While many people would like nothing more than for Bethesda to announce when The Elder Scrolls 6 is coming out, Skyrim fans are partly keeping TES5 alive and well with discussions about hot topics. Going down as one of the most immersive open-world games of all time, the fifth installment in the long-running fantasy series continues to be a shining example of video game longevity, with no signs of this ongoing popularity waning any time soon.

Along with the developer re-releasing the game every new generation, not to mention countless custom mods that are always being released by the community, it's the players themselves who are keeping the epic role-playing title in the limelight. Skyrim fans love nothing more than a good debate, whether it's discussing which of the game's cities is the best to settle down in or going against the grain and insisting that Whiterun's Nazeem is not as bad as most think he is.

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Such debates are not uncommon, and a recent one begun by Reddit user withintheworld asks Skyrim fans what their controversial take is when it comes to all things related to TES5. The discussion kicks off with wolvrine14 saying that they think any talk about the best race to play can be quite contentious, while FilthyClaudetteMain and a few others believe that Miraak "deserved better." The aforementioned Nazeem also crops up, with SmilingBlue01 saying that they don't kill the Redguard every time they play. User JosephStalinCameltoe goes one step further by saying that they've never killed him, before adding "yet."

There are plenty of opinions for readers to sink their teeth into. One pretty divisive example comes from user Hirohito40K, who says they actually "adore" Belethor. For those who haven't played the game, the Whiterun merchant is one of the most hated NPCs in all of Skyrim, whose words about how he would sell his own sister and the creepy way he urges the player to "do come back" makes some players feel uncomfortable. When speaking about the game as a product, PseudoCasual is outwardly critical about the way the studio incorporates "badassery" into a character, adding that "90% of the script is filler."

It's discussions like this that keep Skyrim going strong to this day, though some people would like to move on to a new installment. While Bethesda is currently finishing up Starfield, many fans are anticipating an update on the next entry in The Elder Scrolls series. It's been a long time since any official information was revealed about the sixth game, but hopefully Todd Howard and his team will have some news over the coming months.

The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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