Life as the Dovahkiin is a tiresome journey. The player must venture into caves to uncover some ancient artifacts or take down an entire castle of necromancers to prevent them from wreaking havoc upon nearby towns. Skyrim is an immersive experience that allows every player to feel in charge of their actions and truly build a whole new life in-game. However, with all the adorable little animals running around Skyrim, it was a shame that keeping a dog as a pet wasn't an option.

However, with the introduction of the Hearthfire DLC, players were finally blessed with the ability to adopt pets. From ferocious canines to docile little bunnies, here are the best eight animals in Skyrim that are fully available to keep as a pet – and not just as a follower.

10 Things Players Should Be Able To Do In Skyrim

Skyrim is a massive game that allows players to do a lot of things but there is some stuff absent from the title that we wish had been included.

Updated May 15, 2024, by Christine Mendoza: The Skyrim Anniversary Edition is now readily available, giving long-time fans yet another reason to revisit their second life as the Dovahkiin. While there were already so many adorable furry friends to choose from in the original iteration of the game, the "Pets of Skyrim" quest along with the Creation Club additions that have been included over the years, there are even more pet options than ever to choose from. Some animal friends are rather easy to come across in a first or second playthrough but there are a few adorable companions who can be left undiscovered. To help any newcomers or long-time fans of the game sort through all their options, a few more details (as well as new entries) have been added to ensure every Dovakiin gets the pet of their dreams.

16 Unnamed Dogs, Still Worth A Loving Home

Location: All across Skyrim

  • Level: 2
  • HP: 21
  • Stamina: 24
  • Magicka: 0
  • Soul Size: Common
  • How To Obtain: Inherited by previous owners

Certain dogs that can be found throughout Skyrim are without a name, simply having "Dog" as their identification when interacted with. However, these dogs are still domesticated, and while they don't bear a name, they still have an owner.

These unnamed dogs are sometimes found around towns or even found near bandits. The general rule is that an unnamed dog will only attack if its owner is also hostile to the Dragonborn; if not, then it will remain friendly. After interacting with the dog, the player can then tell the dog to follow them, recruiting them as an animal follower. When dismissed, they will return to their owner's location or wherever they were first recruited.

To adopt the unnamed dog, the player must bring the dog home. If the player has an adopted child in the house, they will then have the chance to ask the Dragonborn if it is okay to keep the dog. Hopefully, its previous owner is okay with the dog's new housing arrangements!

How Good Is An Unnamed Dog As A Follower?

The unnamed dogs of Skyrim are usually best kept as pets for the Dragonborn's children and nothing else. Their stats aren't particularly high, and they can begin to struggle after the first few hours of the game. Once the player levels up, the enemies do as well; however, these unnamed dogs' stats will remain permanently and not grow with the player like other pets do.

These unnamed dogs are domesticated and perhaps aren't used to fighting like other "war dogs" are trained to do. It's best to keep these furry companions inside rather than by one's side during a difficult dungeon.

15 Pincer, The Tame Mudcrab

Location: Current House (where a child resides)

  • Level: 1
  • HP: 5
  • Stamina: 25
  • Magicka: 4
  • Soul Size: Petty
  • How To Obtain: Random Event (after adopting a child)

If the Dragonborn has taken in a child, they may be able to take in this unique pet if their adopted child asks to keep him. In the vast world of Skyrim, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of mudcrabs that roam the wetlands. However, Pincer is the most special mudcrab of them all.

It's never revealed how these small random creatures end up crossing paths with the Dragonborn's children. Nonetheless, the player can welcome this mudcrab home, pre-trained and all. Pincer doesn't require any upkeep and will even follow the child around the house and wait in their bedroom while they're gone.

14 Stray Dogs, Faithful Found Family

Location: All across Skyrim

  • Level: 10-26
  • HP: 100-250
  • Stamina: 65-140
  • Magicka: 0
  • Unarmed Damage: 8
  • Armor: 0
  • How To Obtain: Found in the wild, random encounters

There are plenty of little stray dogs that wander around Skyrim, without a real owner or a cozy place to call home. While these pups don't seem to mind the life of a vagabond, the Dragonborn can recruit them as a follower and an extra pair of hands (or paws) to help during quests.

In order to win the trust of a stray dog, the player must first aid it in battle, defeating any enemies that the dog is being pursued by. After ridding of all the nearby hostile enemies, the player can then interact with the dog and tell it to follow them.

