
  • Yagrum Bagarn is the last known living Dwemer, afflicted with a disease that limits his mobility.
  • The Falmer were once prosperous Snow Elves, but they were enslaved and mutated by the Dwemer.
  • The Dwemer were a unique civilization that built their own god, Numidium, and possessed advanced technology and engineering skills.

The Dwemer are one of the most curious cases and unanswered mysteries in The Elder Scrolls series. As players progressed to the fifth entry, Skyrim, their questions only grew. Players can venture through Skyrim and discover more mysteries of the Dwemer thanks to the Dwarven Ruins, and artifacts built by this mysterious species that disappeared long before the Last Dragonborn emerged in Tamriel.

However, when players are not fighting against dragons, they might find themselves enamored by the curiosities of the Dwemer and their ancient yet advanced civilization. Skyrim players might benefit from these facts and essential things that must be known about the Dwemer in Skyrim.

6 The Last Dwemer

Morrowind Yagrum Bagarn

As players might know, there isn’t a single Dwemer in Skyrim. Players won’t be able to find even a body or limb of a Dwemer. However, for those curious, a Dwemer did live in Tamriel at the same time as in The Elder Scrolls games. Yagrum Bagarn is perhaps the last known living Dwemer, and he is someone who managed to survive the disappearance of the Dwarves.

Yagrum Bagarn has Corpus, a disease featured in Morrowind. Due to this disease, he is limited to only moving around thanks to a Centurion Spider’s legs. Yagrum Bargarn is one of the most interesting NPCs in The Elder Scrolls due to his standing as the last living Dwarf, but his fate is sealed by time, as Skyrim takes place centuries after Morrowind.

5 Origins Of The Falmer

Snow Elf - Skyrim Falmer Facts

When players first investigate the Dwarven Ruins in Skyrim, they might find themselves battling the Falmer, a strange and seemingly primitive race of rageful and blind elves, mutated and relegated to the darkened caves of Skyrim. However, the Falmer were not always these twisted amalgamations, as they were once a prosperous and beautiful species known as the Snow Elves.

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This corrupted race of Mer was at odds and a war with the Nords of Skyrim for the land. Defeated, the Falmer retreated to the Dwarves for help. This uneasy alliance was forged when the Snow Elves were forced to consume a concoction that would blind their species, and relegate them as slaves. As it stands, there is only a handful of surviving Snow Elves remaining, and the Dwemer were directly responsible for the seeming destruction of a race of Mer.

4 Built Their Own God

The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Dwemer Numidium

Religion is a fickle matter in The Elder Scrolls. It seems that every race and species follows its own gods and deities, with many races even bowing to some Daedra and the many different types that there are. However, what’s most curious about the Dwemer, is that they don’t bow to any gods but themselves. The Dwemer even believed themselves to be more powerful than a god could be, and as such, to prove their status as makers, they built their own.

Numidium is perhaps the ultimate architectural genius and display of intellect bestowed by the Dwemer. Numidium was a colossal golem over a thousand feet tall that acted as their god, built and controlled by the Dwemer to show their strength. For Skyrim players, they can even catch a glimpse of Numidium on Alduin’s Wall in the Sky Haven Temple.

3 The Red Mountain


There are some mentions of the Red Mountain when it comes to the Skyrim Dragonborn DLC. When players venture to Solstheim, they will meet a strange and rather bizarre character named Neloth, a master Telvanni wizard with an act for experimentation and Dwemer intrigue. They can hear him mention the ‘Red Mountain’ a few times, and the secrets within.

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The Red Moutain is an active volcano in Tamriel, and one of the original inhabitants of said mountain was the Dwemer. Within the mountain, the Dwemer found the Heart of Lorkhan, which the Dwemer sought to use to ascend to godhood. There are many secrets under the Red Mountain, including the key to the disappearance of the Dwemer that occurred after the Battle of Red Mountain.

2 Dwemer Vs Mammoths

frozen mammoth with dwarven spears inside it

Just north of Alftand in Skyrim, players might have stumbled across a frozen mammoth, beginning to thaw. This mammoth is very much dead, and the Dwarves may have something to do with it. It’s well known that the Dwemer built upon the lands of Skyrim, but what little is known, is the fact that they seemed to be mammoth hunters.

Once located, players can investigate this half-frozen mammoth and find that within the ice, is a set of Dwarven weapons. Players will find not only Dwarven arrows embedded into the mammoth’s hide, but they will find the unique Dwarven spears as well, which are unobtainable by the player, showing that they must have been crafted by Dwarven hands and used to hunt this great beast.

1 A Marvel Of Mechanics

Skyrim Dwarven Centurion

The Dwemer are perhaps the most advanced civilization that Tamriel will ever see. Surviving numerous centuries and throughout the known Eras, Dwarven engineering has withstood time and without management. From the incredible Automotrons left behind to the technology that is powerful enough to contain artifacts like an Elder Scroll. It’s incredible what the Dwemer could do, and it’s only shown in their ruin.

One of their largest marvels is that of an airship, showing that the Dwemer were advancing to conquer the skies. The fact that the Dwemer had personal flying machines showed just how far they had progressed. They were gifted with great intellect that they present within their inventions.

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