Some Skyrim players shared their favorite and most used shouts in the popular RPG. The dragon shouts are a key part of Skyrim and can really allow players to significantly mix up their gameplay.

Skyrim's main plot is centered around the resurgence of dragons in the region and the main character's role as the Dragonborn—destined to save Tamriel from the rampaging dragons. Dragon shouts are a key part of this, as once the player kills dragons and absorbs their souls, they can unlock powerful ancient magic. While not essential, dragon shouts are very useful and can really help turn the tide as players battle against the ancient and powerful dragons.

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Player Theguy1336 posted an image to the Skyrim subreddit containing a list of unlocked shouts, and the title asked players what their favorite shouts in the game are. The top contenders ended up being Whirlwind Sprint, Fire and Frost Breath, Aura Whisper, and Become Ethereal. Whirlwind Sprint allows the player to quickly dash a short distance, adding a lot of mobility and even allowing players to bypass some traps. Fire and Frost Breath both do exactly what it sounds like. The two shouts can give players a real edge in combat by allowing them to burn or freeze their enemies. Aura Whisper is on the other end of the spectrum. It's a useful utility shout that highlights surrounding entities, whether friend or foe, giving players great situational awareness. Lastly, Skyrim's Become Ethereal shout makes the user completely invulnerable for the duration, which can obviously come in clutch in some life-threatening situations.

While players did choose those as some of their top dragon shouts, pretty much every shout has its strengths depending on the situation. Dragonrend, for example, forces dragons hit by it to land for the duration, making it easier for the player to slay them, but it's not really useful for anything outside of fighting dragons. Kyne's Peace is another niche shout that can come in handy in certain situations, as it instantly calms all hostile wild animals within 100 paces. While neither of these shouts is particularly useful across a wide range of encounters, both are great in very specific instances. And for players who want more shouts to play around with, there's even a mod that adds 19 more shouts to Skyrim.

Not all Skyrim players are interested in using the powerful dragon magic though, and one Skyrim player explored almost the whole map without unlocking shouts. This is definitely an interesting way to approach the game, and it turns the dragon-centered storyline into a more standard Elder Scrolls fantasy romp, which isn't a bad thing. The shouts are always there to unlock in the end though.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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