Best Pets in Video Games

There are many pets in video games that act as loyal companions to the protagonist. These pets are some of the best and most faithful in games.

To adopt the stray dog, the player must have already adopted at least one child. Upon entering the house, the child then has a chance to trigger a dialogue in which they ask the Dragonborn to adopt the stray dog as a pet.

How Good Is A Stray Dog As A Follower?

The stray dog differs from the normal "dog" in the Skyrim world mainly because of their stats. While the other unnamed dogs are just as cute and cuddly, the stray dog has much better stats when it comes to battle. This is likely due to the fact that these strays are not used to the cozy domesticated life and are more accustomed to fighting, and in the end, make for a formidable follower to keep around.

13 Skritch, The Hungry Skeever

Location: The Ratway

  • Level: 1
  • How To Obtain: Rescued and adopted during the "Pets of Skyrim" quest
  • Carry Weight: 40 (80 with Animal Pack equipped)

Skritch is found and adopted in the Ratways of Riften. He (real gender unknown) is the only skeever in all of Skryim to have a full coat of fur with no empty or bald patches, seemingly because of his previous caretaker. Skritch's previous owner was a pickpocket that initially caught him for food. However, he resorted to training the furry friend instead, in hopes he could be trained to distract any potential pickpocket victims.

How Good Is Skritch As A Follower?

Skritch is one of the few animals that can wear an Animal Pack, allowing him to carry a good amount of weight when used as a follower. However, he is listed as an essential follower and will not engage in combat to help their owner. Skritch can also be instructed to find any nearby food when told to. He also will periodically find food (either raw food or fully cooked dishes) on his own to help the player grab a quick meal during their journey.

12 Vigilance, A Loyal Canine Companion

Location: Markarth Stables

  • Level: 6-50
  • HP: 60-500
  • Stamina: 45-265
  • Magicka: 0
  • Unarmed Damage: 8
  • Armor: 0
  • How To Obtain: Bought for 500 Septim at the Markarth Stables from Banning

This adorable pup resides in Markarth. Vigilance is one of the coolest little canine friends, as he is essentially a mercenary for hire. Vigilance belongs to Banning, who runs the Markarth stables. Every time the Dragonborn decides to have this cute sidekick accompany them, they must commission him for 500 gold each time. This is a small price for a canine companion that can even level up with the Dragonborn.

For those players that found themselves too attached to Vigilance and are reluctant to let go, Hearthfire allows him to become a permanent part of the family. If an adopted child asks to keep Vigilance, the player can make him their pet. However, it'll forever be a mystery if Vigilance prefers his adventurous days as a war-dog or his cozy life as a house pet.

How Good Is Vigilance As A Follower?

While Vigilance is described as a "war-dog" good for protection and even has the ability to level throughout the game alongside the player, Vigilance stops leveling at 50. While he may be a great follower during earlier levels, it may be a good idea to keep him at home with the kids when dealing with higher-level bosses. In addition to this, Vigilance has been said to often run into battles, even when the player is in sneak mode, thus ruining any chances of getting in a stealthy sneak attack.

11 Arachnia The Frostbite Spider

Location: Cronvangr Cave

  • Level: 1
  • How To Obtain: Rescued and adopted during the "Pets of Skyrim" quest
  • Carry Weight: 20

While most frostbite spiders found across the land of Skyrim are brownish-red in color, Arachnia is blue. She (real gender unknown) is found trapped in a cage inside Cronvangr Cave. Her previous owner was a vampire naturalist that had used her for her venom and eventually learned to train her as well. She is stated to be rather intelligent according to her previous owner's notes/journal and can easily follow the player's commands after being freed from her cage.

How Good Is Arachnia As A Follower?

Arachnia cannot wear an Animal Collar or an Animal Pack, making her a less favorable candidate for a pack animal. However, her average carry weight is forgiven in favor of her ability to trap enemies. Although she is essential and will not directly attack enemies, she can be instructed to spin a web trap, causing her to place a large web on the floor that can briefly paralyze any victims. This plus her ability to provide venom on occasion makes Arachnia a good companion when facing multiple enemies at once.

