Skyrim Dragonborn PlayStation 3 Release

The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim DLC is finally coming to the PlayStation 3. Over a year after critics hailed its multiplatform release, over six months after Xbox 360 audiences fought (or became) vampires with Dawnguard and three after they furnished homes with Hearthfire, and over two months after Bethesda appeared at an impasse with downloadable content for Sony's consoles (the two teaming up even seemed futile), it was announced by the studio today that Dragonborn, the third iteration of Skyrim DLC, will be available to PC and PlayStation 3 owners in early 2013.

Venturing to the province of Morrowind, perhaps on the wings of its newly mountable dragons, Xbox 360 owners of Skyrim will be suiting up with Dragonborn as early as tomorrow, December 4th, when the content can be downloaded over Xbox Live for 1600 Microsoft Points ($20).

Presumably it was just the right time, then, for the official Bethesda blog to reveal that they won't soon be alone:

"We’re also happy to announce Dragonborn will be available on PS3 and PC early next year."

We had our first inkling that Dragonborn was PS3-bound this October, when decoded patch files outing the DLC's existence made reference to an update for the console's compatibility. A month later, shortly after its Dragonborn trailer landed, Bethesda teased that new Skyrim content for the system was "close." If close is a 30-day, limited-360-exclusive waiting window, then it appears as though both reports carried every semblance of truth.


And while the dates might not be solid, they're concrete compared to what PlayStation 3 owners are accustomed to: Dawnguard's ongoing technical follies, Hearthfire's outright disinterest, and Bethesda's indirect communication regarding both. While the PS3 future of the aforementioned two remains unclear, we're hoping today's announcement means that a door has been opened, that the studio can now finally offer support to its entire spectrum of Skyrim users, regardless of how refractory their hardware may be.

Furthermore, Bethesda did go on to say that Dragonborn wasn't the end of the line for new Skyrim content. As with Dragonborn on the PlayStation 3, however, the details won't be arriving until next year. But in either case, Skyrim's legacy hardly seems finished, and if the sizeable scope of tomorrow's DLC is any indication, neither are we.

Ranters: Better late than never, or too little, too late -- how would you phrase Skyrim DLC finally arriving on the PlayStation 3?


Dragonborn will be available for download for 1600 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE on December 4, with PC and PS3 versions expected in early 2013.

Follow Brian on Twitter @Brian_Sipple.

Source: Bethesda Blog