The Nords of Skyrim are ferocious and fearless in battle, for they know that should they die after living a warrior's life, they will enjoy a life of eternal joy and revelry with their comrades in Sovngarde, a realm within Aetherius ruled over by Shor.

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During the main quests of Skyrim, players get the opportunity to visit this Nordic afterlife, where Alduin feasts on the souls of those slain in Skyrim's Civil War. The journey leads the Dragonborn to the Hall of Valor, where the souls of ancient Nord heroes reside. Many of the heroes in Sovngarde are figures from Elder Scrolls lore, each with their own interesting story.

9 The Three Tongues

Skyrim split image of Felldir, Hakon One-Eye, and Gormlaith

Players will already be familiar with Gormlaith Golden-Hilt, Hakon One-Eye, and Felldir the Old before arriving in Sovngarde, as they play a crucial role in the game's main quest line.

The three Tongues were ancient Nord heroes who rebelled against Alduin and the Dragon Cult in the Merethic Era. They were the first humans to be taught the Thu'um by Paarthurnax, and they used their voices to defeat Alduin and send him forward in time with an Elder Scroll.

8 Jurgen Windcaller

Skyrim Jurgen Windcaller's sarcophagus

Jurgen Windcaller was once a powerful warlord of the First Era who fought for a Nordic empire that once spanned much of northern Tamriel. He used his voice as a weapon, but after he and his allies were defeated by the Chimer and Dwemer in the Battle of Red Mountain - during which the Dwemer suddenly disappeared - Jurgen Windcaller turned to a life of peace.

Jurgen felt that the Nords' defeat was a result of their misuse of the Thu'um, and so instead, he chose to redirect it toward the peaceful worship of Kyne. For that purpose, he built the monastery of High Hrothgar. Players must visit his tomb as part of the main quest line.

7 Olaf One-Eye

Skyrim boss draugr

Olaf One-Eye was a First Era High King of Skyrim who ruled from Dragonsreach in Whiterun. He is famed for defeating the dragon Numinex and imprisoning him in Whiterun's palace, and upon becoming king, he united a fragmented Skyrim.

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However, some regard him as a tyrant who defeated Numinex not through valor but through deception, and each year the Bards' College burns an effigy of the ancient king. Numinex's skull can be seen in Whiterun during Skyrim, mounted on the wall above Jarl Balgruuf's throne.

6 Ysgramor

Skyrim Ysgramor

Players who have completed the Companions quest line likely know much about Ysgramor. He was a legendary Atmoran king who brought the Five Hundred Companions to Skyrim after the infamous Night of Tears, after which he waged a brutal war against the Snow Elves.

The Companions in Whiterun are the namesake of Ysgramor's warriors, and through that quest line, the Dragonborn reforges Wuuthrad, Ysgramor's axe. Wuuthrad can be seen with Ysgramor when he greets the player in Sovngarde.

5 Erlendr, Nikulas, and Hunroor

Skyrim Erlendur Nikulas and Hunroor in Sovngarde

The tale of these three warriors is a tragic one. In life, they embarked on a quest to find the entrance to Sovngarde, but before they could reach it, they were turned to stone by a witch and condemned to stand forever at Brodir Grove, which can be found on Solstheim in both Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC and Morrowind's Bloodmoon DLC.

However, their sad tale does have a happy ending. Upon their deaths, they did reach Sovngarde, and their souls can be found feasting and drinking in the Hall of Valor.

4 Ulfgar the Unending

Skyrim Ulfgar the Unending in Sovngarde

Ulfgar the Unending was one of the four warriors who sought the entrance to Sovngarde, but unlike his companions, he survived being turned to stone. He spent five centuries seeking Sovngarde, and in Morrowind, he requests the Nerevarine's help.

Through this, he learns that Sovngarde can only be reached by dying in battle. Thus, he asks that the Nerevarine slay him, and when the Dragonborn visits Sovngarde in Skyrim, Ulfgar is seen in the company of his friends once again.

3 High King Torygg

Skyrim Torygg in Sovngarde

High King Torygg ruled Skyrim, but not long before the events of the game, he was killed by Ulfric in a duel - an event that sparked the Civil War - and thus, his soul made its way to Sovngarde.

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However, Torygg did not make it to the Hall of Valor. He became lost in the mists conjured by Alduin, his soul at risk of being devoured. Only by defeating the World-Eater can Torygg be saved.

2 Svaknir

Skyrim Svaknir's ghost playing a lute

Svaknir was a bard who opposed the rule of Olaf One-Eye, accusing him of fraud. In response, Olaf had him executed. His soul remained in Nirn until he could achieve vengeance, which the player can help him with in Dead Men's Respite.

After defeating Olaf's draugr, Svaknir can be found trapped in the mists of Sovngarde. Olaf, his old enemy, wishes to welcome him to the Hall of Valor as a respected and honest enemy and, hopefully, as a friend.

1 Tsun

Skyrim Tsun low-angle shot

This towering figure guards the Whalebone Bridge, but he is no ordinary man. Tsun is an ancient Nordic god, a shield-thane of Shor, whose purpose is to test all who wish to cross into the Hall of Valor. When the player meets him, they too must pass Tsun's test by declaring their right to enter the Hall and then defeating him in a trial by combat.

Tsun eventually sends the Dragonborn back to Nirn, but before he does so, he expresses his hope that he will one day welcome the Dragonborn to Sovngarde again as a friend.

Skyrim is available now on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch

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