
  • Understanding the basics: Master Enchanting and Alchemy skills to create powerful potions and enchantments for maximum weapon and armor efficiency.
  • Craft Daedric armor and Dragon weapons: Smithing level 100 allows players to create the best armor and weapons in the game for maximum defense and attack benefits.
  • Choose the right perks: Invest in essential perks like Juggernaut, Matching Set, and Fists of Steel to maximize defense and attack capabilities in different warrior builds.

Being a Mage isn’t for everyone in Skyrim. Some players might just want to hit things with large clubs, swords, and shields. There’s no shame in wanting to become a warrior in Skyrim, and some may even say it’s more noble than the educated profession of a Mage. For those players looking for the best Skyrim warrior builds, they might be in luck to find one here, as these builds will blend the power of different weapons, armor, enchantments, skills, and perks to create a Skyrim warrior for everyone.

The beauty of Skyrim comes from the fact that not every playthrough has to be the same. The sprawling epic fantasy RPG gives players immense freedom in how they explore, converse, and fight. Some players might want to wield a giant battleaxe, whereas others, a sword and shield. Here are some of the best choices to become OP in Skyrim.

Understanding The Basics

Skyrim Arcane Blacksmith Skill Perk

Whilst most Skyrim builds can simply have players achieve the best weapons and armor in the game and go from there, the most efficient way to understand a build is through Enchanting and Alchemy Skills. With the blend of these two Skills, players can maximize the efficiency of their created potions and enchantments to make their crafted weapons and armor stronger in unimaginable ways. The true power of Skyrim lies within the absurdly broken damage and defense numbers that lie within Alchemy and Enchanting. An Orc or Breton is preferred as the race, but ultimately, it does not matter. The reason for these two races in Skyrim is because of the Breton’s resistance to Magic, and the fact that Orcs can activate Berserker Rage, which allows them to take half damage and deal double damage for 60 seconds. No matter the race, players should only invest in Health and Stamina equally.

However, to do the above, players are going to want to get their Smithing to level 100. This is because Smithing is the only way that players can craft Daedric armor and Dragon weapons, which are arguably, the two best sets of craftable armors and weapons in Skyrim that will see players reaping the maximum benefits of defense and attack. If that still doesn’t satisfy players, then they just have to remember how cool they look as the Last Dragonborn wielding dragon bone weapons and Daedric armor crafted from the hearts of Oblivion dwellers.

Alchemist and Benefactor are great Alchemy perks for those who just want to invest in the power of their stats for Health, Stamina, protection, and attack. Whilst Benefactor adds a 25% increased benefit at Alchemy 30, Alchemist can be upgraded a total of five times from 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80. These are not essential, but they will noticeably improve the stats of armor and weapons.

After Alchemy has been achieved, players will want to collect some Soul Gems to infuse their armors and weapons with greater power than they already had. To do this, players will want to reach around level 80 for Enchanting with the following perks: Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, and Corpus Enchanter. These will all increase the efficiency of new enchantments, as well as strengthen the core attributes associated with the enchantments that players will want, such as Health, Stamina, and Skill, providing their warrior class with the utmost damage potential.

Each of these builds will use Daedric armor, for it is the armor with the greatest defense. This means that players should craft Daedric armor once they have mastered their Alchemy and Enchanting skills, so they can provide themselves with the best available benefits. However, it’s also worth noting that since each build will use Heavy Armor, players might want to invest in the Heavy Armor skill for its perks. The following perks are essential:

Juggernaut: Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor. It’s recommended to reach level 50 which will be at Heavy Armor 80, and will increase armor rating by 100%.

Matching Set: When wearing a matched set of Heavy Armor, like Daedric Armor, players will get a further 25% Armor bonus, but they need to hit level 70 in Heavy Armor.

Tower Of Strength: 50% less stagger means players won’t stumble over the weight of their armor in a fight. It’s a level 50 unlock that is essential in getting the Matching Set perk.

Well Fitted: Level 30 unlocks a 25% armor bonus if the player is wearing head, chest, hands, and feet armor in the Heavy Armor category, further increasing defensive capabilities.

Conditioning: At level 70, Conditioning allows players to run faster and not consume as much stamina, since it’s like wearing nothing at all.

Cushioned: A requirement to unlock Conditioning, Cushioned unlocks at level 50 and gives players a reduction of 50% fall damage when wearing a full set of Heavy Armor.

Fists Of Steel: Not a great perk, but a requirement to unlock other perks in the Heavy Armor skill tree, Fists of Steel unlocks at level 30 and will provide players with greater strength with unarmed attacks whilst wearing Heavy Armor gauntlets; perfect for brawls.

The Armor For Each Build

skyrim daedric

For the sake of efficiency and the maximum amount of defense players can obtain through crafting, and without having to explore through individual dungeons and DLCs, it’s best that players craft a full set of Daedric Armor. Once crafted with the associated alchemy potions, it’s time to enchant, and the following enchantments will benefit from every piece of armor and jewelry:

Fortify Alchemy: Since there isn’t much to use on the Head, Fortify Alchemy is a great first choice to use, to create even stronger potions, and then fortify the rest of the enchanted armor and weapons.

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Fortify Health: Use on the Chest armor. It adds a great number of Health points as if the player has invested their level bonuses into health.

