Imperial or Stormcloak? While comparatively simple compared to the faction alignment systems of previous Elder Scrolls games, choosing a side to take up arms for in Skyrim's civil war can still make for a pretty daunting decision. Both have their reasons, certainly. But what if we put it through the lens of not picking the right side, but instead choosing the lesser of two evils? Because there are certainly more than enough reasons that both of them would prove inept for the task.

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To demonstrate, we've gathered up five reasons that each side would make for a disastrous decision when it comes to actually rule the province of Skyrim, once the war is said and done. Keep scrolling to join us as we pick apart each faction and make a case against them. Who knows? By the time you reach the end of our list, you might find yourself convinced that neither of them is fit to rule. Maybe they should just let the dragons win?

10 STORMCLOAKS SHOULDN'T: They're A Wee Bit Racist

When it comes down to it, the Stormcloaks don't seem to be very fond of the Empire's cosmopolitan makeup. We have certainly seen the likes of slavery, unjust treatment, and flat inequality in other parts of Tamriel before, but the state of Windhelm's Dunmer population is rather telling concerning the limits of their tolerance.

Galmar makes a big ruckus about how you "don't need to be a Nord to fight for Skyrim," but one look at Windhelm's Gray Quarter puts that statement into context nicely. Sure, they don't mind more meat for the grinder. Why would they? Just don't expect them to give a tossed pie about the state you'll be living in once the war's over.

9 IMPERIALS SHOULDN'T: They're In The Thalmor's Pocket

This one's abundantly obvious, considering that it's a direct contributor to the reasoning behind the Stormcloak rebellion. The Imperials don't really seem to be at the wheel when it comes to steering the Empire these days.

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If Aldmeri's leash on Imperial affairs and the White-Gold Concordat weren't enough evidence, their history of warring with and dominating what they consider to be "lesser" races of Tamriel (including the Imperials themselves) should do the trick. The Stormcloaks might be nationalistic and a bit racist, but the Aldmeri make them look like champions of equality.

8 STORMCLOAKS SHOULDN'T: King Ulfric Is Bloodthirsty & Manipulative

Ulfric Stormcloak certainly cuts a dashing figure as a romanticized freedom fighter, but the means by which he came to power raises a few questions concerning his true character. He displayed immense cruelty during his liberation of Markarth from the Reachmen. The story varies a bit depending on your source, but within most rumors are embedded a grain of truth.

Less arguably is his usurpation and needless slaying of High King Torygg, the event that essentially kindled the rebellion proper. Although there were many other ways that Ulfric could've accomplished his ends, he challenged Torygg to an "honorable duel" that he knew he had no chance of losing. He may not be the only NPC with dirty laundry, but he's got a pretty big pile of it.

7 IMPERIALS SHOULDN'T: The Empire Might Collapse Soon

The Empire has classically been the primary leading power in Tamriel, but after its recent war with the Aldmeri Dominion, it seems to be on the verge of collapse. Its holdings are the lowest that they've been in ages, and although they managed to reclaim Cyrodiil from the Dominion, the terms of the White-Gold Concordat keep their recovery in check.

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In fact, if the Dark Brotherhood questline is to be taken as canon, the Emperor himself has been recently assassinated. This no doubt triggers internal strife and political conflict that further erodes its ability to govern itself, much less Skyrim.

6 STORMCLOAKS SHOULDN'T: They Can't Take On The Thalmor

King Ulfric and his generals are definitely shown to be capable tacticians, having been able to raise, arm, and lead their motley rebel forces in such a way that it puts their military might on relatively even ground with the Empire's forces.

However, it's worth noting the Imperial Legion has been battered and depleted by their recent conflict with the Aldmeri Dominion, and even before then, they were on the verge of losing that war. Ulfric's Stormcloak rebels might give a broken Empire a run for their septims, but they'd be ripe for invasion by the Dominion while they recovered from the liberation of their homeland.

5 IMPERIALS SHOULDN'T: Skyrim's Population Would Remain Rebellious

One of the most contentious stipulations of the White-Gold Concordat, and by extension, one of the primary driving forces behind the Stormcloak rebellion, is the banishment of Talos worship. Free worship of all Nine Divines is one of King Ulfric's biggest sticking points when it comes to recruiting more troops.

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Even if the Empire restores order in Skyrim, it'll be a tenuous peace at best. The banishment of Talos worship isn't something the Nords are ever going to find themselves entirely on board with. So long as it remains in effect, pockets of resistance, if not further rebellions, will continue to plague Skyrim and steadily drain the Empire's dwindling resources.

4 STORMCLOAKS SHOULDN'T: They Don't See The Big Picture

The Stormcloaks see the White-Gold Concordat as an unforgivable affront, if not an outright betrayal of everything the Empire should stand for. While they're not far off base, they fail to see the reasoning behind why this treaty needed to be accepted. Continued conflict with the Aldmeri Dominion would've seen the Empire ground to dust.

Acceptance of the treaty, at the very least, gives them time to consolidate and rebuild their forces to a point where they could successfully resist further incursions. The White-Gold Concordat, while clearly devised to further divide the Empire, was a necessary evil to ensure its continued existence. If the Stormcloaks had their way, they would've fought the Aldmeri to a point that assured their own destruction.

3 IMPERIALS SHOULDN'T: They Don't Understand Nord Culture

This is somewhat peculiar, given the commonalities between Nords and Imperials. They undoubtedly share a common ancestry and worship what are generally the very same deities. However, the cultural divide is vast enough to create a sort of alienation that puts them at odds with one another domestically.

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One good example is provided by Jarl Balgruuf's Imperial steward, Proventus, when describes the Nordic lore surrounding the Dragonborn as nonsense. Another is given by General Tullius when he expresses misgivings concerning the Nordic sense of honor during a conversation with Legate Rikke.

2 STORMCLOAKS SHOULDN'T: Skyrim Has Always Stood With The Empire

Put simply, Skyrim has fought, bled, and generally been a part of the Empire for hundreds of years. This is the very reasoning cited by many of the Nords when asked why they're siding with the Empire during Skyrim's civil war.

While the banishment of Talos worship is certainly an egregious offense, it still stands that Talos, also known as Tiber Septim, founded and created the very Empire that they're rebelling against. The Thalmor involvement in its affairs does complicate matters, but it could be argued that betraying the Empire is, in its own sort of way, betraying Talos himself.

1 IMPERIALS SHOULDN'T: They Can't Afford To Protect It

Skyrim Imperial Troops Mustered

The very existence and relative success of the Stormcloak rebellion stand to evidence this point. A few rogue Jarls would've proven no impediment to the pre-war Empire, and they would've found themselves swiftly crushed by its disciplined and well-trained armies. As it is, the Empire can barely afford to hold them at bay.

Even then, they're only able to contain this rebellion due to the talents of General Tullius. It can be safely assumed that Imperial troops would need to be redistributed to other parts of the Empire once the war's been concluded and that if they were barely able to outmatch a rebel uprising, an invasion would mean the province's doom.

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