There's no shortage of danger in the Elder Scrolls universe. The pursuit of forbidden knowledge is often especially perilous, especially when a Daedric Prince is concerned. Tangling with Hermaeus Mora in Skyrim'sDragonborn DLC can be hazardous to one's health, but the potential rewards from exploring his realm of Apocrypha are lucrative.

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One of the prince's more useful boons is his collection of Black Books, tomes of fantastical and esoteric knowledge. Only seven such books exist, each one offering a wide range of otherworldly benefits. The best part is that the Dragonborn can collect them all. That is, if the player can find them, of course.

One Book, Two Adventures

Apocrypha Oblivion Realm From Skyrim

Before starting the hunt for the Black Books in earnest, it's worth mentioning something. Most Black Book quests consist of two "phases," so to speak. Locating the physical copy of the book on Solstheim is the first part. Then, to obtain the rewards the book offers, players must make another trek through Mora's realm of Apocrypha.

Veteran players won't find anything too surprising on the second leg of the journey through Apocrypha. Key information the player may find useful will be noted under each book's respective entry. Otherwise, there isn't much that will slow fans down amidst their hunt for forbidden knowledge. Still, it's worth noting that Apocrypha always contains enemies in the form of Lurkers and Seekers. Be prepared to battle them throughout the "Chapters" of each Black Book.

7 Epistolary Acumen

Epistolary Acumen Location From Skyrim World Map

The process of finding Epistolary Acumen is relatively straightforward, since its attainment main questline in Dragonborn. Players will travel with Neloth to the Dwemer ruin of Nchardak as part of "The Path of Knowledge" quest. Follow Neloth's instructions, and Epistolary Acumen can be retrieved without too much hassle.

Epistolary Acument grants one of three possible improvements to the player's Shouts. They consist of:

  • Dragonborn Force: The Unrelenting Force Shout does more damage and can potentially disintegrate enemies.
  • Dragonborn Flame: When the Fire Breath Shout kills an enemy, a flaming wyrm emerges and acts as an ally for 60 seconds.
  • Dragonborn Frost: The Frost Breath Shout encases enemies in ice.

The Journey Through Apocrypha

The Path of Knowledge Quest From Skyrim

The Apocrypha segment associated with this book is part of "The Gardener of Men" main quest. Players will speak with Hermaeus Mora himself as they get the chance to explore his realm of Oblivion for the first time.

There's nothing particularly complicated about this segment. Just activate the Scryes along the way to unfurl bridges/unlock gates, etc.

6 Waking Dreams

Waking Dreams Location From Skyrim World Map

Waking Dreams is yet another Black Book that can be found during the main questline, as players will read it when they're ready for their final showdown with Miraak. Finding Waking Dreams isn't too difficult. Completing "The Temple of Miraak" with Frea grants this item to the player.

Unlike other Black Books, Waking Dreams only provides one function. After players have defeated Miraak, reading this book will allow them to reset the perk points of a particular skill tree. Doing so will cost a single Dragon Soul.

5 Filament & Filigree

Filament and Filigree Location From Skyrim World Map

Retrieving the book Filament and Filigree requires the completion of the "Unearthed" side quest. Speak to Ralis Sedarys at Kolbjorn Barrow to get the ball rolling. The quest takes place in four stages, whereby players must make a 1000 gold investment for each stage. Each stage also consists of clearing out Draugr from the excavation site.

The fourth and final stage consists of a boss fight against Ahzidal, a Dragon Priest. Once Ahzidal is defeated, players are rewarded with Filament & Filigree. The book's rewards include:

  • Secret of Strength: Power attacks cost no Stamina for 30 seconds.
  • Secret of Arcana: Spells cost no Magicka for 30 seconds.
  • Secret of Protection: Reduces damage by half for 30 seconds.

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The Journey Through Apocrypha

Filament and Filigree Black Book From Skyrim

This Apocrypha segment throws a unique wrench into the mix. In addition to the standard enemies, players can also take damage when stepping into areas that are bathed in shadow. To prevent this, always stay in lit areas or utilize spells such as Candlelight. Otherwise, keep following the linear path to the Black Book.

