Even after 11 years, Skyrim fans are still discovering shortcuts and glitches, and a player has used one such exploit to make a long-winded journey and gain access to a chest. While the world is still waiting on the arrival of The Elder Scrolls 6, with Bethesda being tight-lipped when it comes to details about the next entry in the epic RPG franchise, many gamers are still keeping themselves amused with 2011's TES5, either through mods or just chronicling bugs.

Despite Skyrim being considered by many to be one of the most immersive open world titles around, that sense of immersion can easily be broken as the game has become rather infamous over the years for its litany of glitches and issues. However, some would say that this almost adds to the charm, particularly those glitches that don't really interfere with the gameplay in any major sense. In fact, there are even ways that players can use them to their advantage, sort of.

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In a recent post on Reddit, user Potential_Alarm_257 has uploaded a brief clip of their Skyrim Legendary Survival Mode playthrough, in which they demonstrate an exploit they've noticed in one of the game's most well-known cities. By leaping onto a barrel, they are able to vault over Whiterun's walls and into an area players should not be able to get to without a proper loading screen. They then run around the outer limits of Whiterun, coming across empty pockets of the map that have not been rendered, before finding themselves underneath the city. Then they approach a floating chest and pilfer the contents to their heart's content.

Given that Skyrim has a ton of glitches even to this day, this particular exploit is known to many, but it's interesting how Potential_Alarm_257 went to such lengths to run all around the walls of Whiterun just to steal some items without any repercussions. It's not certain whose treasure chest it is, either, although one Reddit user believes it could belong to Eorlund Gray-Mane of The Companions. In any case, it shows that players are still coming across glitches in the game, and even ones that are useful show just how many issues still survive despite all the re-releases and patches.

It also shows that there are many different ways to play Skyrim, so it's no wonder the epic RPG is still going strong after more than a decade. Add onto that the sheer number of community mods that are available, and people begin to wonder whether anyone will ever grow tired of playing The Elder Scrolls 5.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is out now on PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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