There are a great number of weapons to find in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, and determining which one is most powerful depends on a player's skills and level. Having said that, there are a number of weapons that are either so powerful they break the game or can propel lower leveled players to incredible heights in no time.

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There is a mixture of weapon types in the game to ensure each player finds something useful, and the variety of powerful weapons like these is all over the place, too. Be wary that wielding some of these weapons can make Skyrim so easy that it loses all sense of fun... unless players enjoy feeling overpowered, of course.

Updated December 28, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra: Skyrim is one of the greatest video games ever made, with players still fondly checking out this amazing game to this day. It helps that the modding community and a bunch of re-releases have helped keep Skyrim relevant to this day, with more and more people checking out this amazing masterpiece for themselves.

A big part of what makes Skyrim such an enjoyable game is the fact that players can get grossly overpowered by using one of the many amazing weapons in the game to absolutely decimate their foes. The most notable candidates in this regard are mentioned below.

20 Chillrend

  • Type: Sword / One-Handed / Dual-Wield
  • Base Damage: 15
  • Effect: 2% chance to paralyze opponents while hitting for 30 extra Frost Damage

Chillrend is an iconic glass blade in The Elder Scrolls that makes an appearance in Skyrim as well. This sword is a leveled weapon, meaning that it'll be relevant from the very moment the Dragonborn gets their hands on it.

Watching enemies get frozen and paralyzed by this weapon is a ton of fun. Unique weapons are a blast to use in Skyrim, and the Chillrend is no exception here.

How To Get Chillrend

The blade is found inside the tunnels under Riften's Riftweald Manor. Players can enter these tunnels during the quest The Pursuit. Alternatively, players can use a bit of parkour to reach the balcony of the Riftweald Manor and pick the lock instead.

19 Miraak's Sword

Miraak's Sword in Skyrim
  • Type: Sword / One-Handed / Dual-Wield
  • Base Damage: 12–16
  • Effect: Absorb 15 points of stamina with each hit

One of the strongest weapons in the game, players should try and get their hands on Miraak's Sword as soon as possible. Of course, this entails the completion of an entire DLC's questline, which is no easy feat.

This sword lets players absorb their enemy's stamina with each hit, ensuring that they never run out themselves. It's one of the best swords in the game that the Dragonborn should definitely acquire, and the fact that it's pretty light to boot is a bonus.

How To Get Miraak's Sword

Players need to loot this sword from Miraak's body after defeating him in the quest At the Summit of Apocrypha.

18 Dragonbone Greatsword

The Dragonbone Greatsword in Skyrim
  • Type: Greatsword / Two-Handed
  • Base Damage: 25
  • Effect: None

Sometimes, weapons don't need to have additional effects to be useful. Instead, all they need to be is extremely powerful and damaging.

This is where the Dragonbone Greatsword comes into the picture. It's an extremely powerful two-handed sword that can mow down most enemies with ease.

How To Get Dragonbone Greatsword

Can be found as random loot when the player is at a high level. Alternatively, players can craft this weapon with the appropriate materials instead.

17 Bloodskal Blade

Bloodskal Blade
  • Type: Greatsword / Two-Handed
  • Base Damage: 21
  • Effect: Power attacks unleash an energy blast that deals 30 damage

This glass greatsword is one of the best-looking weapons in the game. The red hue of this weapon adds a menacing vibe that makes the Bloodskal Blade a blast to use in battle... quite literally!

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A power attack with this weapon unleashes an additional energy blast that hits like a truck. This special effect, in itself, makes the Bloodskal Blade extremely satisfying to use in any combat encounter.

How To Get Bloodskal Blade

Can be obtained from the skeleton of Gratian Caerellius in the depths of Bloodskal Barrow.

16 Stalhrim Sword

Stalhrim Sword in Skyrim
  • Type: Sword / One-Handed / Dual-Wield
  • Base Damage: 13
  • Effect: None

Ebony swords are extremely powerful in Skyrim, but there's no denying that their weight can be a huge drawback for players picky about their weight. To combat this issue, players should use a Stalhrim Sword instead.

This weapon boasts the same level of power as an Ebony Sword without the unnecessary weight. It's a great weapon to use and looks pretty great to boot.

How To Get Stalhrim Sword

Can be obtained as loot after reaching a certain level. Alternatively, the Dragonborn can purchase this from either Baldor Iron-Shaper in the Skaal Village or Glover Mallory in Raven Rock.

