
  • A player's funeral in Skyrim was interrupted by a dragon attack, creating chaos and humor in an unexpected moment.
  • Dragon attacks in major cities are rare, making this occurrence unusual and amusing for players.
  • Despite the glitch in the "Glory of the Dead" quest, the unique funeral experience showcases the enduring entertainment value found within Skyrim.

A fan-favorite Skyrim character got an epic send-off when his funeral was interrupted by a well-timed dragon attack, as one player shared on Reddit. Central to the main storyline of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skryim is the return of dragons, and players must contend with random dragon attacks, sometimes at inconvenient moments but rarely within walled cities.

Though Skyrim is swiftly approaching its twelfth birthday, it has managed to maintain a thriving community of players, many of whom share their odd or funny experiences in the beloved yet notorioously buggy RPG. Some occurrences, while not technically bugs, are rare and unusual enough to create some hilarious or bizarre situations in Skyrim. One such unusual occurence happened during a quest for the Companions guild, "The Glory of the Dead", which has the player gather with their fellow Companions and other important citizens of Whiterun near the fabled Skyforge to attend the funeral and cremation of their fallen guild leader, Kodlak Whitemane.

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A Reddit user named Lovely-sleep captured the moment a dragon attack interrupted this somber moment. Lovely-sleep was witnessing fellow Companion member Aela the Huntress give the funeral rites, when the roar of a dragon could be heard echoing overhead. Chaos ensued as some Companions drew their weapons while other citizens shouted for help and ran, just before the dragon swept overhead and breathed fire on the group of mourners as it soared over the city.

Some users on the thread commented on how uncommon it is to experience dragon attacks in major Skyrim cities, rather than on the road or in the open wilds, with several claiming they've seen it occur only a handful of times during their thousands of hours gameplay. Users speculated that the anomaly could have been caused by mods, which are known to have unexpected effects on gameplay, but Lovely-sleep confirmed that they were playing unmodded, "vanilla" Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch. While the attack itself was seemingly not a bug, Lovely-sleep followed up that the dragon's unfortunate timing did cut the funeral short, glitching the quest—after fighting and killing the dragon, the Companions simply headed back to Jorvaskrr and did not continue paying respects to their fallen leader.

Despite its short duration, Kodlak's funeral was memorable nonetheless; one user jokingly commented that it was a funeral fit for a warrior, while another noted that a dragon attack seems like an efficient way to light the forge. With strange, mordibly funny Skyrim moments like these, it's no wonder that the game's popularity and entertainment value never seem to wane.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available on PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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