Skyrim is among the most distinguished video games in The Elder Scrolls franchise. It has captivated countless fans, so much so that it remains relevant a decade after its initial release and continues receiving new content. Much of the popularity of Skyrim can be attributed to various aspects, such as deviations from previous titles to make it more mainstream. However, arguably one of its more engaging elements is the vast and compelling lore of the video game that builds upon the already expansive universe of The Elder Scrolls.

RELATED: Skyrim: Things You Never Knew About Draugr

The lore of Skyrim is unique and intriguing, to say the least, presenting fascinating new details regarding things such as the dragons and their cults. The second most notable detail of this video game's legends is the Draugr, ancient Nordic warriors resurrected from the dead, becoming nothing more than restless and volatile undead creatures. While most Draugr are nameless obstacles, some boast names and compelling stories that fans of Skyrim ⁠— and The Elder Scrolls franchise ⁠at large — should know.

9 Curalmil

Skyrim Split Image Curalmil

Curalmil is a proficient Draugr — or possibly a Dragon Priest if encountered at later levels — residing in the Forsaken Cave west of Windhelm. Before becoming an undead warrior, Curalmil was an illustrious alchemist who created the legendary White Phial, an ancient relic rumored to contain the Throat of the World's first snow, which is said to enhance, purify, and replenish whatever liquid is stored within. Save his skill and renown, little about this venerable alchemist is known, but there is much speculation about him.

An unusual characteristic about this legendary Draugr is the name Curalmil, which is not Nordic. His name is of Altmer origin, which in conjunction with his penchant for alchemy, leads many to believe he is a High Elf — or at least has some relation. Further mystifying Curalmil is the possibility of him appearing as a Dragon Priest. This detail gives the impression that he was likely a valuable member of the Dragon Cult and maybe one of its priests. Is this mere coincidence, or is Curalmil an Altmer who rose to prominence in the Dragon Cult using his alchemical abilities?

8 Fjori And Holgeir

Skyrim Fjori And Holgeir Draugr

Fjori and Holgeir are formidable Draugr that oversee the Nordic ruin Ansilvund north of Riften. Originally, Fjori was a Nord huntress who challenged the Nord warlord Holgeir in a fierce yet passionate battle between their clans. During their fight, she shattered his ax with her sword, and he dulled her blade with his shield. This fiery exchange forged a love between the two, which would be short-lived as both became victims to a venomous snake. Fjori would save Holgeir's life at the cost of her own, driving him to join her in death. The love between the two would persist after their demise, to be exploited by a powerful, vindictive, and sorrowful conjurer.

Lu'ah Al-Skaven, a Redguard conjurer, sought to revive her long-dead husband, who gave his life retaking the Imperial City from the Aldmeri Dominion, but ultimately failed. Disillusioned with the Empire and the Skyrim Civil War, she would take her grief and use it to raise an undead army of Draugr, with Fjori and Holgeir among their ranks. The two lovers would suffer as Draugr under her control, unable to rest in peace with one another in the grand halls of Sovngarde. The spirits of Fjori and Holgeir cannot go free unless Lu'ah Al-Skaven releases her spell or she is defeated, possibly by a hero of legend such as the Last Dragonborn.

7 The Gatekeeper

Skyrim The Gatekeeper

The Gatekeeper is a powerful Draugr located in the Temple of Miraak in Solstheim, an island north of Tamriel that is a part of Morrowind. As her title suggests, the Gatekeeper is the sole protector of the inner confines of the Temple of Miraak. She protects the key to the inner chambers and a Word Wall possessing part of the legendary Dragon Aspect Shout. Much is unknown about the Gatekeeper, but some sparse details hint at her past.

RELATED: Skyrim: Everything You Need To Know About The Dragon War

The Gatekeeper's moniker and position infer that she was an entrusted underling of Miraak or an esteemed member of the Dragon Cult tasked with overseeing his temple. There is much uncertainty regarding her past, leaving fans to ponder and speculate. Regardless, the Gatekeeper was undoubtedly an individual of impressive power and renown assigned the task of guarding the depths of the Temple of Miraak.

6 Guardian Saerek And Guardian Torsten

Skyrim Split Image Guardian Saerek And Guardian Torsten

Guardian Saerek and Guardian Torsten are a pair of esteemed Draugr found protecting the Nordic ruin Ragnvald north of Markarth. These two are the overseers of the derelict tomb Ragnvald and the Dragon Priest that lies within — Otar the Mad. Guardian Saerek and Guardian Torsten each possess a key to the resting place of the Dragon Priest, which they protect vehemently. Despite holding significant positions, little is clear regarding the history of the two Draugr, but what is known is substantial enough.

Guardian Saerek and Guardian Torsten were Nordic warriors residing in the city of Ragnvald, which was under the rule of Otar the Mad, who was initially a benevolent and gracious chieftain. Through the influence of unknown and corrupting forces, Otar's mind was shattered, turning the once good-hearted leader into a cruel oppressor. Seeking to free their people from Otar the Mad's tyranny, Guardian Saerek and Guardian Torsten challenged the madman. Unfortunately, the chieftain's power was too great, forcing the Nordic warriors to lock him away and guard his tomb for all eternity. The conflict resulted in the abandonment of Ragnvald save for the three.

5 Halldir

Skyrim Halldir

Halldir is a mystical Draugr mage residing in the cave of Halldir's Cairn southwest of Falkreath. He is a Draugr of impressive skill, wielding both weapons and magic with a mastery unlike any other. Halldir seems far more aware than other Draugr as he seeks to restore his life by draining the vitality of those he compels into his cave. While he is distinct from most other Draugr, Halldir's history is unclear and suffused with mystery.