15 Mehrunes Razor

Skyrim Player Wielding Mehrunes Razor
  • Type: Dagger / One-Handed / Dual-Wield
  • Base Damage: 11
  • Effect: 2% chance to kill any opponent instantly without a need to recharge

Mehrunes Razor is one of the most frustrating and most powerful weapons in the game. Whenever it stabs it has a chance to instantly kill whatever it strikes, this is true from lowly Goblins up to the Dragons and bosses of the game. Only three entities are immune to this thing, Miraak, Karstaag, and Ebony Warrior if he triggers his Reflect Blows.

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The problem is that the chance of this insta-kill happening is about 1.98%. Most of the time enemies will fall the old-fashioned way, raw base damage. It’s recommended to have this in the left hand and equip something else. Players will forget they have it until something suddenly drops to the ground.

How To Get Mehrunes Razor

Players must go to the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon near Dawnstar and begin the "Pieces of the Past" quest and choose to kill Silus Vesuvius at the end (otherwise it gets added to the Mythic Dawn Museum).

14 Staff Of Paralysis

Skyrim Dual Wielding Staff of Paralysis
  • Type: Staff / Alteration
  • Base Damage: 0
  • Effect: Paralyses opponents for 10 seconds

This is perhaps the only non-unique weapon in the game and one of the easier to find. The Staff of Paralysis has a spell that can paralyze enemies for 10 seconds. An important quirk about this spell is that it incapacitates the enemy for about 12 seconds. This is because after the spell wears off it takes a second or two to get back up and into the fight.

During that time enemies are completely vulnerable to any and all attacks. Or it could buy precious time to chug healing potions or retreat. The Staff itself doesn’t do any damage but can be dual-wielded with something that does. It's one of the best early weapons Skyrim offers and worth the effort of tracking down.

How To Get The Staff of Paralysis

It's found in a variety of locations throughout the world, including in random chests and being sold rarely by upper-level mages at the College of Winterhold. One can always be found in Snapleg Cave, too.

13 Sanguine Rose

Skyrim Dremoa And Sanguine Rose
  • Type: Staff / Conjuration
  • Base Damage: 0
  • Effect: Summons a Dremora, leveled to the player, for one minute

The Sanguine Rose doesn’t do any damage on its own but summons a leveled Dremora who will fight for the player. This Dremora can increase DPS in a fight or act as an effective meat shield. When the Dremora dies there is a chance it can drop a Daedric Greatsword of Scorching which is handy in battle or fetches a great price.

Outside of battle, these Dremora can be used to train skills and level up. Unfortunately, this very useful item can only be obtained at level 14 so players will have to find another way through the game before picking this up.

How To Get The Sanguine Rose

Players must start the "Night to Remember" quest, one of the more famous quests of Skyrim which features the player tracking down the events of a night gone wrong, a la The Hangover. It can only be started at level 14.

12 Wabbajack

Skyrim Player Wielding Wabbajack
  • Type: Staff / ???
  • Base Damage: 27
  • Effect: Randomly casts one of 20 different spells, including transformation, explosions, and even summoning cheese.

The Wabbajack is the wild card of Skyrim. Whenever it's used in battle a random spell will be cast. Random is not an exaggeration either it could be a powerful Fireball, heal the enemy, or turn them into a pile of cheese among many other options. It could end battles quickly, extend battles, or enrich the player with Septims or valuable loot.

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The reason it’s recommended is that the staff is guaranteed to create an explosion when cast at large targets like Dragons, Giants, or Mammoths. This makes it one of the best weapons to get early in Skyrim.

How To Get The Wabbajack

Players must travel to Solitude to begin the quest "The Mind of Madness" which is given by a homeless man named Dervenin. Upon completion, Sheogorath gives the player his prized staff.

11 The Staff Of Magnus

Skyrim NPC Wielding Staff of Magnus
  • Type: Staff / Destruction
  • Base Damage: 0
  • Effect: Absorbs 20 Magicka per second. If the target has no Magicka, it starts absorbing Health.

The Staff of Magnus has a niche role that it serves very well. When cast it can absorb 20 Magicka per second. When the target runs out of Magicka it will absorb 20 Health instead. This is huge against magic-based users which are often the most powerful foes in the game.

It has enough charge for 17 uses and will require a steady flow of Soul Gems to keep charged. Unless the player gets their Destruction up to 100%, then it will never run out. This makes the Staff one of Skyrim’s best early weapons and one of the most powerful in the end game, against mages.