10 CuSith & Garmr, The Trusty Death Hounds

Location: Castle Volkihar

  • Level: 5
  • HP: 121
  • Stamina: 114
  • Magicka: 0
  • Soul Size: Lesser
  • How To Obtain: Recruited in Castle Volkihar after transforming into a Vampire Lord

These death hounds originally reside in the Volkihar castle; a place unlocked in the Dawnguard DLC. In the war between Fort Dawnguard and Castle Volkihar, there are a few unique dogs that become available to the Dragonborn as a follower. If the Dragonborn indulges in their darker side and becomes a Vampire Lord, they will unlock CuSith and Garmr as animal companions.

Skyrim: 22 Most Powerful Bosses, Ranked

With all the DLCs included, Skyrim has tons of different bosses that are either surprisingly easy to defeat or annoyingly difficult to deal with.

As bizarre as it may sound, death hounds are eligible to be a pet in Skyrim. Like every other canine in the game, a child must be present when the dog enters the household and ask to keep it as a pet. Apparently, the children of Skyrim aren't fazed by CuSith and Garmr's demonic appearance.

How Good Are CuSith & Garmr As Followers?

These death hounds don't have the ability to level with the player but are still rather strong allies to have. These dogs are obviously quite intelligent as they have the ability to even send hired thugs after the Dragonborn if caught stealing something in Castle Volkihar! While they are worthy allies, the requirements to recruit them are strict; as if the Dragonborn is cured of their vampirism, neither death hound will agree to follow. It seems as if they are much too loyal to their Vampire Lords to defect to any other beings.

9 Sweet Roll, The Clever Fox

Location: Forest South-southwest of Half-Moon Mill

  • Level: 2
  • How To Obtain: Rescued and adopted during the "Pets of Skyrim" quest
  • Carry Weight: 20

Sweet Roll is a sneaky little fox that once belonged to an unnamed thief. Sweet Roll (according to the thief's journal) is a female fox that has an eye for shiny objects and led her previous owner to riches. She originally got her name from her love for the baked good, as the thief used a sweet roll they had to get into the little fox's good graces. After the player feeds Sweet Roll a sweet roll (of course), she immediately takes a liking to the player and can then be recruited as a follower.

How Good Is Sweet Roll As A Follower?

Sweet Roll cannot equip an Animal Pack due to her small size, so naturally she isn't fit for a pack mule. However, she can wear an Animal Collar, although it does not give Sweet Roll a buff and is purely for aesthetic purposes. She is listed as essential and will not attack nearby enemies.

Sweet Roll is fantastic at finding valuable loot; and when told, can bring the player weapons, armor, loot, or even gems. Sweet Roll, like the other pets found in the "Pets Of Skyrim" quest, will occasionally retrieve loot on her own and can gift the player rarer things such as jewelry or even soul gems.

8 Biter, The Affectionate Skeever

Location: Current House (where a child resides)

  • HP: 15
  • Stamina: 15
  • Magicka: 0
  • Soul Size: Petty
  • How To Obtain: Random Event (after adopting a child)

The average skeever in the world of Skyrim is neither friendly nor cute. However, Biter is truly one of a kind. He is another unique small animal that a male child can bring home randomly. Biter is a bit smaller than the average wild skeever and much more well-behaved.

This domesticated rodent will be welcomed into the household after a day an adopted son mentions that the little critter kept following him. If the Dragonborn agrees to keep him, Biter will display cute habits such as running to greet the Dragonborn's son when he returns home. He may even hop into bed to nap with them.

7 Kit & Vix, Gentle Fox Friends

Location: Current House (where a child resides)

  • Level: 2
  • HP: 22
  • Stamina: 25
  • Magicka: 0
  • Soul Size: Petty
  • How To Obtain: Random Event (after adopting a child)

For any Dovahkiin who makes it a point to rescue small foxes from attacking predators, Kit is a great fit for the family. He's a small (formerly) wild red fox that an adopted daughter may randomly bring home one day. Much like the other small critters, Kit follows its owner around the house. He even keeps them company (or perhaps guards them) while they sleep.

All Pokemon Based on Foxes

Foxes are beautiful yet elusive animals found in various climates, so it is no surprise that there have been plenty of Pokemon inspired by them.

For any fox lovers, there's yet another bit of good news is in store. Along with Kit, another variation of a fox pet is available called Vix. Vix looks identical to Kit aside from her color, sporting a white coat that contrasts Kit's bright orange one. Adopted daughters can take in this snow fox as well.

