The Companions is one of the first factions that the player comes across in their playthrough of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. A group of warriors based in the city of Whiterun, the Companions have a long history, and the player can join their ranks to learn more about their turbulent past.

To join the Companions in Skyrim, the player must enter Jorrvaskr, the faction’s base in Whiterun, and then speak to their leader, Kodlak Whitemane. This will trigger the Companions questline.

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A Brief History of the Companions

Elder Scrolls Skyrim Companions Hall Jorvaskrr Interior Skjol In Hide Armor

Far back, during the Merethic Era, the first Nords of Skyrim (back then known as the Nedic people) migrated from the land of Atmora. There, they established a subterranean city that they called Saarthal. It was the first Nordic city in Skyrim and served as the capital of Nordic society in Tamriel. However, later in the same era, the snow elves in Skyrim would stage an attack on Saarthal, slaughtering every Nord in the city save for a few who managed to escape. This would later be referred to as the Night of Tears.

Little is confirmed about the Night of Tears and why the snow elves attacked the Nords. However, scholars believe that the Nords found something buried deep within Saarthal — a powerful artifact of unknown origin. The snow elves then learned of its existence and coveted it for themselves. Thus, the Night of Tears was the elves’ attempt to take the artifact. Skyrim’s College of Winterhold questline suggests that the artifact was the Eye of Magnus.

After the Night of Tears, the survivors fled Skyrim. Among them was the warrior Ysgramor and his two sons — Yngol and Ylgar. Upon returning to Atmora, Ysgramor called on the Nedic people to take up arms and seek vengeance for their fallen brethren. Many answered his call, forming an army known as the Five Hundred Companions. They then sailed back and fought back against the snow elves in Skyrim, retaking Saarthal.

After securing Saarthal, the other Companions broke away from the main group and explored the land of Skyrim. The most notable member was Jeek of the River, captain of the ship Jorrvaskr, who came across the Skyforge in Skyrim. The Skyforge is a mysterious forge that existed long before elven occupation. Jeek and his crew claimed it for themselves and eventually built a city around it — Whiterun. Jeek also repurposed his ship to create the mead hall Jorrvaskr, which is still in use as far as the Fourth Era.

With an official base of operations, the Companions of Skyrim grew their reputation as an independent mercenary group. They also made a rule about staying impartial in political matters, which made them appear as impartial warriors to the general public. Finally, the Companions were loyal to their leaders, otherwise known as Harbingers. The first two were Ysgramor and Jeek — native Atmorans. However, as time passed, other unlikely candidates managed to claim the title, including a Redguard, an elf, and a Nord woman.

Though later in the Second Era, the Companions guild of Skyrim would suffer from a string of unworthy and dishonorable Harbingers. In response, a man named Kyrnil Long-Nose “gathered the true hearts of the Companions in the wilds” and slaughtered the usurpers in Jorrvaskr. According to old records, this act restored the honor of the faction through blood. After, Kyrnil formed the Circle — a group of trusted advisors within the Companions who were to act as examples to younger members.

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Turning to Lycanthropy

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Sometime after Kyrnil’s radical course of action, the members of the Circle turned to lycanthropy. This change began with the Harbinger Terrfyg, who turned the members of the Circle to the “ways of the beast,” making them werewolves. As a result, werewolf Companions were unable to ascend to Sovngarde after death. Instead, they were pulled into Hircine’s realm of Oblivion — the Hunting Grounds.

It's unclear how Terrfyg managed this feat. However, the faction’s questline hints that it might have something to do with the witches of Glenmoril Coven. Sometime during the late Third Era or the early Fourth Era, the Companions entered a pact with the mysterious witches. This then made the members of the Circle werewolves, granting them the ability to change into a werebeast and superhuman strength. It’s believed that the Glenmoril witches also possess a cure to lycanthropy, but they guard this secret closely from the rest of the world.

The Companions in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Skyrim the Companions Guild

In The Elders Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the player can join the faction and become a werewolf as well. Though they will also learn that not everyone in the Companions is happy with inheriting lycanthropy. Kodlak, the current Harbinger of the Companions in Skyrim, is most troubled by his beast blood. He fears having to remain in Hircine’s Hunting Grounds rather than Sovngarde upon death. Thus, he seeks to cleanse himself of lycanthropy — something he now views as a curse.

Skjor and Aela the Huntress, however, are of the opposite opinion, believing the daedric prince’s realm of Oblivion to be the better choice of afterlife. Meanwhile, Farkas and Vilkas are yet undecided, but Vilkas is making an effort to stop transforming. By the time the Dragonborn joins the ranks, Kodlak is already planning how he might be able to get rid of his beast blood. As such, the Companions questline centers around helping the old Harbinger find his way to Sovngarde after his time in Skyrim.

However, the questline is further complicated by external forces, like the Glenmoril witches, who refuse to cure the Circle, and the Silver Hand, a group of werewolf hunters hellbent on wiping out the Circle. Unfortunately, Kodlak is killed before the player can acquire a cure, but his soul still ends up in Sovngarde after the Dragonborn defeats his wolf spirit. With a cure to lycanthropy available, some of the other members of the Circle then opt to renounce their beast blood. Further, with the current Harbinger gone, the Dragonborn is officially named the next in line.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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