How To Get The Staff of Magnus

The Staff of Magnus is acquired through the College of Winterhold storyline, and also serves as the focal point for several quests leading to the final fight against the Thalmor Ancano.

10 Volendrung

  • Type: Warhammer / Two-Handed
  • Base Damage: 25
  • Effect: Absorbs 50 points of Stamina from the target

Volendrung is a powerful Warhammer for low-level players as it has a great base damage of 15 and has the helpful ability to absorb 50 points of stamina with each hit. This ensures that the Dragonborn's stamina will be in great shape to continue swinging the hammer.

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Players will eventually replace it, but when starting out it’s a powerful tool that makes the game a lot easier, especially for players with a stamina-oriented build.

How To Get Volendrung

Volendrung is obtained by completing the Daedric quest The Cursed Tribe, which takes players to the Orc stronghold Largashbur. If the player can keep Ugor alive during the initial fighting stage the quest is a lot easier to complete at the end.

9 Wuuthrad

  • Type: Battleaxe / Two-Handed
  • Base Damage: 25
  • Effect: Extra damage towards Elven-type enemies

Wuuthrad may take a while to obtain, any fights against elven warriors will be a joke once a player gets their hands on this weapon. It has a base damage of 25 and deals bonus damage against the proud Altmer, Bosmer, Falmer, and Dunmer, dealing an effective 30 base damage against those of these races thanks to the additional 5.

It ranks low because it is only rewarded at the end of a major questline (though not the main one). But upon doing so and obtaining this weapon, players will become a force to be reckoned with, especially if the next opponent is Elven.

How To Get Wuuthrad

Players must complete the "Glory of the Dead" quest and have it re-forged by Eorlund Gray-Mane during the culmination of the Companions questline. It can be picked up within Ysgramor's Tomb after the player uses it to unlock a passage.

8 Dawnguard Rune Axe

  • Type: War Axe / One-Handed / Dual-Wield
  • Base Damage: 11
  • Effect: Does extra damage to undead based on the number of undead killed since the previous sunrise

If players wish to fight the undead in melee then this is hands down the weapon they want. The Dawnguard Rune Axe has the powerful ability to increase its sun damage with each undead they kill since the last sunrise.

This can possibly add up to a maximum of a bonus 110 damage on top of the base 11 damage if the player has killed 100 undead in a single day, making it also hypothetically the most powerful weapon in the game (though only against certain opponents under certain conditions).

How To Get The Dawnguard Rune Axe

It can be found fairly early by completing the side quest Lost Relic which can be found at Fort Dawnguard, leading players to a Radiant area. The reward is randomized so players may have to do the quest a total of three times before they get it.

7 Mace Of Molag Bal

Skyrim Mace of Molag Bal on its pedestal
  • Type: Mace / One-Handed / Destruction
  • Base Damage: 16
  • Effect: Deals 25 damage to Magicka and Stamina. Fills a Soul Gem if the target dies within three seconds.

The Daedric Prince of Domination and the father of all vampires, Molag Bal (like most Daedra) bequeaths favors upon those who complete a task for him, in this case, the Mace of Molag Bal. This weapon is great for fighting mages as it will deal 25 damage to their stamina and magicka along with 16 base damage.

It’s also a handy weapon for those wishing to use enchanted items a lot or those who get into enchanting as it casts Soul Trap for three seconds. Couple this with Azura’s Star or The Black Star and players will have a useful tool for enchanting purposes.

How To Get The Mace of Molag Bal

The Dragonborn must complete the "House of Horrors" quest in Markarth to appease the eponymous Molag Bal, which begins after the player enters an Abandoned House.

6 Ebony Blade

  • Type: Longsword / Two-Handed
  • Base Damage: 11
  • Effect: Absorbs Health from opponents, can be enhanced by killing friendly NPCs

This is another sinister Daedric weapon, this time granted to those who satisfy Mephala’s wishes. It does take a while to acquire it as they need to be at level 20 and have completed the Dragon Rising quest, but the Ebony Blade dramatically improves their abilities in combat for a price.

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It has a base damage of 11 and absorbs 10 points of health with each hit, though this can be raised to steal 30 points of health by killing ten friendly characters. It’s a terrible toll, but this blade is immensely powerful for the mid-game.

