While the ghastly draugr are common enemies throughout Skyrim, one player shared details of a fight that saw the draugr use Dragon Shouts, such as Unrelenting Force, during a dungeon brawl. The Dragon Shouts used by the draugr kept the Skyrim player at bay and prevented them from attacking, which led to the fight dragging on for over a minute.

Throughout the vast lands of Skyrim, players can come across simple ruins and detailed dungeons that house both treasure and dangerous foes. Among the most likely foes in any dungeon are the draugr, fallen Nords reanimated by necromancy or other forms of dark magic. Other draugr were also seen in the service of the Dragon Priests and were cursed to wander the dark catacombs as a punishment. In battle, the draugr are equipped with Ancient Nord weapons, Destruction magic spells, and higher-ranked draugr can use Dragon Shouts to clear the battlefield.

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Although some draugr can act strangely during a dungeon run, one Skyrim player pointed out how painful a fight can get once Dragon Shouts come into play. On Reddit, a user named Kastera1000 shared a video that lasted over a minute and a half on the r/skyrim subreddit of their encounter with a draugr deathlord and its minions. As Kastera100 readied their axe for an attack, the draugr deathlord used Unrelenting Force to send the Dragonborn flying into a wall. This caused Kastera1000 to go into the menu and use a healing potion to keep their health topped off as the draugr minions hacked away with their weapons. Throughout the video, Kastera100 was knocked back nine times. After that, the Dragonborn had an opening and took down the draugr deathlord shouting at them, which brought the fight to a swift end.

Skyrim Player Gets Stunlocked By a Draugr's Shouts

When a fully-powered Dragon Shout such as Unrelenting Force is used in Skyrim, the force of the shout knocks them back and prevents them from taking any action until they get back on their feet. During the recovery period, the target of a Dragon Shout can still take damage from other attacks, such as weapon swings or elemental magic. The effects of a Dragon Shout are not subject to diminishing returns, meaning they can theoretically be chained together to keep a foe locked down. As proven by Kastera1000's video, the Unrelenting Force of a draugr deathlord can turn a simple fight into a deathly affair.

Between different comedic clips and near-tragic scenarios, the variety of content available in Skyrim is a testament to the RPG's long-lasting appeal. What players discover next remains to be seen.