Fortify Stamina: Use on the Boots and Amulet/Necklace, as this will also increase the total number of points available in Stamina. Perfect for blocking, using heavy attacks, or running towards targets.

Fortify One-Handed/Two-Handed: Depending on the build, players will want to use their Gauntlets and Rings for this one, as it will increase the total damage they can deal with their weapons.

Fortify Block: An all-around good choice for shields. That is if players are using a sword in their build.

Absorb Health: Every weapon in the builds listed will use Absorb Health, as it will provide players with the Vampiric ability to steal health from their enemies, causing each swing to weaken targets, and reward the player with that damage as health, providing essential immortality to easily clear out Dwarven Ruins and more.

Classic Sword And Shield

daedric armor, shield and dragon sword

One warrior build in Skyrim that could benefit new players, and old, is the classic sword and shield. This valiant warrior wields a right-handed sword and a left-handed shield, allowing them to both swing and slash in attack and block all incoming damage in the meantime. It’s the perfect blend of counter-attacks, offense, and defense, all at the same time, and here’s why:

  • Can block any attack by raising the shield
  • Strong defensive capabilities
  • Quick one-handed sword means fast attacks

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To ensure the greatest set of weapons and apparel, as usual, the player will want to use Daedric Armor but Dragon Weapons. This means that a Dragon Sword is the best choice for players to use, along with a Daedric shield. Players will want to use the following Perks in the Block skill tree to ensure the best efficiency:

Shield Wall: This stat unlocks at 0/20/40/60/80 and increases the effectiveness of blocking up to 20%.

Deflect Arrows: Level 30 allows players to deflect arrows, great for overwhelming archers that could kill the player otherwise.

Quick Reflexes: Blocking during the commonly used power attack, this Level 30 perk means players can slow time to their advantage.

Elemental Protection: Level 50 gives players added protection against fire, frost, and shock damage by 50% when blocking with the shield.

Block Runner: The ability to move faster with a shield or weapon raised at level 70 is great for remaining an agile and moving target.

Shield Charge: Level 100 allows players to sprint with their shield up, and if they run into an enemy, the target will be knocked down and defenseless.

Disarming Bash: A 50% chance to disarm an enemy when using the Level 70 Disarming Bash perk.

These One-Handed perks will provide the best performance:

Armsman: Level up to 5 times from 0 to 80 for a total increase of 100% damage with one-handed weapons.

Fighting Stance: Level 20 provides power attacks at 25% less stamina.

Bladesman: Level 90 means players can have a total of 20% chance to deal extra critical damage with swords.

Savage Strike: Level 50 means players can deal 25% bonus damage when using a standing power attack, with an added chance to decapitate enemies.

Critical Charge: Sprinting towards a target whilst doing a power attack provides double critical damage.

Two-Handed Barbarian

daedric armor and dragon warhammer

One of the best builds in Skyrim for a warrior-type player is a Two-Handed Barbarian. This may come at the impact of speed, but the player will be a walking tank, and a powerhouse as they hit everything that seeks to cause them harm, all with added benefits:

  • Slow yet strong strikes
  • Great weapon reach
  • Mighty swings can damage multiple targets
  • Power attacks can stagger and near one-shot

With a full set of Daedric armor, the only thing that makes this build stronger is the Dragon Warhammer, a two-handed club that sees players wield a literal dragontooth the size of their arms. It’s massive, and powerful, especially with these Two-Handed skill perks:

Barbarian: 20% additional Two-Handed damage is provided with each tier upgrade of Barbarian, which can be leveled up at levels 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80.

Champion’s Stance: Power attacks with Two-Handed weapons will cost 25% less stamina.

Great Critical Charge: Whilst sprinting, a Two-Handed power attack will deal double critical damage.

Skullcrusher: Warhammers ignore 25% of armor, and increase to an additional; 25% with each rank. This stacks from Level 30, 60, and 90.

Devastating Blow: Whilst using a stand power attack, players can receive a 25% damage bonus and the chance to decapitate enemies.

Sweep: Using a sideways power attack with Two-Handed weapons can hit all targets in the vicinity of the player’s swing.

Dual-Wielding Expert

daedric armor and dual wielding one-handed maces

Another true champion of warrior builds is to unleash the inner savage, and to wield two One-Handed weapons at the same time to allow a flurry of attacks and a true mastery of blades and axes that would have opponents failing to even throw a hit due to the whirlwind of blades before them. This build can be great for a few things:

  • Two One-Handed weapons mean more damage
  • Power Stance attacks release a flurry of damage
  • One-Handed weapons are fast and reliable

Players will want to equip two Dragonbone Mace weapons, as these are the best One-Handed Weapons in Skyrim due to their ability to bludgeon, deal great damage, and look cool while doing it. These One-Handed perks will maximize efficiency with this weapon:


Fighting Stance

Bone Breaker: Upgradable three times from Level 30, 60, and 90, players can ignore 75% of enemy armor with each attack from a mace hit.

Dual Flurry: Dual-wielding attacks are 20% faster, and with the second rank at level 50, they have 35%.

Dual Savagery: Players can use a dual-wielding power attack to deal 50% more damage at Level 70.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 3, 4 and 5, and Xbox 360, One and Series X|S

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