How To Get The Ebony Blade

Players must first complete the "Dragon Rising" quest, then talk to Hulda at Whiterun's Bannered Mare. She will put the player on the quest "The Whispering Door" which is tied to the Daedric Prince Mephala.

5 Auriel’s Bow

Auriel's Bow in Skyrim
  • Type: Bow / Archery
  • Base Damage: 13
  • Effect: Deals 20 additional Sun damage to targets, damage is tripled for the Undead

Wielded by the Elven god Auri-El this bow is a beast when used to slay undead targets. Normally it deals 13 base damage and 20 points of sun damage but against the undead the damage triples for impressive numbers without employing any additional bonuses that come from Sneak, the Deadly Aim perk, and the Overdraw perk.

Along the way in the questline, they'll find vampires and other undead minions who will melt from the arrows launched by this bow. Try firing a Sunhallowed Elven Arrow at the sun for even greater effect.

How To Get Auriel's Bow

Auriel's Bow can only be acquired through the Dawnguard DLC questline, where it is earned after defeating Arch-Curate Vyrthur towards the end of the story.

4 Bloodscythe & Soulrender

  • Type: Sword / Dual-Wield
  • Base Damage: 13 each
  • Effect: When dual-wielding, Bloodscythe will damage armor and absorb health, while Soulrender damages magical defense and absorbs Magicka

Wielded by the pirate king Haknir Death-Brand these two swords aren’t special on their own, but dual-wielded they are scarily effective. Bloodscythe is excellent against warrior types as it steals 15 health and can lower their armor.

Soulrend is great against mages by stealing 15 magicka and lowering magical defenses. It’s also recommended to wear his outfit as it will raise the swords’ damage by 40%, and it's arguably the best dual-wielding combination of unique items in Skyrim.

How To Get Bloodscythe and Soulrender

Players must defeat Haknir Death-Brand in the Solstheim area Gyldenhul Barrow as part of the wide-reaching "Deathbrand" quest. To get into the area, players need an Ancient Nordic Pickaxe to remove the stalhrim.

3 The Longhammer

  • Type: Warhammer / Two-Handed
  • Base Damage: 21
  • Effect: Can be swung extra fast thanks to its extremely low weight

The Longhammer is a useful Warhammer for players because of its powerful ability and the fact that it can be obtained early on. It does decent base damage of 21 and swings 30% faster thanks to its lower weight.

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This is not considered an enchantment so the weapon can be enhanced even further without losing this ability and can be enchanted to get an even faster swing. It’ll feel a bit like button mashing but swinging this Warhammer repeatedly can rack up some serious DPS.

How To Get The Longhammer

Players must journey to the end of Liar's Retreat, a cave in the Reach that was once home to bandits and now home to Falmer. It lies next to its former owner, Rahd, on the ground.

2 Dwarven Black Bow Of Fate

Dwarven Black Bow Of Fate in Skyrim
  • Type: Bow / Archery
  • Base Damage: 13
  • Effect: 50% chance each to absorb Health, Magicka, or Stamina (can proc more than one resource)

The most powerful weapon on this list that doesn’t feel like an exploit is the Dwarven Black Bow Of Fate. It deals an unimpressive 13 base damage, but the special effects are ]what’s important.

This bow has a 50% chance to absorb 25 points of health, stamina, and magicka effectively draining the life force of the Dragonborn's foes and replenishing the player.

How To Get The Dwarven Black Bow of Fate

Getting it is a bit of a chore as players have to go to gather four of the five Kagrumez Resonance Gems, take them to the puzzle located inside Kagrumez, solve the puzzle using the resonance gems, and grab the fateful prize.

1 Windshear

  • Type: Sword / One-Handed / Dual-Wield
  • Base Damage: 11
  • Effect: Bash attacks can knock enemies down

By far the weapon that makes Skyrim incredibly easy is the scimitar Windshear. It has a measly 11 base damage and a somewhat useful effect of each hit having a 39% chance to stagger the enemy for a split second.

But what makes this weapon so incredibly strong is the stagger it causes with each strike. Enemies from rats to dragons will be unlocked and unable to retaliate unless an opponent has the perks Tower Of Strength or Reflect Blows, which only a handful do.

How To Get Windshear

Players have to join the Dark Brotherhood and be in the process of finishing the quest Hail Sithis. The sword is found embedded in the bow of the ship.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available for PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, 4, & 5, and Xbox 360, One, & X/S.

More: Skyrim: The Most Powerful Weapons With Unique Enchantments, Ranked