
  • New players discovering the magic and charm of Skyrim for the first time are sharing their excitement with the gaming community, creating a comforting sense of constancy.
  • The College of Winterhold in Skyrim, a primary storyline with major lore implications, has been the subject of mod overhauls and remains a popular aspect of the game.
  • Skyrim's modding community has transformed the game, elevating the baseline experience and contributing to its longevity as a singleplayer title.

Whether its secrets are subtle or overt, Bethesda built Skyrim with plenty of detail in mind, as the College of Winterhold reacts to certain player spells even outside the introductory quest. With the recent release of Starfield, Bethesda gained a new wave of fans who fell in love with its special brand of sandbox experience, and it's quite probable that many of these players have gone to check out older Bethesda titles such as Skyrim. Given the numerous parallels between Starfield and Skyrim, the fifth Elder Scrolls installment is arguably the best follow-up for those who want more Bethesda gameplay after concluding their Starborn journey.

Whereas Elder Scrolls veterans have left few stones unturned during their countless playthroughs of Skyrim, these new players are discovering the magic and charm that once captivated the gaming community in 2011 for the first time. Though social media have evolved in the many years since, there is something rather comforting in the enduring constancy of players sharing their excitement with other fans, no matter how mundane their discovery may be in the eyes of an old-timer.

Skyrim Fan Still Has Their Receipt from 2011

On Skyrim's twelfth anniversary, a gamer online shares a cool image showing off their receipt for the game from its initial release back in 2011.

For DrailsAtrain, it was during the College of Winterhold storyline that they discovered something in Skyrim they'd never seen before: the ability to light the magical bonfires on the way to the college grounds. As part of a scripted sequence, Faralda lights these bonfires herself by using Magelight, a Skyrim spell from the Alteration school. However, for some reason, Faralda had failed to light up a bonfire during this particular playthrough, which prompted DrailsAtrain to take matters into their own hands.

Though it may not be as complex as the Arcane University in Oblivion, the College of Winterhold in Skyrim has frequently been the subject of mod overhauls, and it remains one of the primary storylines in the game with major lore implications. It brought the enigmatic Psijic Order into the spotlight, who had only been mentioned in past Elder Scrolls titles, yet never before seen. Given that some players haven't been able to replicate DrailsAtrain's success in lighting the bonfires, there is a possibility that the credit belongs to Obscure's College of Winterhold instead of Bethesda.

Skyrim's unprecedented modding community has completely transformed the game, and has arguably been a pivotal factor in why Skyrim has enjoyed such longevity for a singleplayer title. Though Bethesda established an impressive foundation that has (infamously) been re-released multiple times since, it should also be recognized how much Skyrim's mods have elevated the baseline experience.

With the next Elder Scrolls game in early development, players and modders alike are champing at the bit to see what the successor to the College of Winterhold will be, whether it ends up being the Mages Guild or even the Psijic Order. Regardless of what direction Bethesda chooses for the next adventure in Tamriel, hopefully the team's attention to detail will persist in the sequel.

elder scrolls 5 skyrim cover

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November 11, 2011