6 Thistle The Foraging Rabbit

Location: Alchemist's Shack

  • Level: 1
  • How To Obtain: Rescued and adopted during the "Pets of Skyrim" quest
  • Carry Weight: 5

Thistle is a small beige rabbit that is found in an abandoned alchemist shack. After bribing the little bunny with some carrots, Thistle will be available as a pet and an essential follower, meaning she (Thistle's canon gender is unknown) will not attack or be killed in combat. According to the alchemist's notes, Thistle's talent is foraging for ingredients when asked and will run off to grab nearby plant ingredients for food or alchemy. She can also wear an Animal Collar for added cuteness.

How Good Is Thistle As A Follower?

As Thistle is an essential follower, she will not help attack any enemies, so it's best not to bring her along for a big boss battle. However, Thistle is better suited for any routine runs or light adventuring and can be used as a follower alongside another pet. She cannot carry much due to her small size (and cannot be equipped with an Animal Pack) but has a dialogue option to bring the player a random valuable ingredient.

Overall, Thistle is a great companion, but better left to snuggle by the fireside and some hay at home.

5 Hilda The Pack Goat

Location: Rorikstead

  • Level: 1
  • How To Obtain: Purchased for 200 gold during the "Pets of Skyrim" quest
  • Carry Weight: 100 (140 with Animal Pack equipped)

Hilda can simply be purchased at the very beginning of the "Pets of Skyrim" quest. She can be found in Rorikstead with Halvar, her owner. After being purchased for a mere 200 gold, she will be recruited as a follower.

Hilda was previously Halvar's trusty pack goat in his younger days; now that he is older and wants to settle down, he has no use for her and wants her to continue her exciting adventuring days.

How Good Is Hilda As A Follower?

Little Hilda, being the pack goat she is, is great for carrying any valuable items the player may not have room for. She has a base carry weight of 100 but can equip an Animal Pack (as well as an Animal Collar) to further increase her carry limit. Hilda is essential and will not engage in combat when enemies are around. She can be instructed to wait or follow and can be recruited alongside another pet. In addition to her great strength when carrying items, she can also occasionally provide some milk for a nice drink after a long journey.

4 Bran & Sceolang, Canine Vampire Hunters

Location: Fort Dawnguard

  • Level: 10-25
  • HP: 100+(player level-1)x10
  • Stamina: 100+(player level-1)x5
  • Magicka: 0
  • Soul Size: Leveled
  • How To Obtain: Recruited in Fort Dawnguard after joining as a Vampire Hunter; after the completion of the "New Order" quest

Bran and Sceolang, despite their adorably fluffy outside, are fierce vampire hunters. In the Dawnguard DLC, these suited-up huskies can be found lounging around in Fort Dawnguard's dog pen. Sceolang and his buddy Bran are the only canines in the game to have a full set of armor, making them more resilient followers. Like Vigilance, the pair have the ability to level up alongside the Dovahkiin.

14 Best Dogs From Video Games

Dogs are animals with a ton of symbolic meaning. They stand for loyalty and friendship, which often makes them valued video game sidekicks.

After requesting either Bran or Sceolang's services, the player can take them in as a family pet if their child asks to keep him. Bran and Sceolang have known the art of vampire hunting all their life – who knows if they'll enjoy the break or prefer the thrill of the battleground instead.

How Good Are Bran And Sceolang As Followers?

These adorable huskies have the ability to level with the player and can adapt to more difficult enemies quite easily. Bran and Sceolang are the only fully armored dogs in the game, so their defense may have a bit of an edge over other animal companions. While their overall stats don't have any spectacular details that set them apart from other dog followers, they're both referred to as "war-dogs" and have been said to have received formal training to hunt down dangerous enemies (especially vampires).

3 Cotton Is Loyal, Sweet, & Cute As Can Be

Location: Current House (where a child resides)

  • Level: 1
  • HP: 5
  • Stamina: 25
  • Magicka: 0
  • Soul Size: Petty
  • How To Obtain: Random Event (after adopting a child)

Cotton the rabbit is a true treat for those kindhearted players. Yet another randomly acquired pet, Cotton is one of the cutest pets in all of Skyrim and can be taken in by any adopted daughter.

