Despite being made by the same studio, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are different games in terms of their overall styles, so fans have been discussing which of these fictional worlds is better to live in. Both titles are among some of Bethesda's highest-selling releases, being part of two enormous franchises that have kept the Maryland-based developer in the AAA gaming spotlight for years. Each game has its own merits and while different people will have different opinions, there are plenty of pros and cons for being a citizen of either Tamriel or post-apocalyptic Boston.

One thing that many can be sure of is just how gorgeous Skyrim can be. It has a wealth of beautiful locations that, even though the game has aged over the past 11 years, are still a treat for the eyes. Of course, pretty sights aren't everything. There are numerous factors to take into account when deciding whether it's worth living in this cold province, or if it's best to try and survive in what Fallout 4 has to offer.

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That's the debate that's currently going on over on Reddit. Started by user mia67_, it's a rather interesting question that asks others whether it's preferable to live for a whole year in Skyrim or the fourth installment of Fallout. More than a thousand comments have so far been posted, and it looks as though the opinion is rather unanimous. As beloved as FO4 is, it seems that most would rather be a part of TES5, with users citing not only the beauty of the latter, but also the fact that the former would is far more dangerous. While Skyrim has dragons and other villains, Fallout 4's radiation-soaked atmosphere, not to mention super mutants littering the land, means that most users would prefer the chilly embrace of Tamriel.

However, in the Skyrim vs Fallout 4 debate, user hobgoblinghost takes some solace in the fact that if they die in Fallout's world, it would be a more "normal" death, not to mention that there are at least a few safe settlements. In any case, anyone reading or taking part in the discussion will have some idea of which fictional realm they'd rather live in, even if it's just for 12 months.

After all these years, it's good to see that Skyrim is still the subject of debate, and that Fallout 4 is also getting some love. The world may be ready for The Elder Scrolls 6 but for the time being, Bethesda's 2011 and 2015 epic action RPGs will continue to entertain fans for several more years to come.

The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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