Unlike most games, which fade from the forefront of public consciousness over time, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has remained a part of the gaming landscape since its debut in 2011. Over those 11 years, successive remasters, compilations, and ports, have all helped to keep Bethesda’s release in the spotlight. The most recent of which, SkyrimAnniversary Edition, ensures that the game is even accessible on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Whether fans are new to the game, or returning veterans, it’s important to have a handle on the in-depth RPG mechanics that define the experience.

Surviving the epic fantasy adventure that Bethesda has built Skyrim around relies heavily on the weapons and armor that players can uncover and craft. While the game’s longevity ensures there’s been some memorable pieces added to the experience over the years, the set that’s named after the series’ demonic villains is arguably the most iconic. Daedric armor and weapons are not only instantly recognizable by their inhuman appearance, they also happen to be some of the strongest items around. Requiring the physical heart of a Daedra and a hefty amount of Ebony Ingots to make ensures it's important for players to know what to prioritize.

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S-Tier Daedric Items

A Daedric Warrior Fighting Dragon

It’s easy to imagine when Bethesda designed the Daedric weapons and armor of Skyrim, besides aiming to make the set stylish, characteristics like power and resilience were at the heart of the process. When it comes to weapons, no melee-based Daedric tool embodies these ideals as flawlessly as the set’s Greatsword. At a base damage output of 24, and a weight of only 23, player’s will have a hard time building a more devastating weapon.

The Elder Scrolls series is renowned for its role-playing potential though, which is why the Daedric set has a stealthy option in the shape of its Bow and Arrow combination. Offering a lighter alternative that’s still powerful, the fact that the Bow and Greatsword both share an impressive resale value of 2500 gold, ensures that the pair are an S-tier match made in heaven.

On the armor side of things, the Daedric set is arguably the coolest in the game from an aesthetic perspective, to the point that it activates a 10% intimidation buff upon being fully equipped. It’s also by far the best heavy armor set in Skyrim with an overall armor rating of 144, and can be crafted with a Smithing skill of 90. Individually the torso-covering Daedric Armor and Helmet pieces are the pick of the bunch though, offering 72 base defense together, whilst also being the most instantly recognizable items in the collection.

A-Tier Daedric Items

Daedric Battle Axe in Skyrim

From damage output, the Daedric Battleaxe and Warhammer are the two weapons within the set that hit the hardest, at a base 25 and 27 respectively. However, their increased weight means both are far harder to use effectively within Skyrim, in comparison to the Daedric Greatsword. The Warhammer alone weighs in at a hefty 31 encumbrance score, which can make it hard to find situations within the game’s up close and personal combat won’t expose players to attack. Both are undeniably powerful weapons though, provided that players are willing to build a character's skills almost exclusively around them.

In comparison, the Daedric Sword is almost the complete opposite thanks to an encumbrance score of only 16, and a base damage output of 14. This lower damage score is offset greatly by the weapon’s faster swing speed, relatively cheap crafting requirements, and sheer versatility. It’s easier to envision a Daedric Sword becoming a staple of multiple play styles early on in Skyrim, and then remaining a dependable ally right to the game's conclusion. Pairing the Daedric Sword with the set’s Shield is also a solid option for players who are less invested in magic. With an armor score of 36, it’s hard to find a better craftable shield within the game.

B-Tier Daedric Items

The Daedric weapons and armor are some of the best in Skyrim
via Segment Next

Much like the Warhammer and Battleaxe, the Daedric Mace and War Axe are effective tools that are overshadowed by their lighter sword-based cousins. Unlike the aforementioned demonic weapons though, the damage gap between the Mace, War Axe, and Sword, is far lower. Two damage points separate all three weapons, which means it’s hard to recommend either over the cheaper Daedric Sword. That is, unless a player is attached to their admittedly impressive otherworldly designs.

Rounding out the set’s armor pieces are the Daedric Boots and Gauntlets. Despite being integral to the outfit from an aesthetic perspective, both find themselves in the B Tier due to the fact that they offer only 18 points of armor protection each.

C-Tier Daedric Items

skyrim daedric dagger improved via exploit

Due to the fact that Skyrim’s Daedric weapons and armor pieces are so imposing, it’s a little unfair to say that the set has a low-point. Technically speaking though, that accolade belongs to the Daedric Dagger. Even though the knife costs a single Ebony Ingot less than the Daedric Sword to craft, and outputs only a few base points of damage below it, the benefits of other items within the set makes it harder to recommend.

With a resale value of just 500 gold, it’s also far more profitable to invest a little extra in something else for dramatically better results. Assassin-builds enticed by a melee-based alternative to the Daedric Bow, would do well to seek out one of Skyrim’s quirky Daedric artifacts instead.

Skyrim is available now for PC, PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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