This adorable bunny not only follows its owner around the house but also lies down to take little naps throughout the day. If the child has some errands or decides to play outside, Cotton resides in their bedroom until their return. Cotton also seems to get along well with any other adopted pets in the household, like dogs, and will often lie down next to their animal buddy. This loyal brown rabbit is docile, kind, and the perfect friend for any adopted child.

2 Dwarven Armored Mudcrab Is Ready For Battle

Location: Understone Keep

  • Level: 5
  • HP: 125
  • Stamina: 25
  • Magicka: 4
  • Soul Size: Petty
  • How To Obtain: Purchased from Calcelmo

After exploring the ruins of Nchuand-Zel, Calcelmo finds a curious mudcrab that he then offers to sell to the Dovahkiin as a companion. The Dwarven Armored Mudcrab pet may seem a bit silly and out of place at first, but it begins to make sense after learning that it was made as a response to all the jokes made about the horse armor in Oblivion's DLC. This is one of the few pets in Skyrim that can actually be equipped with armor, making it a sturdy fit for the battlefield. This little mudcrab can act as a follower and can even be summoned via a teleportation spell for added convenience.

How Good Is The Dwarven Armored Mudcrab As A Follower?

The Dwarven Armored Mudcrab is essential and won't actually fight by the Dovahkiin's side when in combat. However, it is useful for other reasons. The armored mudcrab can still follow the player and carry any items up to the weight of 20. Not only can the little mudcrab carry any spare items, but it can also scavenge, occasionally bringing the player valuable items it finds, such as gold or ore. The armored mudcrab makes for a great follower, since it can still act as a follower even if the player has another pet already following alongside for adventuring.

1 Lonely Meeko Deserves A Loving Home

Location: Road South of Meeko's Shack

  • Level: 10-25
  • HP: 100-250
  • Stamina: 65-140
  • Magicka: 0
  • Unarmored Damage: 8
  • Armor: 0
  • Soul Size: Leveled
  • How To Obtain: Found near Meeko's Shack, South of Solitude; available for recruitment after interacting

On a path just outside the Solitude Sawmill, the Dragonborn can find this dog barking for help. Upon approaching him, he will lead the player to a place marked as "Meeko's Shack." Here, they'll find a deceased Nord and a journal entry stating that Meeko's owner had contracted Rockjoint and was worried about his dog's wellbeing.

Before Hearthfire, Meeko's tragic story had broken players' hearts. Although he was available as a follower, there wasn't any way to keep him at the Dovahkiin's house. After Hearthfire's release, players fled to lonely Meeko, waiting for their adopted child to request that he become part of the family. No matter how great all the other dogs are, Meeko was the first to truly capture many players' hearts. In giving him love and a comfy home, players finally gave the courageous dog the happy ending he truly deserved.

How Good Is Meeko As A Follower?

While Meeko is adorable and trustworthy, he may be best for keeping at home with any adopted children or reserved for lower-level enemies and bosses. Meeko's overall stats aren't bad by any means; however, his low armor rating may keep the Dragonborn worried about his well-being during every battle. In addition to his stats, Meeko is also specifically listed as an "unaggressive" dog.

However, his unaggressive nature goes out the window when in battle, as Meeko has the tendency to sometimes sacrifice his life for the Dragonborn and even accidentally trigger traps that lead to his death. It may be best to leave Meeko at home with the kids and allow him to finally have the cozy life and loving company he deserves.

Bonus: Stump, The Yappy Pup

Location: Wandering Riverwood, Near Sleeping Giant Inn

Skyrim Stump The Dog

  • Level: 2
  • HP: 21
  • Stamina: 24
  • Soul Size: Petty
  • How To Obtain: Adopted Through A Special Bug

Stump is a domesticated dog and is one of the few dogs in the game that cannot be recruited as a follower. Stump resides in Riverwood and belongs to a child named Frodnar and can even be conversed with if the player interacts with him (however, he only responds with playful barks).

Although Stump can technically be adopted as a pet in the game, it is only through a very specific course of events and a special bug that he has the chance of being obtained. If Frodnar's friend, Dorthe, somehow loses her parents, she will then travel to Riften to reside in the Honorhall Orphanage. If the Dragonborn then chooses to adopt Dorthe, there is a bug that causes Stump to follow her to the Dragonborn's house, despite Dorthe not being his owner. Perhaps Stump wanted to take care of Dorthe after he witnessed all the mean pranks played on the poor girl back in Riverwood!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

November 11, 2011
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks