for so long that it’s been memed from pretty much every angle imaginable. Be it through old templates or serving as the inspiration for its own original content, the game is a big part of internet culture. This next one certainly borrows from another famous meme, but still manages to be hilarious all the same.

5 Hey…

Could you imagine if this was the case? What if the entirety of the Skyrim main quest was just a huge misunderstanding all along? Are dragons actually the mindless monsters the game makes them out to be, or are they friendlier than we initially thought?

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If the latter is true, then boy do we have some things to feel bad about! In all honesty, the dragon’s players run into across Skyrim are a little too aggressive for this theory to work. But still, something to think about, right?

4 That's A Big Sword

The Dragonborn is so strong and can accomplish so much throughout the course of the game, that it seems as though nothing is impossible for the fearless warrior. But everyone has their limits.

The game allows players to go underwater and while it makes for some fun exploration, these areas aren’t without their own limits. Despite how strong the Dragonborn is, for some reason he just cant swing his sword underwater. It’s frustrating for some players and this meme illustrates that perfectly.

3 Seems Like A Good Idea

Skyrim is filled with various locations to explore and so much more to discover in between. While making their way around, players have to be prepared for anything they may come across. Random creatures, NPC’s, new locations or whatever else you can find. Something that all travelers wi;; run into are bandits and other hostile NPC’s.

The presence of these fractions is what makes Skyrim so dangerous. But at the same time, it brings up an interesting question. Why would a handful of thieves go up against someone like the Dragonborn? While it may be a minor inconvenience for players, these encounters quickly prove to be the worst decision these NPC’s were programmed to make.

2 Not Milk, Not Ever

When you think of the Dragonborn you think of toughness, strength and resilience. Apparently, according to whoever made this meme, the one thing they’re not is a “milk drinker”. While milk jugs have a handful of uses in the game, one of their more practical functions is as a healing item.

Of course, there are way more useful healing items out there. So you can see how these would pile up in most players’ inventories. Still, there’s definitely some animosity here.

1 Let Him Eat

Syrim is such a massive game with so much to do, that it’s pretty common for most players to ignore the main quest outright. This isn’t really anything new when it comes to RPG’s, as most of them have enough content to bypass whatever task is at hand. But in this case, there’s so much to do that’s more interesting than the main quest, you can’t help but stray off more than once.

It’s kind of funny to think about given how urgent the events of Skyrim’s main quest are. The world itself is in danger of complete destruction, and players don’t really seem to care all that much.

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