From what is known, one can deduce that Halldir was once a very talented mage that became something of a lich long ago. Given the power Halldir possesses, he could have been a member of the Dragon Cult, acting as a renowned warlord, or maybe even a Dragon Priest. Although, there is the possibility that he was merely an independent master of the arcane arts who specialized in destruction magic, illusion magic, and necromancy. Halldir is an enigmatic Draugr unlike any other, with much more importance than is let on.

4 King Olaf One-Eye

Skyrim King Olaf One-Eye

King Olaf One-Eye is a legendary Draugr found wandering the Nordic ruin Dead Men's Respite southwest of Morthal. Before turning into a restless undead, King Olaf One-Eye was a venerable Nord who would become one of the most influential figures in Skyrim's history. A formidable warrior and respectable man, he would rise to prominence, taking on the role of Jarl of Whiterun. During his time on the throne, King Olaf One-Eye would come to imprison the dragon Numinex in his keep and eventually slay the great drake on Mount Anthor. This remarkable feat would earn the palace the name of Dragonsreach and grant the Jarl much renown.

RELATED: Skyrim: Every Jarl & Their Stories

King Olaf One-Eye's many legendary accomplishments would grant him much reverence in Skyrim. So much so that he would be named High King and reign for thirty-two years unopposed. Despite being a famed High King who reunited Skyrim and conquered the Reach, King Olaf One-Eye would become the victim of controversy sparked by the bard Svaknir. This minstrel would produce a poem known as King Olaf's Verse, which would claim that the revered Nord did not honorably capture Numinex. Such a controversy would spark an annual festival named the Burning of King Olaf. Regardless of the truth, King Olaf One-Eye was undoubtedly a legend.

3 Red Eagle

Skyrim Red Eagle

Red Eagle is a mythical Draugr who roams the cave of Rebel's Cairn northwest of Markarth. This fabled undead was once the Rebel King of the Reach, leading the Reachmen against the invading Imperial forces of Cyrodiil. While other lords of the Reach acquiesced to Empress Hestra and her armies, Red Eagle continued rebelling against the Imperials, bringing many like-minded Reachmen under his reign. Wielding a fiery blade known as Red Eagle's Fury, he led an adamant campaign against Cyrodiil, taking every advantage he could, such as becoming the first Briarheart upon accepting a deal with a Hagraven.

Red Eagle and his Reachmen became feared opponents to the Imperial Empire, garnering many victories through forceful guerilla warfare tactics. It seemed the Reach would be free of foreign reign for a time, but that was not the case. Despite Red Eagle's admirable efforts, the forces of the Imperial Legion greatly outnumbered those of the Reach. In a final assault, Empress Hestra's general laid siege to the Rebel King of the Reach's last remaining stronghold. Red Eagle supposedly defeated a thousand Imperial soldiers before meeting his end. The courageous resistance of the Rebel King of the Reach would come to inspire the Forsworn in their plights.

2 The Gauldurson Brothers

Skyrim Split Image The Gauldurson Brothers

The Gauldurson Brothers are a trio of duplicitous Draugr, each found in different Nordic ruins sprawled across Skyrim. The triad consists of Jyrik, Mikrul, and Sigdis, who participated in an egregious act of betrayal. The Gauldurson Brothers, fueled by a lust for power, conspired against their father and masterful conjurer Gauldur, killing him in his sleep for his magical amulet. Upon acquiring this sacred talisman, the three divided it into pieces enough for each of them. With their newfound power, the Gauldurson Brothers indiscriminately laid waste to nearby villages, establishing their superiority over the land.

News of the Gauldurson Brother's onslaught of destruction reached the High King Harald, who employed Archmage Geirmund and a band of battlemages to stop the trio. The formidable spellcasters would track down the triad and end their mindless slaughter. Doing so would cost many battlemages their lives, but finally, Archmage Geirmund defeated the Gauldurson Brothers at the cost of his life. The trio would come to reside in crypts near where each died, forever shamed for their heinous deeds. Meanwhile, Archmage Geirmund would be honored with a tomb where he would rest in glory, Geirmund's Hall.

1 Warlord Gathrik

Skyrim Split Image Warlord Gathrik

Warlord Gathrik is a towering Draugr — or possibly a Dragon Priest if encountered at later levels — that lurks in the Nordic ruin Ironbind Barrow southeast of Dawnstar. As his name suggests, Warlord Gathrik was a warmongering ruler of the Hold that is Winterhold, although little else is known. His size, power, and skills as a warrior offer insight into the life he may have led, but the involvement of the adventurers Salma and Beem-Ja speaks bounds, granting an understanding of what history may have been.

Salma and Beem-Ja seek to pillage Warlord Gathrik's tomb for the bountiful treasure they believe lies within. However, in truth, Beem-Ja aims to siphon the gargantuan Draugr's immense power for his own using necromantic magic. This underlying goal reveals the extent of Warlord Gathrik's strength, which accredits the idea that he is no ordinary being. Given his position and power, Warlord Gathrik possibly was an esteemed member of the Dragon Cult, maybe even a Dragon Priest, given the fact he may appear as one. Regardless, this huge Draugr was undeniably a figure larger than life, both literally and figuratively.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

MORE: Skyrim: Every Dragon Priest & Their Stories