4 Untold Legends

Benkongerike From Skyrim World Map

Untold Legends is one of the more interesting Black Books, considering the possible reward choices it offers. Players can find Untold Legends in Benkongerike, a cave at the north end of the island. Some Rieklings inhabit the area, so be prepared. The solution to the gate puzzle guarding the books is, from left to right: Eagle, Whale, Whale, Snake.

Untold Legends rewards the player with three possible allies, which include:

  • Black Market: Summon a Dremora Merchant for instant trade.
  • Secret Servant: Summon a Dremora Butler to carry excess loot.
  • Bardic Knowledge: Summon a Spectral Drum that increases Stamina Regeneration.

The Journey Through Apocrypha

Untold Legends Black Book From Skyrim

This leg of the journey isn't as linear compared to some of the other books, but it's nothing to be worried about. Just follow these instructions for the quickest path to the book:

  • The player will start in Chapter I. Follow the linear path to Chapter II.
  • In Chapter II, follow the path until the platform forks in two directions. Take a left to enter Chapter IV.
  • To solve the puzzle in Chapter IV, activate the Scrye in the middle right alcove. Then, activate the Scrye in the middle left alcove. Finally, activate the central Scrye in the middle of the room and proceed.
  • In Chapter V, proceed directly to the Black Book. The corridors may rotate once or twice, but don't worry. It's only a temporary setback.

3 The Hidden Twilight

The Hidden Twilight Location From Skyrim World Map

Accessing The Hidden Twilight book is perhaps the easiest of the bunch. It's located in Tel Mithryn, the home of the irritable Neloth. Obtaining the book requires the completion of the "Reluctant Steward" quest for Neloth. Once the Dragonborn finds a replacement steward for the fastidious Dark Elf, and book is theirs to keep.

Any of The Hidden Twilight's three potential rewards can come in handy in a combat scenario. They consist of:

  • Mora's Agony: Summons a field of tentacles that poisons nearby enemies.
  • Mora's Boon: Fully restores Health, Stamina, and Magicka once per day.
  • Mora's Grasp: Freezes the target for 30 seconds, becoming immune to damage in the process.

The Journey Through Apocrypha

The Hidden Twilight Black Book From Skyrim

Although th journey may seem intimidating, it's not terribly complicated. Players must work their way up through the Chapters to unlock each subsequent path. Just enter the Chapters in sequential order and activate the Scryes along the way. The book is located in Chapter VIII.

2 The Winds Of Change

The Winds of Change Location From Skyrim World Map

The Winds of Change can be collected upon completion of the side quest "The Final Descent," which players may begin by speaking to Crescius Caerellius in Raven Rock. After clearing Raven Rock Mine of enemies, including the Dragon Priest Zahkriisos, the Black Book can be added to the player's collection.

As always, The Winds of Change offers three potential rewards:

  • Scholar's Insight: Reading a Skill Book increases the skill by one extra level.
  • Companion's Insight: The player's physical attacks, spells, and shouts no longer damage followers.
  • Lover's Insight: Do 10% more damage to the opposite sex and get 10% better prices from the opposite sex.

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The Journey Through Apocrypha

The Winds of Change Black Book From Skyrim

This Apocrypha segment is entirely linear, no branching paths to confuse the player. There will, however, be Seekers and Lurkers to impede one's progress. Bring along weapons and spells to make short work of these ugly pests.

1 The Sallow Regent

The Sallow Regent Location From Skyrim World Map

The Sallow Regent is located within White Ridge Barrow on the northern edge of Solstheim. It's a pretty standard dungeon-crawl, one that most players should be familiar with at this point. Be prepared to battle Spiders, Reavers, and Draugr. At the end of the dungeon, predictably, is the player's reward.

The Sallow Regent primarily offers bonuses to the player's skills. The choices include:

  • Seeker of Might: Combat skills are 10% more effective,
  • Seeker of Sorcery: All spells cost 10% less Magicka. Enchantments are 10% more powerful.
  • Seeker of Shadows: Stealth skills are 10% more effective.

The Journey Through Apocrypha

The Sallow Regent Black Book From Skyrim

Like with Filament & Filigree, players will once again take damage when entering the dark parts of the map. Keep close to the light sources and use spells like Candlelight, or a simple torch. The Black Book will be sitting on a pedestal at the end of the segment.

NEXT: The Elder Scrolls: Things You Didn't Know About The Daedric Princes