There are many different ways to play Skyrim, starting with which race to choose at the start, and a recent discussion has been proving popular with fans as they debate which is the best one to play as in the Bethesda epic. Known for being an immersive open-world game, combined with deep lore and beautiful vistas, The Elder Scrolls 5 continues to leave quite the impact on the RPG genre, despite it now being more than 11 years old.

Beginning life in the mid-90s, The Elder Scrolls has always given players the choice of race, depending on what kind of playthrough they're looking for, as soon as they dive in. While the long-running fantasy series has always allowed people to customize their play style, it's no secret that a particular build can often influence the experience. For example, someone who wants to be a bit more of a brute with strong axe skills may favor an Orc character, while someone who wants prowess in magic may choose to be an Altmer.

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Given this, it's not surprising that Skyrim fans have recently been discussing which race they prefer when starting a new game. The Reddit thread started by user RickiestJohn simply asks which race people tend to play as the most. At the time of writing, there are more than 2,000 replies, with a lot of debate between commenters. For example, Kitwanorreen says they prefer "sneaking and bows," so they typically opt for a Wood Elf, while GRizzMang also chooses this race specifically when role-playing as a Druid.

User DWA824 says they love playing as a Nord, though they admit that this may make them "basic," while the OP of the thread says they play as a Khajiit a lot. When deciding which Skyrim race to choose, there are certain perks that can be taken into consideration. As an example, RickiestJohn picking a Khajiit means they will have Night Eye, the ability to see in the dark, which makes sense for a cat-like protagonist. However, it's not always about character advantages, as user GhostlyBlaze says they choose a race based on if they "look cool," referencing Argonians in particular.

After well over a decade, it's good to see that Skyrim players are still giving their hot takes on the game. The Bethesda title may have aged somewhat by this point, but there's clearly something about it that keeps fans talking. The near-endless amount of custom mods probably helps with the longevity as well.

The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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